Reviews for One Sacred Wish
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 4 . 7/31/2015
...what? I mean...what?
Ok you know what no. *throws a smoke pellet and disappears while shouting * My heart won't go on no jutsu!

Seriously this seems like it's just gonna turn really painful for my fav Inu and I just can't stomach that. The writing was good though.
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 3 . 7/31/2015
Nuooooo! Inuyasha she's a bitch just let her deal with the consequences! Tell Miroku and Sango what happened, caution them to be careful and leave. And if Kagome happens to get molested and barely able to escape by help of several ppl interrupting then its not your problem if she's mildly traumatized afterwards. Honestly even if she's upset that he may only be seeing kikyo she's got to realize he's going to be paranoid about possible murderers coming after ppl he knows. And count herself lucky that a powerful person is willing to protect her for free regardless of his reasons.
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 2 . 7/31/2015
Don't trust her Inuyasha! She's done nothing to earn it!
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 1 . 7/31/2015
Honestly Kagome's reaction and what she did was a bit excessive. If she didn't care, if she didn't think he was worth the time she shouldn't and wouldn't have gone looking for a fight or stare at him so intensely for so long. So in short...she's full of shit. In my opinion. And I sincerely hope Inuyasha doesn't like her first or that he seeks her out. He may have been rude but he did help her out. Any so called slights from him before hand was her imagination. She was downright hostile to him well after the fact and to a guy she overheard had a anger/attitude problem. The fuck is that stupidity?
HiddenDreamerLuna chapter 11 . 8/8/2014
Dear Elizabeth Vasser,

As your first Inuyasha Fanfic, I think this story went well. There were some parts that I thought maybe could have been improved, like the fight with Naraku. That felt a bit too rushed and like you yourself said "chessy" at some point but at the same time it was okay. :)

I'm not criticizing this at all, I personally enjoyed this story! will be one of my favorites, but in the beginning you did say you wanted people to tell you what you did good/bad so you can improve so I just wanted to share my idea. Hopefully it helps :)


HiddenDreamerLuna chapter 4 . 8/7/2014
I knew it! once she appeared I thought she might be Kaede. But the way she talked about Kikyo all vaguely and stuff I suspected who she was! Oooh! this twist is good!
HiddenDreamerLuna chapter 3 . 8/7/2014
Dear Elizabeth Vasser

two words: LOVED IT! man oh man, kagome has some serious spunk! I love it when the female protagonist isn't just a soft-nature submissive girl. no she's gotta have spunk. and spunk she has. As for the chemistry, I think it's fine. :) Not a flame burning in all it's glory but a semi-soft spark starting to appear. I like it. :) And inuyasha is always a jerk at the beginning so I think you're fine with that.


HiddenDreamerLuna chapter 2 . 8/6/2014
Dear Elizabeth Vasser,

Okay, I liked this. But at the same time I think you made Kagome- Kikyo- Inuyasha a bit too fast. As in, how Miroku tells kagome what happened so detailed. IDK it's just, no one really tends to spill about their friend's personal stuff to someone they just met. But hey, this is a fic (and I'm thinking its a good one by the looks of it) and other than that you're doing great! Except for what I said, maybe something to keep in mind in case u think of writing something more serious or something like that :) Cuz either way I still like this chapter :D


HiddenDreamerLuna chapter 1 . 8/6/2014
This is your first inuyasha fic?! I think it's off to a good start! I like the way you wrote. it's not full of only details or only speech. it's a mixture of both. you haven't bombarded readers with information, but rather given some background info (referring to Kikyo incident) through sango. All in all I think it's a pretty good chapter! surely got me reading on to the next! :D
Meow Cute and Fluffy chapter 2 . 4/2/2014
Guest chapter 11 . 8/20/2013
You are such a cool author 1
InuyashasGrl26 chapter 11 . 7/6/2013
Such A lovely story
InuyashasGrl26 chapter 3 . 7/2/2013
I like it.
KINGDOMHEARTSROCKS chapter 10 . 2/16/2013
I agree with you entirely love always triumphs and yes I was pretty annoyed but when there was still dialogue I knew she would be back but I suspected it would be tenseiga not kikiyo it's fine with me though it was still dramatic! I LOVED IT!
KINGDOMHEARTSROCKS chapter 9 . 2/16/2013
I personally felt they were pretty accurate sex scenes, good job!
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