Reviews for Love the Way you Lie
A Simple Cactus chapter 47 . 4/12
Okay wait I just realized...also, *spoiler* for anyone who hasn’t read the whole thing yet

Angela’s Ashes. (It’s the title of an amazing true story that was a book and has a movie btw about the hardships of a poor family).
audreyships chapter 47 . 3/9/2019
I wished you did a Dally POV! Wouldn't that be great? We all know what Danni's emotions and thoughts are but what about the tough boy who hasn't learned to love?
audreyships chapter 1 . 3/9/2019
! Like the first chapter... you wrote it well :)
Guest chapter 47 . 10/7/2016
I've re read this story so many times! It reminds me of "Robbers" by The 1975, (I know it's based off LTWYL anyways but ya know) and I love the dynamics of Danni and Dally's relationship. You've portrayed the relationship ins very realistic way, and you're an extremely talented writer! :)
Kimkando chapter 47 . 3/11/2016
FranceskaHale chapter 47 . 3/2/2016
Well I did it, I reread the first book again. You are beyond talented and I adore you. This story continues to linger in my mind long after I finish the last chapter and i am completely in love with it. I very much enjoyed it and was I moved, entertained, touched and again I just completely fell in love. You write Dallas Winston so perfectly and manage to keep him in character while at the same time give him character development and a romance which sadly very few writer seem to be able to do let alone do as well as you. Danni is a breathtaking Oc that I root for, relate to and love. You do complete justice to the original story of the Outsiders and expanded on the world and characters wonderfully.
FranceskaHale chapter 46 . 3/2/2016
Nearly finished rereading the first story again loved every second of it.
FranceskaHale chapter 45 . 3/2/2016
You do a very good job of writing sex scenes, it's something that doesn't always get done well in fan fiction but you are a pro.
FranceskaHale chapter 44 . 3/2/2016
This is a very well done ending to the chapter.
FranceskaHale chapter 43 . 3/2/2016
Well done can't praise you enough.
FranceskaHale chapter 42 . 3/2/2016
Haha Gotta love Two-bit don't you?
FranceskaHale chapter 41 . 3/2/2016
Poor Angela she didn't deserved what happened to her, and poor Tim.
FranceskaHale chapter 40 . 3/2/2016
Love the song. This is a wonderful chapter.
FranceskaHale chapter 39 . 3/2/2016
Love this chapter so much. You create such tension.
FranceskaHale chapter 38 . 3/2/2016
Perfect chapter with perfect writing.
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