Reviews for Out of the Abyss
so far so gone chapter 11 . 8/31
Alright, I would like to correct my previous statement as I only read the warning in the first chapter and lost my temper. I now noticed the warnings in the summary and the chapter that contained the offensive material, but still please change the warning in the first chapter to something appropriate. This is pedophilia and you should say that.
so far so gone chapter 1 . 8/31
Change the warning. This is not “light one-sided homosexuality against a minor” whatever that means. It’s attempted rape, pedophilia and sexual assault. You could be triggering many people because of that “warning”. It’s offensive and gross to not put warnings on your fics properly and refer to pedophilia/rape in such a way.
AngelMoon Girl chapter 14 . 9/23/2019
Oh my goodness. I’ve barely even stopped to breathe since starting this story. It’s SO hard to find good Harry-rescued-by-Snape stories, but yours has it all. It’s well-written, very in character particularly Snape and Harry. It’s brutal, but not so horrible I can’t bear to read it, just enough that you can tell this is a HIGH stakes situation; there’s real danger facing both our heroes should they fail. And oh Harry. Harry most of all. You know, I can absolutely see Crouch Jr being a pedophile, it’s really not a big leap at all, and you are damn good at writing him. I was gripped during his torture scene of Harry. It was violent and disturbing but I appreciate that you kept it from crossing a line; I’m glad too Harry was a fighter the whole time and that Snape got to him before Crouch enacted his sick fantasies. It felt very real and raw. Seriously... great job. One other thing, I just LOVE all the subtle concerned!Snape stuff, I like that he wasn’t suddenly weepy and overly protective like some stories of this nature, he truly kept his wits and helped Harry in ways much more fitting to his character. The Legilimency! So perfect. Have I rambled long enough?LOL. Just want you to know how much I’m loving this so far!
Comrade'sRoza chapter 41 . 10/27/2018
I loved this story! It's a wonder it hasn't received more reviews. It's the first story I have read where Sirius and Snape manage to both help Harry in their own ways without constant fighting or one of them dying. This was in all a brilliant fic.
KuroiDenki chapter 12 . 7/8/2018
Sentimentalstories chapter 10 . 4/11/2018
This story has way less reviews than it deserves! This is awesome, well written and descriptive. I love this,and cannot wait for something bad to happen :)
ntalcenent chapter 41 . 4/30/2017
I don't know what to say, I liked the story and certainly don't shy from dark fics but the attack seems slightly contrived even tho it fits well in the characters as described.
Voldemort is much more cognitively involved which is nice - that's kind of left out in canon. A bit like history shows Hitler as a madman and while that's evident, obviously something else attracted so many smart people to his ranks and made them think he was a winner and leader- probably not collective madness (or imperios). Violently aggressive military leaders are rarely called "madmen" unless they lose, if they win they are labeled conquering leaders . ie. Gengis Khan, Alexander the Great, or a less well known more recent military leader Phillip Sheridan who said "the only good Indians I ever saw were dead". It is interesting to observe how history treats Napoleon Bonaparte as both madman and brilliant leader as he cycled through massive victories and failures.

Bit of a tangent but anyway overall I liked the story even tho this was long ago. Thanks for the rabbit hole!
Laurenmk20 chapter 18 . 8/29/2015
Legilemncy not occlumebcy. Legilmency is reading the mind. Occulmency is protecting your mind and or trying to stop legilemncy.
abandonedaccount47 chapter 19 . 8/25/2015
Thank you for not killing Sirius... Are you going to have Kreacher betray the order?
abandonedaccount47 chapter 13 . 8/25/2015
Oh thank God, I was afraid this was going to be a Ron-bashing story.
abandonedaccount47 chapter 7 . 8/25/2015
I'm really enjoying this so far!
Potter the Plotter chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
Favoriting this story.
Guest chapter 41 . 7/13/2015
This was amazing. I love how you wrote the scenes in Malfoy Manor, a lot of people exaggerate the torture to something that no person could handle but you put just the right amount of emphasis on it. I also love Harry's reaction to the . . . other things . . . that Crouch did, and how he realizes that not every male adult is Crouch unlike other stories where he flinches away from everyone and everyones crying over him or something. I also applaud you that you didn't finish this story with Harry defeating Voldemort in a super unrealistic way, [like in most stories], because honestly how does a 14 year old boy defeat a super powerful wizard with over 60 years of intense magical understanding and training?

very well written, and really realistic.

good job.
iloveMOM1597 chapter 37 . 6/27/2015
That last Voldemort ordered molestation was skin crawling creepy. So disturbing. Great drama.
goatkid chapter 14 . 5/10/2015
Just so you know, what you described in this this chapter was not "Light, one sided homosexuality against a minor," whatever that means. It was attempted sexual assault and attempted rape of a minor. It would have been attempted sexual assault and attempted rape of a minor if the culprit had been Bellatrix Lestrange instead of Barty Crouch Jr. It's kind of insulting to to millions of gays and lesbians who are in no way, shape, or form pedophiles. And it's super insulting to the millions of kids in the world who are sexually abused or assaulted. If you don't know the difference between homosexuality and rape, you need to spend time figuring that out instead of writing fanfiction. If you do know the difference, write your warnings better.
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