Reviews for Reckless Abandon
Sarah chapter 25 . 9/18/2019
Hey ! I'm French, so sorry if my english contains some mistakes. I don't know if you still connect on this website because of those many years, but I wanted to post a review anyway haha
I want to say that I loved so so much your fanfic, it is one of my favourites ever ! It was so original, so dared, audacious, I really loved the raw aspect of the sexual content, you were not afraid of calling things that the way they are. I loved too how the history have evolved, how you have treated the theme of pedephelia, you turned it into something really enjoyable, and not that disturbing at all (at least for me haha), so thank you for this ! I learned too a lot of -dirty- vocabulary for my english hahaha xD ! Well, I hope you will see my review if you're passing there ! :D
Sakura Soda chapter 9 . 2/24/2018
You’re a comedic genius.
alysha.a.kent chapter 25 . 1/6/2018
I hope that the end of the Epilog isn't implying that Itachi likes that little boy in the way that Madara liked him. Lol all in all it was a wonderful story, pretty twisted in more than 1 way considering that it's main build was through pedophilia grooming. It's a weird and twisted love story but it was good.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/20/2017
noooo he wouldn't... that is petty
YaoiFanGirl6221 chapter 25 . 3/29/2016
Great story
Demonic girl111 chapter 25 . 1/7/2016
(Chuckles) Ah jokes. Gotta love them. Fucking awesome story btw, loved it ten times over!
UniversalPetto chapter 25 . 3/13/2015
At first I was afraid they won't see each other again.. I'm glad that's not the case.. Took me some time to read this one (because it has Madara in it, so I wanted to enjoy it slowly :3) I'm so sad it's over! Amazing fanfiction dear! Please keep up the good work!
UniversalPetto chapter 24 . 3/13/2015
Madara thinking about using his hair to hang himself xD I died laughing xD This chapter was so eroticly cute :3 I don't want to finish this story! :')
UniversalPetto chapter 23 . 3/13/2015
It's not fair, Itachi has two lovers :'D I can imagine them in Karaoke bar xD Sasuke and Bee singing all night long and Itachi and Madara just sitting there and trying not to fall asleep xD
UniversalPetto chapter 22 . 3/13/2015
Dude, I want to go to Jamaica with Madara too :"D They'll definitelly have a good time By the way, did I alredy say I'm in love with this story? No? Well, I'll say it now-I'm absolutelly in love with this story! :D
UniversalPetto chapter 21 . 3/13/2015
They finally got together :D I'm so glad But I'm worried-there's four more chapters.. Will something bad happen again?
UniversalPetto chapter 20 . 3/13/2015
I'm so so sorry for this, but I laughed like crazy when I read you broke your toe :'D So freaking ironic :') I now you're better by now, but still sorry for laughing :') As for the story-this family talk was Itachi's best idea so far.. That incident really did affect their lives..
UniversalPetto chapter 19 . 3/13/2015
Romantic relationship with a sibling is hell of a complicated thing.. You can break up and and not be lovers anymore, but you can't stop being family :') A few chapters ago I wanted to kill Itachi, but now I'm glad he's happy with Sasuke again :3
UniversalPetto chapter 18 . 3/13/2015
As much as I love Itachi I don't pity him. :p If I were Sasuke I'd torture him some more . But I understand That he loves Both Sasuke and Madara and just don't want to lose them :/
UniversalPetto chapter 17 . 3/13/2015
Itachi got what he deserve if you ask me :p A little suffering will teach him a lesson..
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