Reviews for Dalton Academy: A Strange New World
Twinmom chapter 32 . 4/20
Totally awesome! Excellent writing, great story! Liked the new characters, hilarious to think that Jesse seems bi to a gay guy. Thank you
ravencarr chapter 1 . 9/27/2017
Wuhooooo! yet to read chapter 1.
just gonna say that you got me at "Eventual Wavid" *yay!*
First time reading this slash~~~
Ionaadsila chapter 32 . 9/8/2015
I like the ending. The way Wes & David finally, FINALLY, came together was fantastic. But ewww, first kiss with morning breath!

I also like that Garrett decided to rejoin the Warblers. I would still love to know what his story is & think he needs his own happy ending.

However, in regards to the story ending as a whole, there were a few loose ends. What ever happened to Rhys? What was going on that pulled him away, made him so distracted, and led to friends getting involved?

Also, Ian - he was there, and really really wierd, but he just flitted in & out like a placeholder. And what was up with Neil & his need to scare people? And try on their clothing? And have free access to people's rooms? Jokester I can kinda understand but there was more to him than that.

I don't know if you even still recieve notifications on here or not. I'm hoping you do. And that all my questions can be answered!
Ionaadsila chapter 30 . 9/8/2015
I didn't care much for this chapter.
I know you said it closed certain things. But to me it felt like they were just left hanging. Yes, Garrett & Kurt are now on speaking terms. Yes, he's just a minor character, but his backstory was eluded to but never really told.

I didn't like the way Finn got away with befriending Karofsky as well. And that while Burt knew he had been the bully, he never really knew, or was told when there was an opportunity, the continued extent of it.

I'm glad Wes told David. I was surprised at his reaction though. But then again, we are all blind at times to those who are closest to us.
Ionaadsila chapter 26 . 9/8/2015
Poor Garrett. I may need you to write a separate happy ending story for him if he doesn't get one in this! He's such a troubled soul.
Ionaadsila chapter 24 . 9/8/2015
I like the idea behind burning mementos to get over a relationship. But once they are burned, you have nothing left to show for it! Until, you do like I do, and packrat them in boxes everytime you move only finally throw them away because you realize that little slips of paper & pictures of people you don't remember are just clutter and doing nothing but taking up space.
Nice chapter.
Puppy64 chapter 32 . 6/8/2015
Jaz chapter 33 . 4/26/2015
This FIC was really good;)
jp chapter 13 . 8/6/2014
Yes it shows you don't like Mercedes...she is his best friend. And she would never not talk to him...ever!
jessicawagner79 chapter 1 . 6/30/2014
Really good flowed perfectly.
BladeMaxwell-GoddessofDeath chapter 32 . 11/14/2013
Great write!
I love that nothing was rushed and everything was worked for
Great job
Five Elements chapter 33 . 10/19/2013
Very nice. Cute couples. Funny Finn. Awkward bits and cool bits and your OCs are brilliant!
Guest chapter 21 . 10/13/2013
With Finn being surprised at Kurt's comments was it
1) Neil's lost The Foot?
2) Someone's interested in Jesse?


1) Blaine has an ex?
2) Jesse? What am I missing here?

I love your story it's so cute!
patricia.remacova chapter 1 . 7/21/2013
he is not Adams! what the hell hate it. HE. IS. ANDERSON!
Trombinoscope chapter 33 . 6/27/2013
This is the second time I've read this, but each chapter is a breath of fresh air. Well done, you are an angel of the pen... erm, keyboard! Thank you!
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