Reviews for Five Scenes on the Death of a First Lady
csiAngel chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
I love this! Thank you for filling in what we didn't get to see.
Clark-G chapter 1 . 5/12/2012
This is incredible. Can I hire you as my personal Nate/Sophie fanfiction writer?

In all seriousness, this is really good. VERY good. I'd really love to see some more Leverage stuff from you, if that's at all possible. I know how great a good review feels so I really wanted to take the time to comment on this story specifically. The thing with the blue drink: Adorable. Sophie being drunk in general was very well done and cute. There wasn't a moment that I considered OOC; you write the two of them very well.

For some reason, I'm really into Nate/Sophie right now and there's just not a lot of stuff out there. So to find this is truly a blessing. Please continue to write in some capacity. You've got a gift. N/S fanfiction, in particular, would be excellent. And you'll definitely have me as an audience. Good job.
Ree chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
ahhhh I've never read anything so in character. If you don't write a multi-chapter Nate/Sophie story soon I will find you like Liam Neeson and I will use my specific set of skills to force you to write a multi-chapter Nate/Sophie story like Kathy Bates in Misery. Also, it will be like some other movie too.

I realize you have a two-chapter story that I just reviewed earlier this evening and if you're planning on continuing that then cool. If not, please brain storm (or "brian strom" as I like to call it) and come up with a multi chapter idea. I will beta it if need be. Get this shit out. Chop chop!

All rudeness aside, you're talented and thank you for writing this. Good job.
Mochi-girl chapter 1 . 6/10/2011
This is a new fandom for me, and your story is a great way to start me up. I really loved it.
Kshar chapter 1 . 4/8/2011
I loved this. You have a great eye for details and the dialogue is perfect. I adore the way you write Sophie :).
greymind chapter 1 . 1/30/2011
Just reread this and love it even more. It's clever, fun and perfectly Nate & Sophie. Excellent work!
ellenripley chapter 1 . 1/6/2011
Excellent read. The voices of Nate and Sophie were true to character. This story could fit right into canon.

BTW, I miss your Leverage fics.
A. Windsor chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
Awesome post-finale fic! Love it!

I loved the exploration of what happened that night. #4 in particular was beautiful, painting it as a little more, at least, than just a drunken hook-up. Nicely done!
alinaandalion chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
Please excuse me while I grin like an idiot. Ack, so good.
Carlier36 chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
*giddy* I 3 everything about this SO SO SO much!
Lily in Wonderland chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
this is awesome :D