Reviews for Blade and Feather
Cormag Ravenstaff chapter 1 . 11/28/2013
Awww that was cute. This pairing was great!
Hawki chapter 1 . 3/2/2012
-Don't know if a seperate spelling exists in another translation of the game, but "Ferghus" should be "Fargus" to my knowledge.

-Eliwood's Elite?

...think I'll stick with Lyndis's Legion. 0_0

-Good job in portraying Florina's character. I'd say you did a good job with Guy as well-his character probably isn't as fleshed out as hers over the course of 'Blazing Sword', but from what I remember of some support conversations, he does have a somewhat hesitant nature at times, and you conveyed it well.

-Overall, good job. I was a bit wary when I saw the pairing-I'm not opposed to pairings in fanfiction, but in a series such as 'Fire Emblem', with so many pre-determined pairing options, it often strikes me as redundant when one diverges from them. Still, I think you conveyed it well. Not an outright romance fic, but it worked well in the context of their respective personalities.
zeldamaster456 chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
I was reading through last year's Secret Santa contest, and I finally decided to review this. I read it before, but I didn't review it then, for some reason. :P

Awesome job! If only Guy and Florina could support... XD
Gigaremo chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
Consider this my new OTP. XD

Good job! :D
Guest chapter 1 . 11/14/2011
I feel kinda bad I didn't read the Secret Santa fics until now. Better late than never, right? Aww, the reactions between the two are very cute! I didn't think Guy would be so comfortable with Florina right off the bat, though. His supports with Pricsilla show him really uncomfortable and awkward... But that could just be Pricsilla. The battle scenes were written well, my only issue would be that it stayed too close to the game with "iron axe" and the like, but... Eh. And as others pointed out, you misspelled "Fargus". That aside, a great light-hearted read, and a good portrayal of a Florina/Guy romance blossoming. :)
Marius Sidorov chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
Guy and Florina - that is not a pairing you see everyday, and you did very well with it.

Guy's observation of Lycian speech etiquette was a nice touch; to someone from Sacae that would be strange and bewildering indeed.

This was a great read, very well done and detailed without going over the top. The one thing I would like to point out is the misspelling of Fargus' name - just a note for the future.

Once again, great work. I look forward to reading more of your work in the future.

Vanechka chapter 1 . 12/28/2010

That was so CUTE!

Well, I'd never ship this pairing, but this was really well written! So well, in fact, that I actually thought it would have been really really ADORABLE if it had been an official pairing!

Everything makes sense, contrary to what I would have believed between these two. the action was great and the intervention was so AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Okay I'm spamming now and not making any more sense. XD
Wyrmseeker chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
What can I say? I mean... There's just so much to love about this. The pairing is great; while Guy is fairly outgoing, he does exhibit a bit of shyness in his conversations with Florina, so I always wondered how they'd fit together. And you've put it all together with spot-on characterization and writing. I absolutely love the way you treat Florina; it always bothers me how she can kill hundreds of people in-game, but freeze at the sight of one man in a story. You address that quite well. And the way you address it is, to quote Kitten Kisses, "EPIC." It may sound odd, but your transitions are some of the best I've ever seen. Especially "After all, it couldn't hurt to see her fight, right?" to "She fought well." Just those two sentences give us a great idea of how Florina's doing, both objectively and in Guy's eyes. While the "eye contact" moment is a bit out of left field (something you addressed in the text itself), it was really inspiring, both in the way Guy was ready to leap to her rescue and in the way she managed to save herself upon seeing him. Speaking of which, I love the phrase "a shower of feathers," and how you use it later as "a small cloud of feathers." That's just a great visual; I could totally see Guy/the pirate standing there in bewilderment as feathers fall around him like cherry blossoms. Great imagery.

Am I praising this fic too much? Well, maybe. Maybe I'm so giddy about getting such an awesome present that I'm overlooking its flaws. So, I'd better find something to criticize. Hmm... Oh! You mispelled "Fargus." Three times, I think.

Seriously, that's the only thing I could find wrong about this. I could go on all night about how awesome this is and how grateful I am, but I'd probably pass out, so I'll leave it for now. As far as continuing the story goes, it's completely up to you; this provides sufficient frameworm to build a relationship on, but that means you can either stop it here, allowing the reader to fill in he gaps, or continue it yourself. So I'll trust your judgment; as much as I love this, I don't want to distract you from Wayward Son too much. Either way, this is fantastic work, and I hope someday I can give you a gift as great as this one.

Oh, and before I forget: I love the last line. A perfect coda to a wonderful story.