Reviews for One Last Time
Fred-the-Moose chapter 1 . 1/19/2013
After I read this fic for the first time, I thought I had a new favourite pair of roy/maes...
I don't... It's just this fic. This fic is so immaculate I can't help but read it over and over! So much love!

-Majestic Moose Out-
MissVenusVixen chapter 1 . 3/6/2012
just reviewing theist story so i can add u 2 my faves and alerts!
Askin chapter 1 . 9/20/2011
This was sad, for obvious reasons, but it was very well written. I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the implied Roy/Ed. I don't typically support Maes/Roy because it just doesn't comply with either the manga or the anime, but this was very well crafted. It was simple, yet it worked because of its simplicity. It was a fun read despite its rather morose tone. Great work all around, thanks for the read!

~the dreamer
BlackNoSugarh chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
That was... I think bittersweet is the right word.

This was really good! Depressing in a good way... (I think you can feel depressed in a good way at least XD)

But seriously, I can see your talent and I'm really glad I found this fic.
ButterFlyArtist chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
So this is how the relationship with him and maes endded. Thanks for clearing that up, I always wonder. If any thing I though it would be maes who would end it. Oh well but if he is going to be with someone eles i would perfer havco over ed.
FanFic Fabricator chapter 1 . 12/9/2010
nice, sad, yet cute story. I would have love it to have been hinted Roy and Havoc...but thats only cuz I hate Roy and Ed. *shiver* ; but everyone has their own cup of tea don't they? _
Fun-Sized Kirk chapter 1 . 12/6/2010
I really liked the idea of it and I thought it was realyl well written. :) Good job.
Amethyst-eyed Koneko chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
hmm. They always say that you don't appreciate what you've got until it's gone. Guess Maes found that out the hard way didn't he! :) It's better for both of them this way I suppose, no more lying, for Maes at least, to the one he really loves. A sad but necessary thing this was. Here's to hoping Roy finds some real happiness with Ed! *hearts*
DarkSecretKeeper chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
Hey! I really liked the story, i thought what you didn't actually spell out spoke volumes more than what was said between Maes and Roy. It's sad but at least they are moving on from their relationship. I also thought, of the many HughesxMustang fics that i have read, that you definatly kept mustang in character...I find many of them make him to feminine.

Thanks! :D
iStoleYourChips chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
Can you say bad romance? This was really epic. I normally don't go for RoyXHughes but this was really good. I think I have a new fav pairing! ~.-~ You're a really good author and i'm really looking forward to ready something else from you!
H-Tacs Occor I Oem chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
I'm not so sure it will be for the best...

Just the typical RoyMaes fan speaking. XD

I'm totally in love with your writting, those two do have quite a tragical love story and you portrayed their feelings so well.

Hope to read more from you in the near future. ;)
Onyxlight chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
OMG of course I enjoyed it! I love the twist you put on this from the usual Married Maes/Roy fics floating around. It was nice to see Roy moving on as it was to see the jealous side of Maes.

To be honest I actually view this as a more realistic/spot on way of things ending between them. So I enjoyed this immensely! Kudos and well done! _
