Reviews for Defenders of Light
Brightknight chapter 14 . 5/24/2013
Wow what a joyride. I love Thrice and Ob1 together and what you do with Anakin is so good. I'm sad to hear you will leave this galaxy, but I thank you for all your stories about Thrice, Ob1 and their kids. It has been very enriching and entertaining. Maybe one day you will rewrite the last chap and elaborate, there is still more of a good story to tell.
realbojangles chapter 14 . 12/3/2011
-sighs- depression.
realbojangles chapter 4 . 12/3/2011
LOL! Mace and obi rollin around on the floor giggling. Best image ever
realbojangles chapter 2 . 12/3/2011
Yay! Thrice! -hugs Thrice- I misseded youuuz! :) I like it. I'm gonna go read more :D
TheBFG chapter 1 . 6/14/2011
"Amused, Obi-Wan smiled and then closed his gray-blue eyes in mediation and replied, 'Patience is a virtue, Ani and I believe it is one you ought to try and cultivate.'"

Great sentence! I think it is the best in this chapter.
Bek-K chapter 14 . 1/18/2011
It's sad to see this fic end, but the outline for the rest of the fic was helpful in understanding how it would have turned out. However, it would have been more interesting to read. But it is understandable, sometimes one's heart just outgrows the genre it's been writing in.

I wish you luck in your writing endeavors. :)


Starwars20014 chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
excelent chapters i Know I spelled something wrong but read mine it is great like yours
Jedi Angel001 chapter 10 . 12/17/2010
Well at least Anakin has come to his senses that his Mom is happy with -Wan is so cute with Thrice and they are so much in love.
mtfrosty chapter 6 . 12/10/2010
I'm actually really enjoying this story so far. And while I think you should keep it going, I completely understand the whole creativity slump thing. I have a story that I've been writing and haven't updated for quite a while. I know what it feels like, so don't feel bad if you have to stop it. I'd rather read a story that you're enjoying as well rather than one that you feel like you have to write. Anyways, great story, as always! :)
RKF22 chapter 6 . 12/10/2010
great update and if u continue its cool if not its also cool i understand without bthe muse its hard to write anyway your still a wonderful auther your stories are great
RKF22 chapter 5 . 12/9/2010
great update cant wait for more
RKF22 chapter 4 . 12/7/2010
great update cant wait for more
RKF22 chapter 3 . 12/6/2010
great update keep it up
RKF22 chapter 2 . 12/6/2010
great update going on
RKF22 chapter 1 . 12/6/2010
great start going on
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