Reviews for Neighborly Secrets
Irual chapter 1 . 9/6/2011

I confess I read this the first time and didn't review...BAD me :) and I didn't realize that you had edited and reposted this. BUT I have to confess that I like this MUCH better. Binkie and Drake both seem to me to be very in character as do Honker and the other Muddlefoots. I am a devoted DW/DrakeX Morgana shipper and having her there made my day. I do wonder if you might continue this with an adventure that has Darkwing and Morgana in it since you have such a good grasp of them and stories with them are few and far between. anyways I have added this to faves and I appreciate your sharing this with us your friend and fan Irual
BeecroftA chapter 1 . 5/31/2011
Really good story, marvelously written with the characterizations to a tee. I laughed out loud at the part about watermelons :). I can easily picture a sequel of sorts to this, where Gosalyn finds her letter while looking for birthday presents or something. That'd be nice to see.
Yvi-sama chapter 1 . 1/6/2011
Sweet. Makes me curious for your other story
loonytunecrazy chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
Aw very moving and touching fic I ceretinly see Drake trusing the muddlefoots to look after gos if he can't very feel sorry for Dw and gos through and I wonder what happend to gos. Also exllcent insight in to Binke
Cheezey chapter 1 . 12/29/2010
I liked this. It gave a nice insight into Binkie's character and her thoughts on the family next door.
Atarah Derekh chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
"Drawn to the elegant piece, she fondly remembered hiding in her grandmother's wardrobe as a child, pretending to enter other worlds. Such childish nonsense."

Narnia reference! Although Binkie never struck me as being anything like Susan.

A nice little tribute to the Muddlefoots. Although it's a good thing Binkie isn't likely to make the obvious connection between Drake and Darkwing. Because I imagine she'd gossip about it all over town. Not that it matters. Negaduck already knows all about Darkwing's other life, and even as the leader of the Furious Five, he's never taken advantage of that knowledge for some reason. And Megavolt has a really bad short-term memory. Bushroot is too compassionate to attack Drake at home. And Liki...well, I can see Liki trying to "flush" DW out, but he doesn't strike me as the type of villain to go after someone's personal life. And technically, he does know where DW lives, having been a fountain in his yard in the past. The only one of the Five I can see taking advantage of the Mallards is Quackerjack. He'd pose the most danger if the news ever got out that Drake Mallard was Darkwing Duck.
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
This is quite a nice story. Excellent job.

Happy Holidays to you