Reviews for I Could Never Tell You
Reveri chapter 23 . 5/14/2017
cute! will fave and follow.
masspao chapter 23 . 5/5/2016
review spanish:

snif snif simplemente maravilloso este fic el juego es increíble aun lo sigo jugando pero esta historia es espectacular, dios me llego cada capitulo al corazón en serio, por favor no la pares síguela actualizando por favor porque esta épica me encanta como llevas su relación despacio pero con mucho amor.

aun me acuerdo que cuando inicie el juego y me entere que había 5 candidatos para casarse empece a investigar sobre ellos y cuando vi a gray dije el es mi tipo porque a pesar de parecer fríos y distantes esconden una gran persona con un enorme corazón en ellos y una vez que te ganas su confianza te la ganas para la eternidad sin mencionar que si viene su amor con ellos aun mejor XD.

estaré esperando la continuación con mucha esperanza porque este fic es re épico.
hobo ghost chapter 23 . 3/31/2016
wahhb it's so cute
Kpuffs chapter 23 . 3/29/2015
This was really cute! I hope there is still more to come
Kpuffs chapter 2 . 3/29/2015
So cute! I love it!
AlianaKensington chapter 23 . 2/23/2015
I adore this. You have an excellent talent for expressing their feelings in a way that transfers to the reader. Well done!

I do hope you continue this story. I feel it ranks up their with the best of the Claire/Gray pairings.
shade815 chapter 23 . 1/12/2015
Ugh this story is so damn cute its killing me. Keep it up, can't wait for the next update! :)
klara-kind chapter 23 . 12/25/2014
Had such a fun time reading your story! Really,really love your writing it flows perfectly and is just wonderful! D Keep up the fantastic work.
liane chapter 23 . 12/11/2014
yay for another update! was this from the yellow heart event? x)

anyway... OMG so much fluff, my heart cant take it... help Im drowning in feels! aahh they are so cute and so perfect together! Sorry, I am just very weak when it comes to my OTP being lovey-dovey with each other x)

looking forward to your next update! :)
punjabigrownbg chapter 23 . 12/11/2014
I get so excited when I see a post from this story. Any haha that would so be me if I was in Claire's position. Like yay kiss me, haha that tickles, no don't stop come back sexy beast. But grays so cute I was smiling like a fool the entire time I read this and thanks to you I'll be late for work because I had to stop and read this. :).
liane chapter 22 . 12/10/2014
oh Gray you big tease! this story is really great! im looking forward to your next update :D
liane chapter 21 . 12/10/2014
is it just me, or has the Harvest Goddess been watching too much Dr Phil?
liane chapter 19 . 12/10/2014
YES FINALLY! its about time hahahah x) aww! Gray, you don't have to ask of course you can kiss Claire. And Claire, no more dreaming, kiss him! yes, all day long! Let me just get myself a chair *awkwardly but intensely observe graire make out session* im such a graire trash... x)
liane chapter 18 . 12/10/2014
I'm really weak when it comes to awkward but romantic moments between my OTP x) this story really got me grinning like an idiot heheheee
liane chapter 14 . 12/10/2014
I actually thought it was nice that it's not Claire & Gray all the time, I love Cliff x Ann too! :D
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