Reviews for Nine Lives
Freya Annalise Malfoy chapter 5 . 6/28/2018
Great story. Thank you for sharing.
Snake-faced chapter 5 . 7/20/2016
Huh... I thought I was going to read some cutesy sebaciel story about Sebastian fantasizing about Ciel in kitty ears but no... no, it was a reincarnation fic. I usually try to avoid those but this was good. Nice story, good ending. :)
ofshoyos chapter 5 . 8/15/2015
The moment I read the first chapter, I knew that the story certainly drew me in. There are times when I felt quite irritated with Ciel and how he behaved— albeit, that is natural for me to do so— nonetheless, I admire how you pieced both Ciel's and Sebastian's character. In five chapters and skips of timelines, their character development from where they start to where they are now was astounding.

I applaud for you, it saddens me that this story didn't get as much reviews as the others. It truly is a masterpiece to be read. On another note, I fancy your way of writing as well.
Sinnder chapter 5 . 4/6/2015
Oh. .
Guest chapter 5 . 1/19/2015
MissMileyRaion chapter 5 . 10/16/2014
Wow. That was incredibly convoluted. I loved it. Ciel and Sebastian are totally going to get over their problems and live happily ever after though.
PandaEars96 chapter 5 . 2/17/2014
Type your review for this chapter here...
Kuro-Otaku292 chapter 5 . 9/16/2013
Omg tht was such a deep story please continue it
Star Fata chapter 5 . 10/3/2012
I'm very glad I stumbled on this fic. The idea that they just kept slipping by each other delights me.
xCielx3 chapter 5 . 8/2/2012
Really great storyline and it fits into the anime perfectly! I absolutely love the thought you put into this story. It is really very amazing. :3
soul eater crazy chapter 5 . 7/15/2012
that was the cutest ending ever loved the story
JezebelStrike chapter 5 . 1/8/2012
Wakarimasendesushita chapter 5 . 12/29/2011
I am utterly in love with this.

You did an amazing job on the whole story. The plot like a maze, filled with twists and turns that compelled you to keep reading. Your idea for Sebastian and Ciel to meet in the beginning as humans, with the reversed servant to master was very well thought out. I loved how you built up their relationship, it was really sweet and made you want them to get their happy ending, but even though they didn't the ending was short and sweet and well put together. It blended well with the actual ending of the anime. You grasped both Ciel's and Sebastian's personalities and did a great job sticking true to their characters. So thank you for writing this, you did a wonderful job.
Sony Boy chapter 5 . 8/2/2011
THis is an interesting idea and one filled with lots of twists.

Sebastian and Ciel have a long and well not nice history together. And now their stuck with one another, with no escape. Damn. Poor...well, I'm not sure who I fell worse for but still. D mn.

One thing I'm really confused on is that Sebastian believed that Ciel had betrayed him (in their first life) and then became a Demon because of that. And even now that he knows that's not what really happend he/they now 'hate' one another? Can not stand to be together forever? . Confused. Please clarify a bit?
Mademoiselle Eva chapter 5 . 7/7/2011
This was so cool! I love the idea, very original. :)

So, a friend of mine was wondering (her screen name is theslyknave if you want to surprise her by giving her the answer instead of me; she'd kill me, but it'd be worth it XD): she caught that Ciel had saved the rat from experimentation and immediately thought of Finny, and then figured links to Bard and MeyRin as well (a boy who couldn't fight vs. a soldier whose regiment was killed (or something like that) and a theif vs. an assassin, respectively). She wanted to know if that was deliberate, or if she just was reading too far into it.

(For a fun fact, this IS the same friend I converted to Grelliam, she's just being incredibly shy for no real reason. Apparently, if I know an author to a fic too, I have to be the one to review? Not sure how that works, but apparently it's a thing. XD)
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