Reviews for Suspended In A Compromise
Ishtar205 chapter 1 . 5/3/2013
Thanks for that ! Was a little heartbreaking, but I like the last line
pyrolover3 chapter 1 . 8/30/2012
Loved it!
mb64 chapter 1 . 8/22/2012
Another angsty yet wonderful story. Very nicely done.
casammy chapter 1 . 1/7/2012
This it is the sammy's most odious thing, always it goes out running what he him does not please or makes him annoy or he scares it, instead of remaining with dean and to solve it together
twilightmecrazii chapter 1 . 11/9/2011
Loved it a tad sad but really freaking hot
mjlove1 chapter 1 . 8/2/2011
God you are simply KILLING me with all the amazingness! its almost 3 am and i have to work all day tomorrow and keep saying "just one more" seriously capture the boys love so beautifully, as well as their passion and yes,...their angst! lol. i so love Dean in the vulnerable, innocent position (not just the know what i mean tee hee) and they truly are amazing together! another wonderfully written story! now i need to sleep for REAL before my eyeballs fall out due to your wonderful stories!

Luke's Momma chapter 1 . 5/28/2011
A vunerable Dean makes this story even more poignant. The mutual love they have for one another is tangible and made my heart ache at times.

Another totally beautiful story.
BlackBeautyQueen33 chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
awesome! Really really great! Honestly don't know what else to say other than you are really talented.
brie630 chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
Ok, first of all. How the hell did I miss this? I am such a bad friend. *shakeshead and blushes*

Ok, now that that's outta the way. God, way to confuse my poor little brain. The boysex is hot like woah but then there's all the angst that is season 1 and this episode. Not sure whether to be turned on or crying. It's a confusing sensation. But you tend to do that to me a lot. D But it's ok cause we both know I love the angst. LOL.

It's sort of a nice metaphor for Dean himself – that perfect harmony of hard and soft; ruthless hunter and devoted big brother, leather-wearing, gun-wielding, ass-kicking Dean, who, in the safety of a dark motel room, is subsequently capable of so much love and tenderness

that it takes Sam's breath away.

Dude? That? So true it's freakin' painful.

Seriously loved this, my dear. 3
WrenWing chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
Wicked awesome story! Extra hot bits and loved Dean being worried about Sam leaving. Funny how Dean doesn't consider how things would change if their Dad was with them again. Great ending...cliff hanger by chance? Very merry Christmas to you, and thanks for the hotness/angst/bottom!Dean/schmoopy goodness. And yes, that is the true meaning of Christmas!
Stealth Nugget chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
Okay so... I've just melted into a pile of fangirly goo. I am writing this from beyond the grave. Hnnng. :P~

I'm kind of at loss for words. In my head I'm all like guhfucksohotIcan'tevencomprehendwhatsgoingon... Congratulations, Andie, you have succeeded in making me aroused.

*skips off to read the next story*


Twinchester Angel chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
Ok, apparently I wasn't signed in when I left my review. Ooops! I wasn't trying to be sneaky or lurky or secretive or anything. LOL Hey, again, great story! But read the last review. That was from me! Thanks again sweetie! You're awesome. *hugs*
Guest chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
This is what addiction is. Is this what addiction is? It has to be. I just cannot get enough of your stories, your schmoop! Your schmoop is so incredible and so unlike anything I've ever read that somebody needs to invent the most delicious ice cream flavor ever just so it can be named Paperstorm's Schmoop. Oh and holy hanna girl, your angst? So angsty and sad and powerful and so damn perfect that I just can't stop! Someday Paperstorm's Angst is going to be a metaphor for having an addiction that is impossible to get rid of. People will no longer say "I have a monkey on my back" and instead will say "I'm suffering from Paperstorm's Angst and it's the sweetest suffering I've ever had!" *giggle* Ok, now that I've explained that, I have to tell you that after reading that hawt hawtness, I had to run out into my back yard and throw myself into a snowbank just to put out the fire. Damn girl! Just when I think you've outdone yourself, you write more and...well, I'm still fanning myself even though it's December in North Dakota. *happy sigh* I love love love this! The conversation they have in Shadows has got to be one of the most Wincesty conversations of the series and I'm sooo glad you snatched it up and worked your magic with it! I love the reasoning you give Sam for not wanting things the way they used to be. Being the baby of the family I can totally relate to where Sam's coming from. When I go home this week for Christmas, it's gonna be fun but instead of me being a grown woman with teenaged children, I will be treated as the little girl that no one takes too seriously. They just smile and giggle and say "oh, isn't she cute?" And it doesn't matter if they really act that way or not, it's what I feel when I'm with them. It's the family dynamic and that's just the role I've been given. Same with Sam, Dean, and their dad. It's so difficult, even under the best of circumstances, to change your role and they are definitely not under the best of circumstances. Loved the line "I don't want him dead is not the same as wanting to live with him" That perfectly sums up Sam at that point in his life. Oh, and the million little things? If I was a double scoop of Paperstorm's Schmoop, I would've melted into a puddle on the floor. So sweet and heartwarming. And Dean's declaration of being IN love with Sammy? I think I had as many goosebumps as Sam. And of course Dean follows it up with a smirk and a girl-parts comment. That was just beautiful. Thank you sooo much for this truly awesome Christmas present. How did you know what was on my list? I'd tell you to keep your eyes on your own paper but I'm just sooo thrilled you peeked! Thank you thank you! I've missed you! :) I hope you have a wonderful and happy holiday! Stay warm! With this story in my hands, I know I won't have a problem staying warm. LOL *enormous protective comforting Sammy hugs*
Barranca chapter 1 . 12/21/2010
Dean has built such a wall around himself it's painful to see him thinking he needs to keep on sacrificing his wants in favour of Sam's. He's joking about Sam going to college and visiting him there as his boyfriend while hurting at the thought of being left behind again. I love the tenderness you have written into their relationship and how Sam is also insecure and in so much love with his brother.
TheGirlInThePinkScarf chapter 1 . 12/21/2010
*Wipes tears*

How sweet! :)

I really love sentimental Dean and this was just really sweet and amazing.
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