Reviews for The Return Journey
caspasta chapter 1 . 5/22/2017
Love this.
qwertyuiop678 chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
No typos, no mistakes! great! And don't give yourself an inferiority complex by saying you're not good at writing! (that's my dad's advice) Great story too! nothing else I can think of to say...
Thomson chapter 1 . 1/25/2011
Very nice story! I look forward to reading more work from you.
East-Coast-Invictus chapter 1 . 12/1/2010
This was really good. I thought you had Zuko and Katara spot on character-wise; all the dialogue was realistic. While I hesitate to speculate on shipping, as I'm a canon-fan personally, I think what you have here definitely supports how Katara and Zuko become friends. It's good filler, 'cause in the show, it seems like after this episode, it was pretty much just BOOM-friends even after the hate/dislike/distrust/etc she demonstrated towards him.

So yes, quite good. Noticed really only one consistent grammar error, and that's with the end of your dialogue sentences.

"Somehow it makes perfect sense." He said..." There should be a comma in place of the period and He shouldn't be capitalized. Other than that, everything seemed spot on. Well done! :D
Kinishra22 chapter 1 . 11/29/2010
Love it but don't see how its a romance unless you want to continue which would be great
A Dirty Little Secret chapter 1 . 11/29/2010
As a Zutara shipper, I've pretty much come to accept that they will never work as a relationship in the canon universe no matter how you manipulate the scene. In the time line of ATLA that we were given by Bryke, Kataang is canon that cannot be thwarted. (That's why I find the truly believable Zutara relationship writing to be post-war fics-and they usually seem much more canon than j.) However, I absolutely love pre-war fic that really delves into the relationship that Zuko and Katara start forming. Because, deny as some people try, there was a really strong bond between them by the finale. And this scene in particular-this long journey back on Appa full of time to think where there couldn't have been only silence-sparks quite a bit of interest on my part.

I like the way you handled Katara's inner conflict about whether or not she would ever be able to forgive Yon Rha. Aang's advice was far from helpful in this episode. Forgive and forget wasn't going to work for Katara, and I love the idea of Zuko being the one to understand the need for vengeance while acknowledging her strength for holding back at the same time.

I'd absolutely love to read a piece dealing with the Zuko/Katara/Aang tensions and relationships.
Otrmne chapter 1 . 11/29/2010
"I don't ATLA. If I did the ending would have been good." X) Loved it! And yes, you do write good! You write a heck of a lot better than I do! Very nice (: and I'm adding this to my favorites !
FideliusXIII chapter 1 . 11/28/2010
This is how Zutara should be written. The reason I'm not much of a Zutara fan is cause most of them are you so shallow. There's hardly any justification for Katara and Zuko falling for each other if you're following canon. I'm sorry to all the Zutara shippers who disagree with me but that's my earnest opinion. But there are a few Zutara fics that fully justify a relationship between Zuko and Katara. Those are the Zutara fics that I enjoy reading. This is one of them.
Firelord Lionheart chapter 1 . 11/28/2010
Let me go on record of saying that I hate the very nation of Zutara as a romantic relationship, even as an AU or crack ship. However, I love them as BFF's, and I rarely find fics of the two of them as just being comrades in arms like they should be. Soldiers' bond romance, imo. And they are soldiers, even if they don't wear a uniform or fight under a country's flag. Glad to find a fic without them lusting over one another or snogging. This was very well written, and in-character. Exactly the conversation I'd imagine them having.
AnnaAza chapter 1 . 11/28/2010
I love this! Please continue this!