Reviews for this room hasn't got any walls
Guest chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
I read this high, and let me tell you. It was fucking amazing, and made my heart hurt. You're an amazing writer. I was too lazy to sign in.
- bitchesbetripping
SylverEyes chapter 1 . 12/29/2010
I love these two pairings, they're both so cute although I do like Beck/Tori more and oh gosh, Beck is such an asshole in this and I can never imagine him being like this but for some reason it just makes perfect sense and it's great I'm totally going to creep on all of your Victorious fics now.
encyclopediagallifrey chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
OMG this made me want to cry lol it was really really good :)
encyclopediagallifrey chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
OMG this made me want to cry lol it was really really good :)
Little Girlie Wolf chapter 1 . 12/18/2010
this was so sad, it made my eyes water.

I'm glad she didn't kill herself, she deserved better..

oh, beck, you sexy heartbreaker..

amazing writing, i loved all of it (:
nedlovesyou chapter 1 . 12/15/2010
As much as this breaks my heart, I absolutely loved it! I'm replaying Carla Bruni song over and over now, too. :P
Masquerading with Shadows chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
ugh, completely and utterly amazing. i'm not a fan of cat/beck, but this just seemed to realistic and the angst was incredible and the tori/beck was in character as well.

i absolutely loved it.
seemslikeaporno chapter 1 . 12/12/2010

I love your stories. Just, so, so much. This one was especially awesome, because hey, I love Beck/Cat and this is so tragic and even though Tori breaks them up (although they weren't ever really together), you kept her in-character and there was no bashing and it was just lovely. :'D

But yes, this was sad and tragic and awesome in every single possible way. But the line about Robbie killed me, because I love Robbie and he's just always ignored, baww. Sorry I'm sort of rambly in this review, I'm just excited to be mentioned! :DD

/favoriting, by the way, for this awesomeness.
LOLChanny819 chapter 1 . 12/12/2010
Oh Cammy! First off, thank you sososo much for the dedication. Also, your writing always reminds me of magic.:) its something I can't explain, but it's there.:) SMILES!


I love you.:)