Reviews for Atlantis
Valery HS chapter 19 . 5/8
I loved the whole story. But the only thing missing was a little romance between cedric and harry is that sometimes they seemed like friends more than anything else, but they were king and consort. I wouldn't know it was even weddings. when they were distinguished from friends to boyfriends is when they said love or when Harry defended it very rarely they were affectionate (in the whole story there were 2 kisses on the mouth, 1 on the cheek, 3 hugs and 2 before saying they were a couple ). sorry some things were misspelled
Valery HS chapter 20 . 5/8
I loved the whole story. But the only thing that was missing was a little romance between cedric and harry is sometimes they seemed friends than anything else but they were king and consort I would not know that they are skeleton or wedding they had how much they were distinguished from friends to boyfriends is when they told each other love or when Harry defended him very few times they were affectionate (in the whole story there were 2 kisses on the mouth, 1 on the cheek, 3 hugs and 2 before he said they were a couple).
Kris chapter 1 . 9/11/2019
The letters from Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all sound like they were written by the same person. Consider varying your writing style for each letter so that each sounds true to the character. While Hermione's would be more formal, Ron's would be highly informal (unless Hermione dictated it). Ginny's would probably fall somewhere in-between the two.
Blufox03 chapter 1 . 3/22/2019
I really hate to be picky, but if Harry can see the thestrals who did he see die? If Cedric and Sirius are alive then I'm unsure, unless you mean his parents
lilyflower50 chapter 13 . 1/1/2019
I would love to know the name of the song you had Bellatrix sing
ShadowTomes chapter 4 . 9/12/2018
This is good and all but you get to this chapter and it's like BAM, Harry and Cedric love each other. There was not build up, no hint that their relationship was anything but friendly. My point is that it was very abrupt and unexpected.
Loveless Demon chapter 3 . 5/7/2018
*collapses from the bullet shaped story-bombshells that were just fired at me* Holy mother of glorious Poseidon...*dies*
Loveless Demon chapter 1 . 5/7/2018
Oh I want to kiss and hug the Diggory's and all the people who remained so loyal to him. He's done a lot for everyone and doesn't deserve unnecessary trouble.
balrogtweety01 chapter 20 . 11/27/2017
This was one fantastic story. You have a writing skill that even surpasses mine. It is a great honor. Keep up the wonderful stories because I will keep reading them and putting them in my favorites.

Thank you.
andjelija.nenic chapter 14 . 11/12/2017
Update more chapters about this story,because it's the best,extra and the great story that I was reading about it,and I am also starting to love and to like reading to this story. So can you please write more chapters,because I want to know what happens in the next chapters about it. THANKS SO MUCH FOR WRITTEN TO THIS STORY,thanks so much about it.&&&£££%%%$$$
Charlotte chapter 20 . 7/30/2017
Even though this story is fantasficient , I am a little sad that they died,. But we'll done
kevin klingner chapter 11 . 1/23/2017
a great story .nut watch thee spelling ie; instead of lied which means speaking an untruth in the past tense with the personal pronouns he,she,they,etc. the word needed is the past tense of the verb to lay ie:he laid etc:.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/20/2016
I enjoy reading your stories. They are unique and interesting.
I have one small critique, however. The phrase 'and such' tends to be morbidly overused. And usually in a jarring, lazy, 'oh well' way. Up to Chapter 2, I have already encountered it at least twice. A previous story of yours had the phrase so often that I nearly gave up.
That's a very small critique, overall. I do truly enjoy your talent.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/20/2016
Just a thought for the dialogue- maybe use contractions when 'saying' things? If you continue to say "I am... You are... He is..." the dialogue gets repetitive. Maybe switch up the sentence structure too. I read somewhere that it helps to say the words out loud to see what fits. No one never uses contractions, even adults, even Snape. Sorry, this is a minor thing, but sometimes I get hyper-sensitive to things like this that I can't enjoy the story anymore. Still, the fic is really good- better than anything I can write, definitely! :)
The Broken Rose chapter 20 . 5/25/2015
so decided to review so you can have a slight laugh(if not more then slight).

First off Love the story and how your ideas worked. I first read it several years ago... However here's the laugh... I forgot which site i had read it on, and spent the past two years searching aff for the story thinking that's where it had been. Got bored and went thru my favorites list and what do you know, there's the story I've been trying to find for 2 years.
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