Reviews for Not a Soap Opera
AgentKalGibbs chapter 1 . 8/14/2018
Oh yes! That was fantastic!
Gabiroba chapter 1 . 5/3/2011
This was very cute. I loved the interaction between them and the little soap opera story. It kind of reminds me of the angry warrior story from Star Trek Voyager... I'm a shipper there too so that's a good thing.

This is going into my favorites.
SGfan2000 chapter 1 . 3/21/2011
I really, really don't think tv Sam would even know what soap operas are on. I just have a very hard time believing Sam watching soap opera and reading trashy romance in the 7 minutes of spare time she has between saving the world, reverse engineering alien artifacts, babysitting infatuated scientist, upgrading the gate, diagnosing and troubleshooting the gate, helping with new earth-alien hybrid spaceship designs, programing code, galavanting all over the galaxy, polishing her p-90, upgrading her beloved motorcycle, etc. etc.
dpdp chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
Lovely and very sweet.
BettyHall223 chapter 1 . 12/25/2010
Really enjoyed this.
MuseUrania chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
This was interesting, and well written.
Devilish Me chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
Me lovz it! :)