Reviews for The Circle
Katy 2610 chapter 9 . 5/3
I've read this story so many time and I still love it, I hope that you get to finish this sometime I'd love to know what happens
LoveChibi chapter 9 . 3/24
woah this is so goodbeautifully written story so far. I know that it's been a long time but I won't give up hope. I'm sure that this will be finishd someday
Hakkane chapter 9 . 6/23/2019
Hello! I’m in LOVE with this story! The way you write and the set up you created are amazing and mesmerizing. Please tell me you haven’t give up on this marvelous story! I saw the date of your last update and I was heartbroken... please don’t give up I kept the hard work!
Guest chapter 9 . 4/10/2019
I took a risk reading this then got hooked on it Immediately I want to know what happens next, I’m going to bookmark this and hope that someday u update and finish this I have to know what happens with older kakashi and Sakura
Sadio chapter 9 . 9/26/2018
This story is so incredible, and I'm very sad I decided to read it. I normally avoid stories that are not marked complete and if their last update was years ago. I couldn't help myself though, the story intro captivated me and then I was hooked, it was soooo good. I just love young Kakashi! You did a good job with him at this age and Sakura, only wish my imagination was good enough to finish this story in my head so I can stop wondering about it. I can almost believe Sakura and older Kakashi will get together based on his little 'hints'. I think I'll have to reread that chapter again. Thanks for the great story though, really great job.
catsrockt chapter 9 . 5/7/2018
Just finished re-reading this and it felt like time hadn't passed at all. I quickly remembered the plot and all of the little details that are unique to this fiction. Time-travel stories have a tendency to either be poorly written or fairly generic and that is definitely not the case here! Not only is your story a wonderful and thrilling read, there are also quirks and details given to each character that make it your own. I've never seen Sakura with bird summons for example and I love that even though you have a couple of OCs, I actually care about them and want to see them in a scene and figure out what will happen next (Rouri? Makoto and Henge girl?)

If you do update soon- I look forward to future Kaka-Saku interactions and what the team will/won't find in Touna. Hope all is well and thank you for sharing this story! 3
Rayah19 chapter 9 . 3/13/2018
I'm really enjoying this story and I know it's been 7 years or more since you touched this, but could you please consider adding another chapter with details and finish the story off? Please please please... 'Til whenever, Mata ne!
Starvixen64 chapter 9 . 1/10/2018
Starvixen64 chapter 8 . 1/9/2018
A: of course it was Kakashi kinda made it obvious
Starvixen64 chapter 7 . 1/9/2018
A: who?
A: well we'll just have to wait..
Me: Awwwwww
A: yup
Vivsien chapter 9 . 11/20/2017
Oh my word, a cliffhanger. *tears up* It's been six years since an update so instead of waxing lyrical on how much I love this and WISH that incompletion wasn't a thing, I'm just going to thank you. You took the time out of your day to write something unique and amazing. Really. Thank you.
Vivsien chapter 7 . 11/20/2017
The Fluffy One and Mothra. Kakashi is a man of many names, it seems.
Vivsien chapter 4 . 11/20/2017
Lol, Sakura is going to be falsely accused of romancing Ino's fake husband if she's not careful. And, I love that future Kakashi sold out his past-self like that xD
Vivsien chapter 1 . 11/20/2017
Ohhh I am LOVING the set up...
Guest chapter 9 . 5/17/2017
PLEASE! I AM BEGGING YOU! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE UPDATE! It's so good! I'm so hooked! And I'm dying to read more of your amazing work!
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