Reviews for Halloween World: Red Sky at Morning
JazmineKiller chapter 1 . 8/19/2014
Zephal chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
Gotta love those insane bunnies
sunflower13 chapter 1 . 12/18/2012
Vaguely scared at how you came up with two very different shows and got a good story out of them. And Cho WOULD make a great Dai Li.
Earthspark chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
I love this story, and if you feel like continuing it, I will absolutely keep reading it. The part between Theresa and Patrick was especially perfect.

This is the first "Mentalist" fanfic I've read. Interweaving it with the "Airbender" universe was unique and beautiful.

So often you cause me to go deeper into universes I know little of out of curiousity, because I like the characters you write about so well. It is broadening and fun. Thank you.
The Mad Librarian chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
This is FANTASTIC! Please continue when you can.
Marie Knight chapter 1 . 7/7/2011
so amusing...I loved it
Vaneria Potter chapter 1 . 4/29/2011
Great story.

I think that Aunt Wu had 'fatalist' fortune-telling abilities. She could see the end result of something, but not what would happen to reach that end result. The village wasn't destroyed by a volcano... because the GAang stopped it. But it WOULD have been destroyed, and the man WOULD have been killed, if they hadn't acted.
51215fgdfh1654h5f chapter 1 . 1/20/2011
Oooh, oooh, I do hope that you continue this! You have succesfully combined my two favourite things at the moment and I just wish that there was MORE.

Oh, Jane, you scary firebender. I mean, firebending? Jane? That is just so so terrifying. I love him.
shadowchsr chapter 1 . 12/15/2010
You know, I think you are the only author that I have ever enjoyed what constitutes a crack fic. I've had so many bad experiences with them in the past that I've sworn off them for years. I probably will keep you as one of the few exceptions to my rule in avoiding crack fiction. Maybe it's because you blend the worlds together in a way that usually has some kind of valid reason or logic to it, even if the means are fantastical and you still keep your main characters in character, despite the changes that happen around them. You keep the characters real and it draws me into their dilema. Though I have to admit that ending with Godzilla running loose had me cackling with glee. I certainly would not be against you continuing this plot bunny if the mood strikes you. I'd love to know all the different universes that have collided and since it was a halloween event the ideas are endless. I can almost expect a merging of some of your older halloween cross overs with buffy, inuyasha, kenshin, etc. After all wasn't the hellmouth in Buffy in CA? Granted the chaos of that night faded away except for the main Buffy Characters and Kenshin but that would put them in a prime position to help deal with the new mess that has emerged. Though I do wonder if other full blown characters from the Avatar Universe or other univereses will be there in full as Kenshin was pulled. I know this is just a one shot but but I can't help it if your work puts my mind into overdrive. And I'm one of your sad fans that misses your Kenshin based fiction terribly. I love the Avatar that you are working with but Kenshin found a special place in my heart and was what first got me reading your works. (especially Blades of Blood series and Shadows in Starlight) Though I have no idea how they are going to fight Godzilla. Well, I've got a few ideas but I doubt you'd find them of any decent quality. As always, I look forward to anything new that your wickedly clever mind comes out with, no matter how twisted.
Zombie Boy chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
Ah, but the bunnies *never* leave...
mist shadow chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
wow, seriously messed up, but in accordance with Halloween. good thing they were nowhere close to Sunnydale. Though, those might be able to help. especially Xander.

and... no aliens? scratch that. you did have the morph (he does count, right?) heh, how many princesses were there? sorry, being sarcastic. poor kids
Weasel Fu chapter 1 . 12/10/2010
I liked this idea. I think Cho does make a cool Dai Li and Van Pelt has some of the same naiveness that Aang had, so I can see her as an airbender. The Kyoshi warriors were very disciplined for the avatar verse so I can see Lisbon as one of them, but frankly the only people Rigsby reminds me of from avatar are those earthbender's who were based on WWF wrestlers, "The Bolder" in particular.
Anon A. Mauze chapter 1 . 12/8/2010
Excellently done with your usual grace and style. Although I wouldn't have labeled it a crack-fic. In my humble opinion a crack-fic is supposed to be funny in a glaringly obvious way. While this started out moderately amusing, it quickly became a bit too serious to be considered crack. Even if the ending was just hilarious. Ever thought about what H.E.A.T. would do under the Red Sky? After all, you're the one who brought up Godzilla. And I do agree, once pasta certain point into wierdness, it's almost imperative Godzilla show up and wreak massive amounts of destruction.
DragonSteel chapter 1 . 12/7/2010
When I saw this in my inbox I was all Then I saw that it was by you and got excited.

Cho Would make an awesome Dai Li! I admit I spent most of this story wondering who on earth convinced them all to dress up as characters from Avatar. And man Halloween world would be hell on policemen.

It's so cute that they're rounding up all the kids. Well, it's not cute that they have to, but you know what I mean. I totlally love you for having one of the kids be a dark elf.

I may have to go read spaceman's Halloween World now.
The Elven Archer of Rivendell chapter 1 . 12/6/2010
PLEASE CONTINUE this fic! This is really good. It makes me want to watch the Mentalist again. Please continue it?
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