Reviews for The Hand of Lady Hyuga
Roseylou chapter 1 . 4/18
This Fanfiction is astounding. the way you use detail is intricate and Hinata finally has the glory she rightfully deserves. I don't know If you are to finish this masterpiece, but if you do, you have my full support!
pnda chapter 1 . 7/13/2019
I love this fanfic so much! It’s very refreshing to have this kind of dynamic and see Hinata be her badass self. I really hope you come back to this and continues!
miniMONster22 chapter 10 . 8/28/2018
I absolutly adore the powerful badassery of the women in this whole piece! I know it's been 5 years since you updated this buuuuuuut you should finish it. The detail, the characters, and the most badass (it's about time!) Hinata ever- I could read this all day! Also; rooting for Shikamaru 100%. ;)
cwrywn chapter 10 . 7/10/2018
You are such a fantastic writer! You pull your reader in and makes them care. Clan politics has become exciting. and yes I totally agree, Hinata should have a Harem! How I wish I could read the rest of the story. T-T the Curse of Abandoned Awesome Story has striked again.
Guest chapter 10 . 11/8/2017
It's really weird and fascinating to see how clan politics works with the matriarchal twist. It's so good, I never shipped kibahina this bad. I like how naruto isn't in the harem, naruhina was my otp way since season 1 but I really like shipping hinata w/ everyone. I read a lot of sasuhina so I'm not overly interested. Shikamaru, kabuto, shino and Kiba, I'm really in. Idk about sai, i can't imagine how they'll be together.

I realize this may not be updating soon or ever but I just want to say how I appreciate this fic.
forgetmenotlovely chapter 10 . 6/21/2017
Well written! Loving the political intrigue. And it's so interesting having to read from a female dominant perspective, where everything is reversed from what we're used to. Hope to see an update!
Thesunkunoichi chapter 1 . 1/2/2017
This book is amazing! Words fail to describe how epic it really is. I hope you overcome your writer's block and get back to writing this. We rarely have any Hinata centric harems out here :( that are this awesome
Nina C chapter 10 . 8/10/2016
With every passing day that goes by, I keep wanting to read, holding onto any hope that you will once again find the inspiration to finish what you had started. I hope you find a way to heal your illness (also known as writer's block).
Love your work, still do, always will! :)
Haruka2007 chapter 10 . 4/22/2016
Great fic! Really enjoyed reading and hope you carry on with it some day :-)
christmasness chapter 10 . 1/3/2016
That feeling you get when you find a gem of a fanfiction and see that the last UPDATE was two years ago T_T. Regardless, I'll move onto my review now. While this is considered a harem, I feel as if it is leaning towards Kiba which I have no qualms about. I find it quite unique and almost refreshing that Naruto isn't part of the harem, as you said, Naruhina fics are everywhere! I hope to see an update in the nearby future!
LilBlueBear chapter 10 . 5/15/2015
I just realized that many naruto fanfiction I love are written by you. Hope you update soon! :)
arlene56 chapter 10 . 5/7/2015
This is an interesting idea. Neji is funny.
0037 chapter 10 . 4/29/2015
I love your story! There's so much detail written into the gender dynamics like when you used the word "womankind" or how sexual power dynamics work in the new world you created. I especially love the section where you wrote about how men were seen as weaker than women during Kiba's flashback; it was really cool to see how our current social narrative for gender politics was flipped and argued in reverse to support the ideologies a matriarchy. I really appreciated all the thought and work you put into this, and it definitely shows!
Hinatta chapter 1 . 3/14/2015
H-hey again
I'll add this story to my Hinata Community
PM me to be staff
Look for it here: ...
roti bakar chapter 10 . 3/13/2015
One thing that bothers me...

How is this a Kiba-Hinata fic again?

I really like how you are going with this and the concept of Hinata harem but I really can't see the connection between Kiba and Hinata in here. I think there is more Shikamaru than Kiba. Please don't misunderstand, I do like Kiba but I don't see their chemistry in here, or will it be later? I'm not sure. But I'm just going to go with my bias. I really like Sasuhina! Or even Itahina. Heck, throw in a Gaahina is my other poison!
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