Reviews for How Do We Take Our Path to Happiness
TinaF chapter 26 . 8/3
Loved it!
ObsidianDraconis chapter 26 . 4/2/2019
I get being frustrated with a fic. Thanks for wrapping it up nicely. Sad they went to prison but at least it wasn’t for long. I have to say, as much as you may have come to hate this fic I really enjoyed it for what it became.

Now, I have read all your completed Bella/Paul fics. I’m on a kick of them so I just want to read these but I’ll get to your others eventually. I see it took you a while to finish this one so I’m hoping that means your incomplete fics will eventually be finished. Unfortunately, I no longer read incomplete fics for this very reason. I may have hope for completion but I don’t read them just in case the fic is abandoned. Nothing personal, I’ve just been burned to many times by a good fic that an author never completes. Your stuff is good. I’ve really enjoyed it and I’m hoping that you’ll see this review and hear it. As a fellow writer I know it can be upsetting to get crap reviews (I saw a couple on this one) and make you not want to write anymore. I also know what it’s like to lack the time. Just know that your stories are fun, and written well, and that I—for one—hope you complete them some day. :D
ObsidianDraconis chapter 25 . 4/2/2019
So not younger, older. How sad. But it isn’t a new story. Many girls from those days had that happen to them, all over the world.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 23 . 4/2/2019
Only people that make sense are the cops from Clallam. The way the person “spoke” I got a male vibe. He also sounded disgusted when saying Native, so I’d say he’s white. I don’t think it’s Emmett, I think actually think maybe he’s Bella’s little brother. I think Reneé might have been pregnant when she left and yeah Paul needs to get to the bottom of that shit and Bella needs to not be so stubborn. She can learn the truth and still hate her mom for leaving, it isn’t a black and white thing Ffs. But I think it’s Ruiz. He’s had a hard on for the club for a while now, and we know how he feels about Bella and he’d be pissed about his job and shit. Kinda glad Sam dropped Rose, I think he needs to play the field a little.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 21 . 4/2/2019
I don’t think I like that Emmett looks familiar, it’s a little freaky. Why would he look familiar? Why would she? Especially if they’re never met one another? Who is the chick he followed? And who broke into the house? Ruiz? Kaciee? Collin? Is Quil out of the hospital? Or could it be someone else? I don’t like this at all. Something bad is coming and idk if everyone is going to come out unscathed.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 20 . 4/2/2019
Hmmm, wonder what Charlie is talking about. Though frankly his past with Reneé shouldn’t interfere with his future. I think he should give Kay a chance. I’m wondering if the girl Emmett chased us Rose and if maybe she’s still hung on him or something? I know one thing, she isn’t AB material and I’m not even sure if she should be with Sam. He doesn’t need another Emily.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 19 . 4/2/2019
Oh I hope Emmett isn’t an undercover or something trying to take down the club. Also, Charlie reminds me of Unser, the cop that helped the club and looked the other way in Sons of Anarchy. Lol
ObsidianDraconis chapter 17 . 4/1/2019
Collin is an idiot.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 16 . 4/1/2019
Good to know Rose is going to be a friend. They may just need her. As for Claire, she needs to wake up. Her husband is awful, he’s corrupted their son, and if she doesn’t do something for herself soon she may never be allowed to know either of her grandchildren. Let’s hope learning all of that has woken her up at least a little. Loved the proposal, very them.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 15 . 4/1/2019
Whew! Lawyer Jasper is just yum! Rose is a typical bitch, but idc if she’s related to Jasper or not, you don’t go after another woman’s man. Period. So I think if Bella ends up having to kick her ass, Jasper will just tell Rose she should have left things alone. Lol. Ruiz is an idiot and he’s going to get himself fired or something. Matthews almost seemed as if he was just along for the ride and annoyed that Ruiz wouldn’t back off.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 14 . 4/1/2019
Glad they didn’t kill them, just wouldn’t want it on their conscience. Man that Quil is a piece of work. And Collin wasn’t much better. Oh well, at least Quil won’t be poisoning any kids he has with a legit wife
ObsidianDraconis chapter 12 . 3/31/2019
I have a bad feeling Quil is going to try and hurt Charlie. They need to get this done soon. Whatever it is they’ll do. Can’t believe he has another kid. Makes me wonder how many of those other girls Bella chased off might have also just been trying to tell him they were pregnant. He’s a world class fuckwad
ObsidianDraconis chapter 11 . 3/31/2019
Killing them would be the best way to keep their mouths shut. No way those two don’t try to pin it on the pack, with or without proof. But do they really want that on their conscience? From the way it’s made to sound, any illegal activities they’re doing are low key. Murder isn’t low key.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 10 . 3/31/2019
Oh this just gets better and better. Quil knocked up Emily, Collin fucked Leah. They’re both gonna wish they were dead. What exactly is it that the MC does anyway, if they aren’t doing anything illegal? Just their jobs and kinda community service? We know Jake and Paul have the auto shop. Seems Jared and Sam do roofing? Or maybe construction?
ObsidianDraconis chapter 9 . 3/31/2019
I think baby daddy is Collin. I can’t wait to see what these boys have in mind to fuck Quil over!
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