Reviews for The Lost Night
AdmireFromAFar chapter 54 . 1/25
Hi Lyra!

I re-read this fic again, and the feels still the same like the first time i read it, or way more intriguing. I'm still waiting for this fic, you know that kind of feels like i want to know more about the stories the plots the feelings and all about this fic, but at the same time i don't want it to end to soon. You know like I'm open to a long story-more chapters ahead. I don't mind waiting really. But i also wanted to see how this gonna end. How you gonna wrap all those stuffs going on in this fic, what's gonna happen with Killua and Gon, or Killua and Yuki, or the story itself as a whole, I wanted to know it so bad, in a state like I can't even force you to write even if i was so desperate about the story, but I just can't.

Just take your time Lyra.

ps: hey, tmblr was taken down in my country so yeah i couldn't write to you and vpn kinda risky for now so yeah, this is my way to say HI and encouraging you (if u need) and all.
NoodlePooh chapter 46 . 12/5/2019
Oh. My. God.
NoodlePooh chapter 41 . 12/3/2019
I love how detailed the plot is, I came into this story expecting it to be just a romance with some bumpy roads and stuff but u got a full story that seemed like it took research to come up with a story so interesting:) great job!
NoodlePooh chapter 35 . 12/2/2019
Great chapter
NoodlePooh chapter 34 . 12/2/2019
My heart ~
NoodlePooh chapter 33 . 12/2/2019
NOOOO UGJ I liked jei
NoodlePooh chapter 32 . 12/2/2019
NoodlePooh chapter 27 . 12/1/2019
UGH I JUST WANT THINGS TO GO BACK TO NORMAL :,(((( but nice chapter :)
Guest chapter 25 . 12/1/2019
Woah u executed that beautifully. :,)
Guest chapter 24 . 12/1/2019
I really hope that this whole spat won’t last long I know in real life it would probably super tough to get over ur boyfriend murdering ur family. But I feel like after everything they went through and as understanding yuhi is I’m just praying they get over this, so I can have happy butterflies in my tummy again :) nice writting tho I must say
Guest chapter 22 . 12/1/2019
I need a freaking killua in my life ugh
Guest chapter 12 . 12/1/2019
Guest chapter 8 . 12/1/2019
Ugh ur writing style is so good :,)))
Guest chapter 1 . 12/1/2019
I can already tell how good this is gonna be :))
Guest chapter 54 . 11/22/2019
I faintly remember reading this when I was in high school or in my early semester of college, and now I’m already a working girl! I love that not only I’m growing up with HxH, but also with this beautiful story, and Yuki and tln!Killua.

Disclaimer: I’m not really good with words so this review may be a little bland and rusty. Lol.
I think what I love the most about your story is how much work and thought you put in it. Like, you’re not just writing a fic, but you’re writing a HxH fic. Your story has fighting scenes, plot twists, betrayals and friendships, and what I most adore is: your own nen ability. I mean, how super is that?!

Lastly, I’m sorry that I have been reading this story since years ago but only now I’m writing a mere review for it. I love this story, I love everything about it, I love Yuki, I love you 3
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