Reviews for The Case of the Santa Claus Strangler
uckc chapter 10 . 10/20/2014
I really enjoyed this story! I am so glad I found this fic, as I have been craving well-written M/D fics since I watched the second movie.
Guest chapter 3 . 9/6/2014
I hate Katie
Guest chapter 10 . 6/15/2014
whats the next story?! this was great
NJHarris chapter 10 . 2/16/2014
What a great way to end a great story! I've gotta say, this is possibly my favourite chapter in this story. Sometimes, you don't need the ass kicking action courtesy of Dave and Mindy, all you need is a wonderful moment that captures exactly what makes these two click.
As soon as Dave opened his gift, revealing 'Big Daddy's' costume further demonstrates how much Dave means to Mindy. That he's the only person she can trust to continue her Father's legacy. It shows that she wants their partnership to last, until they're no longer able to fight crime. For Dave, there is no way he could turn that opportunity down. He's not prepared to left Mindy fight alone, he will always be by her side, in and out of costume...Forever.
What followed, is exactly what I wanted to read. The moment when both Dave and Mindy both realise the feelings they have for each other. Even though they're trying to suppressing their feelings, Dave especially, they both know that they cannot be without the other. If they were to see the other with another person, even though they want them to be happy, is not what they want. As much as they value the friendship they share, which is an incredible bond in itself, they feel as though they want more. But they don't want to say or do anything about it...yet.
Now, I cannot wait to read the moment where they finally let their true feelings out. It's going to be another great moment, I know it!
You even manged to have a conversation between Dave and Katie. From their break-up I could see them remaining friends, because Katie knew that Dave was never going to give up what who he was and accepted his choice. I'm glad that was how you chose to portray Katie in your story.
Loved your own 'Let Me In' fic reference! As soon as Katie mentioned "Wolf Creek, Montana" I went complete fan girl, which is odd considering I'm a guy. Haha but there you go!
A fantastic way to end your story. Loved reading it! Cannot wait to read what other adventures you have in store for our Super Duo.
NJHarris chapter 9 . 2/16/2014
I love how the 'Kick-Ass Comic' backstory sounds just so awful, haha! I mean Kick Ass as a spoiled rich kid, who finds out his father was a mobster and decides to fight crime instead. It's so hilariously awful, that that's the kind of thing people would come up with, because it almost cashes in on Batman (the rich part at least). With Kick Ass and Hit Girl as partners, it's no surprising she was added the comic.
But Mindy certainly hates her comic incarnation a lot more than Dave does his own, haha! Then again the depiction of Hit Girl, just like Kick Ass, is just as awful so it's no surprise she doesn't like the idea of it. The fact she's taken it to heart is what's surprising. I wouldn't have expected something so insignificant to who she is, to have affected her this way. The dream she had certainly appears to have triggered her reaction a little, because it's so far fetched what's going on in the comic. Yet when Dave hugs her, once again she's flooded with her "tingly" sensation. Even though the comic is wrong, what Mindy's feeling is very real. After he dream, and Dave's "electrifying" hug, she may now has some idea as to why she feel so good when she's with him.
Mindy's outburst in the alley is enough to how just how much she cares for Dave. That behind her strong, stubborn and crude exterior, is someone who has only two people in the world that mean more to her than anything. So seeing Dave take on Heffernan and plummet into the Hudson River. Watching her best friend sink into the water would have been frightening. Dave felt the exact same way when he saw Mindy dive into the water in the 'Shopping Mall incident'. Neither one of them can lose the other. I cannot wait to read the moment when they both finally realise how much these two need the each other more than anything. When they finally become 'DaveMindy'. There's no other way their relationship could go, because there's no one else these two need more.
Well, that was definitely a great way to take down Heffernan! These two have definitely proved themselves to be pretty damn good detectives, and deserve the praise for taking him down. We can't forget about Sammy or Malone though, it was a team effort from all four participants (even though Malone was "pressured" into his role as bait, haha!).
This was a really great story! Placing our costumes heroes in the roles as 'Detectives' and not just 'Vigilantes' was very well executed in your story. It allowed Dave and Mindy to explore new ways to catch the criminal, instead of using their well established reputation and brute force to take care of the scum. This story had them using their skills to obtain exactly was needed. It required them to go undercover, to spend hours surrounded with paper work and in front of a computer screen. It also had them on the streets collecting information from multiple sources, that weren't criminals either. It tested their abilities, and proved just how capable two ordinary citizens are when they're motivated.
These two are, by far, two of the greatest superhero characters in my opinion. Not only in the original material, comic and film, but also across the fanfics I've read starring them. This is a great story TBF, and I'm so glad I read it! Even though the Epilogue is still to come, I thought I would let out just how much I enjoyed this story once I'd read the final word of this chapter.
NJHarris chapter 8 . 2/16/2014
I can imagine Mindy's dodgeball team triumphed with incredible ease, haha! That would have been a sight to see, but Dave can only hear about it by word of mouth.
"But, she noted, she didn't exactly dislike the feeling." I really liked this line. As it lets us know that what Mindy's feeling towards Dave, is something she doesn't mind feeling. That even though she may not fully understand what the "strange feeling" is, it's a great thing for her. I really want to read about the moment when she eventually understands why she's feeling this way when all he has to do, is smile at her.
Daniel Malone is lucky to be alive, not only from Mindy's initial attack on the guys on the ground floor of D'Amico's building, but that she didn't return to exact revenge on the remaining member of the D'Amico Organisation. With his life turned around though, I can understand why she may have resisted the urge to torment the man further. However, he must now repay Mindy's mistake by helping them catch "The Strangler". With their great "Good Cop, Bad Cop" routine, how could he refuse to help them if it meant sparing his life?
"petite purple death" Possibly the greatest way to describe Hit Girl, haha!
And of course, Dave has to keep up the Adam West act, haha! When reading it, it just makes me smile to myself.
With their plan in place and Sammy keeping an eye on Malone for the night, I can only hope their plan goes well. "The Strangler" has got to be taken down, and if Dave and Mindy can succeed in doing so, they'll prove to the public, the Police and themselves, that they're more than just costumed vigilantes. They're the kind of heroes the city needs, and they prove that every time the take down a criminal. Except now, the non believers may finally see them for what they're capable of.
Mindy was totally right about Sammy, he is a badass when he wants to be, haha!
"Hit-Girl...back to headquarters!" Haha! Love it!
Another great chapter, cannot wait to see what the next chapters hold for our Caped duo!
NJHarris chapter 7 . 2/14/2014
For that entire run to hospital, filled with worry, anxious to find out if her guardian was ok. Only to find he had either a sprained or broken ankle. With Dave by her side though, she knows there's someone who's there for her whenever she needs it. Even Marcus knows just how much Mindy needs him, and how appreciative he is of their friendship. Dave and Marcus are all she really has. Yes she's a part of Dave's small clique, but Dave is her best friend, and Marcus is her guardian/father. She cannot lose either one of these two "There are just about two people left now that I really care about." With even one of them gone, she'll feel an emptiness inside.
What's just as great about Mindy caring about Dave, is that he feels exactly the same way. "I'm really glad you have me like that and I'm just as glad I have you too." These two make such a great pair because of the bond they share. A bond they don't share with a single other person. There's nothing than can break them apart, they'll only get closer and the bond stronger.
Their detective skills are certainly something to be proud of. These two fully understand that Heffernan is only a suspect, and at the moment nothing more so they cannot simply attack the guy. But try to catch him in the act. So going to the church to help set up the "Christmas Block Party" will help to draw him out, and allow them to be certain if Heffernan is the man they're looking for. It's great the Friar is prepared to allow them to help set up the block party and hopefully catch the killer. What's even better is that his younger family members are fans of Kick Ass and Hit Girl, so he asked them for pictures, haha! How could they not turn him down, what better way to show the public who's side they're on by taking a "selfie" with a Friar.
Dave's continued use of the Adam West impersonation is great! And once again, another great chapter has been read and reviewed. Cannot wait to find out what's next for NYC's Super Duo!
NJHarris chapter 6 . 2/13/2014
"Goddamn it, there was that tingly thing again, she thought with exasperation." Mindy clearly has some feelings for Dave, if she feels this way around him at times, and when she saw the picture of the two of them he framed. It's not exactly unnatural for her to feel this way around him, it's just she's never felt this way. She's never been accepted as a friend like she has with Dave. So she's having a rush of feelings that she's never experienced before, and can't understand why. It'll come to her eventually why she's feeling this way. But at least she's able to "break the ice" with the situation, and have a joke with Dave. Somehow though, Dave seems to tremble when he's close to her too. Then again she's only in a towel, so it is understandable why they both felt a little awkward.
"It seemed like a good idea at the time." Ha, that's an understatement. How could the manager honestly think having armed, former, operatives in the mall to be a good idea. Sometimes I just can't understand the kinds of things people do, especially in real life.
"Plan-SB", haha it's genius!
These two honestly make such a great team. They both just 'click'z I mean they were not only able to find the guy they were looking for, but able to find him without any brute force or without raising suspicion. If this guy Harold is "The Strangler", they've got this case in the bag! To top it all of, they were able to take down two punks, with their usual badass style!
A cliffhanger, of course! Luckily I love cliffhangers, it makes me want to read on, or watch, even more! And once again, another great chapter down. The next chapter awaits, and I can't wait!
NJHarris chapter 5 . 2/12/2014
They did all that before school? Damn, these two are incredibly motivated. Katie wasn't kidding, these two are addicted! Not just to the crime fighting, but the training too.
"Dave had come to enjoy just about everything he and Mindy did together." That's gets you thinking doesn't it.
I love how Mindy gets a kick out of "geeks" arguing over what's better when it comes to their favourite tv shows and what's best about them. A fist fight in a comic book store would be incredibly hilarious to watch, I've gotta admit. Haha!
"It was becoming more and more common for them to actually wind up finishing each other's sentences." Further proving how much these two think alike. That since becoming friends, they've gotten much closer with each other than anyone else. A great friendship that will only get stronger.
Dave's really begun to dig deep into this case hasn't he. Makes a huge change from being out on the streets patrolling, to instead be trawling through all the information he's been able to collect. He was even able to find out more information on 'Harold' by going to the sources the Police hasn't bothered to and disregarded. The Police may have their methods, but Kick Ass and Hit Girl have theirs. It's clear the latter is going to produce the results needed to catch the killer.
To the justice system, they'll still be seen as vigilantes. But to the public, when they catch "The Strangler", they'll become much more than that. It's the public they're fighting to protect, and they need to see that.
I'm glad Mindy's enjoying being a part of Dave's group. Though small, it's a group anyone would be lucky to be a part of. I think it's a given that Mindy's the coolest. She's the most unique person in the group, so she stands out with her crude, hilarious attitude (the fact she's the only girl, and the youngest blantantly make her stand out too haha!).
"Mindy looked at him for a second, touched as she realized how genuinely concerned he was." It's moments like this that put a smile on my face. Capturing her genuine feelings about Dave, as he's become a part of her life she's never experienced before.
I don't know how you do it, but once again I'm left with a smile. I cannot wait to read what the next chapters hold for our two badass heroes!
Another great chapter!
NJHarris chapter 4 . 2/12/2014
I reckon being a part of Dave, Marty, Todd and Mindy's social circle would be so much cooler than being a part of the self proclaimed "popular" kids.
That tingly feeling again Mindy? Well, looks like Mindy has some very clear feelings for Dave, but they're too deep down she can't even process them properly. Then again, she's never been a part of a great group of friends like these guys. With Dave as her best friend too, it wouldn't come as a surprise if she'd begun to develop feelings for him. They're pretty close, so they're both more likely to confide in each other than anyone else. Dave will become her one true friend, her feelings for him I can imagine will just continue to grow.
Informants on the streets, can these two honestly get anymore badass?! Turns out they can when it comes to kicking more criminal ass with style! I love how Dave reckons Mindy would have just killed the guy for using such a cliche line like "prepare to die", but in his head says "it was now on like Donkey Kong." Haha! Mindy has certainly trained Dave pretty damn well. There's no better way to put it, he's living up to the name he's been able to make for himself by working with Mindy (Who's alter ego pretty much speaks for itself).
Dave taking in the Adam West type speech is brilliant! Immediately takes me back to the scenes in the film with Damon. A great way to honour his memory.
At least they have a lead to go on, certainly comes across as a good one too. They're just gunna have to be discreet when it comes to questioning to guy, especially if he's more violent around Christmas time. All eyes on you Mindy, lets see if she can keep her blades sheathed.
Great chapter! Can never go wrong with adding Todd and Marty into the story, they were great in the films and can always add comedy to the story. Loved them here! The Mistmobile seriously needs a new name, haha! Something that captures just how badass these two are as a team. Cannot wait to read on!
NJHarris chapter 3 . 2/11/2014
"The fact that Dave had chosen to frame that picture of the two of them together caused Mindy to feel very warm…and rather tingly. She couldn't figure out why." Well, Mindy has become a huge part of Dave's life so it's not surprising he has a picture of the two of them clearly sharing a happy moment together. Mindys never had any friends before Dave, so it's no wonder she doesn't understand why she feels warm inside. She's never experienced friendship, so Dave has become her first friend. It's rather tragic but sweet all at the same time. We know their friendship has come a long way and will continue to grow because of their connection.
Where was this Katie in the second damn film?! I love how understanding she is of who Dave is, and his relationship with Mindy. It's tre how she describes them too, that they're addicted to wearing the mask. The rush they must get out of fighting criminals is clearly enough for them to keep doing it night after night. She's even prepared to admit that never though she loves home very much, she can't handle losing him. That the worry he puts her through when he's out on patrol has become too much, so just waiting for his inevitable downfall is too much for her to handle.
Her jealousy towards Dave and Mindy's relationship is a given. Though she doesn't voice it, what Katie and Dave share is no where near as strong unfortunately. But even though she knows that, she accepts it and doesn't hold it against him. This was the Katie from KA1. Kind, thoughtful and understanding, why the hell was that completely turned around when the second film came out?! I love how you've portrayed Katie here, as it sticks to her character perfectly. It's like the perfect break up too, with both partners leaving their relationship on good terms. Though their relationship as a couple has ended, it hasn't dimmed any chances of them remaining friends.
Even Dave can admit that if Mindy were to leave, he would be crushed. This is just how much of an impact she's had on him since they've become friends. I'm sure she feels exactly the same.
Such a great chapter! It ends the relationship between Dave and Katie, which lets be honest was doomed from the beginning, but still leaves them on good terms as friends. A great break up scene I have to say!
NJHarris chapter 2 . 2/10/2014
Secret lair in your Dad's basement, it doesn't get much more highschool super hero than that, haha!
That's the one thing that makes the 'Kick Ass' series stand out to me. The idea that money and 'super powers' don't make you a superhero. It takes courage and determination, to be prepared to stand up to those stronger than you. To stare in the face of your foe, giving them the finger.
I love how their relationship is already well established here. That they can not only train together, both their parents knowing what's going on, but also that Mindy feels like she's able to open up to Dave. As I wrote in my 'Trick or Treat' review, I've become a Dave and Mindy shipper, and so seeing them with their closer relationship is what I've come to enjoy. If they're going to be partners while in costume, why not let their friendship grow while they're not too? With Mindy able to feel comfortable around Dave enough to let her true feelings be heard and seen, and for Dave to regard her as his best friend and possibly visa versa, shows the great connection these two characters can share if explored.
Taking an interest in the now growing "Strangler Case" will help to develop their skills in crime fighting I think, as well as allow them to explore new ways of "dealing" with criminals. Being seen as more than just vigilantes who hospitalise criminals, with great success I must add, but also solving crimes would likely spice up their patrols and vigilante justice more. With Marcus' help too, they would be able to pick up on leads where the police may not be able to. While also helping Marcus, they can by being extra eyes and ears. Relaying information to each other, from the eyes of the police to the eyes of the vigilante, and visa versa of course.
Dave trying to act all 'Dark Knight' was genius by the way. I mean if Christian Bale can pull it off, so can Dave Lizewski let's be honest. Haha!
I really like the idea behind this story. It keeps in tone with the character's great personas, while also exploring a new way for them to deal with crime. By looking at it from a more analytical and detective standpoint, will make for a very interesting and entertaining read, I'm sure of it.
Some nights they'll have to put up the cape and dig into the paperwork. Makes for a great contrast to what we expect from Dave and Mindy. Swapping blades and brass knuckles, for pen and paper.
Another great chapter!
NJHarris chapter 1 . 2/10/2014
Kick Ass and Hit Girl make a pretty badass tag team when it comes to taking care of crime. They've already made a name for themselves as the best duo in NYC, so these two punks didn't stand a chance. They even thought they'd have a better chance of beating Kick Ass instead of Hit Girl, then again the chances of anyone fighting and winning against Hit Girl are pretty slim to none.
I really like the background info you've given on the Dave and Mindy since they've become a crime fighting duo, as well as the new supers (or 'Capes' in this case) who have been springing up across the country in an effort to stamp out crime. It helps to establish a little history to your story and how far Dave and Mindy have come since becoming a team.
Mindy has certainly trained Dave well. Reading his every punch, kick and bone crunching hit with his escrima sticks makes for an entertaining read, and proves just how 'kick ass' he really is!
It wouldn't be "The Case of The Santa Claus Strangler" without a strangled, sodomised corpse dressed as Santa to start things off now would it?
A great opening chapter, firmly placing Kick Ass and Hit Girl as the greatest 'Capes' ever! I can already see this being a great story set in the 'Kick Ass' universe, cannot wait to start the next chapter!
dawn chapter 10 . 11/19/2013
WhiteTigerLilly chapter 10 . 11/11/2013
Your next update, I shall start to read the sequel.

This was fun to read.
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