Reviews for Who Would Snape Choose?
Alyse U chapter 1 . 6/3
What a great fic with an amazing perspective on Snape and the Hufflepuff house! Loved it! When I was sorted into Hufflpuff on pottermore, I was a bit disappointed. This definitely makes me see the house differently.
3 Cedric and Newt
BoredV87 chapter 1 . 5/17
Honestly I can not remember if I've left a review before or not, if I have I apologize. I absolutely adore this! As a Hufflepuff myself, this story reminded me of just how much we are underappreciated. Before happening across this I can honestly say I often did not tell people because of how ridiculed we are. This story reminded me of all the good we have and how proud we should be! We as a collective are loyal, honest, loving and underestimated! Thank you for writing this, I often come back to it and read it again and again, it never fails to bring a smile to my face. Thank you!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/26
As a Hufflepuff myself, his description of my house makes me even prouder to be one. Awesome story.
reynardgautama chapter 1 . 11/13/2019
Nice and interesting story
Tankinator175 chapter 1 . 11/11/2019
Okay, I just felt the need to point out that Moody had given Cedric the Idea to put the egg under water, so he did NOT figure it out on his own. Also, there is no guarantee that Cedric would have been able to take on the Dragon with it forewarning, given that he almost died anyway. Harry has proven himself to think on his feet a lot more than Cedric did. Just saying.
Poptart78 chapter 1 . 7/2/2019
Imma gonna cry im a hufflepuff... With pride
FireChildSlyth5 chapter 1 . 8/28/2018
It’s been years since I read this (I may have also reviewed it haven’t looked) and decided reviewing it again. Thoughout the 8 plus years now since this been posted I came back to it to reread it and each time it brought a smile to my face. And the movies oif fantastic Beasts makes me remember this epic one shot each time of how awesome Hufflepuffs are.

RIP Cedic, I still miss you a lot since the books came out.

I did try to log back in and review but I have seen that I am unable to as I did in fact Review this before so guest review it is. Have you posted this in Ao3 yet?

Very Small Prophet chapter 1 . 7/8/2018
Hufflepuffs are the Roman legions: marching into battle with shields interlocked, short swords at the ready, obeying their officers, digging entrenchments around their camps every night. Gryffindors are the ancient Celts, flinging off their plaids and racing into battle naked, swinging their broadswords. Ravenclaws are the ancient Egyptians, with their centuries of lore and impressive technical skills. Slytherins are the ancient Greeks: reaching for greatness, establishing the foundations of Western intellectual culture, and having it all fall apart in political backstabbing and petty wars.

And the Hufflepuff legions march over them, and all they have left is their history. Hufflepuff conquers the world!
Unimaginative Lot chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
Love this story! I absolutely agree, and I love it that Snape is the one to theorize this about Hufflepuffs.
lechatabbicat chapter 1 . 11/17/2017
Really liked this!
spittingllama7856 chapter 1 . 8/1/2017
Yay! Us 'Puffs are underrated. This is a boost of self confidence for my fellow Hufflepuffs(and me tbh). It's not every day we earn praise from a /Slytherin/ of all people. Great, really amazing! Haha, I like all your stories so far, so it's not surprising, really.
Cinthya chapter 1 . 11/6/2016
I thought so... When you start the class i think of Hufflepuff, but only as a allie, not an allie.
SadGuest chapter 1 . 10/14/2016
I wanted to let you all know that this precious soul passed away at some point. Talent comes in all shapes, sizes and colors, writing is art and Ms. Figg had it. She put all she had in her work to bring happiness to people. I think the man that portrayed Severus (the late Alan Rickman) probably would have told Ms. Figg that she put herself out here creatively and is that not how Mr. Rickman got his start? I have read several stories of hers and most of them are really, really good. She doesn't claim to be a famous author, she shared a part of herself with everyone and like me, she thought Severus was delicious and sexy. We ALL think Severus is a dark chocolate, sexy beast (my reference to his eyes, hair and voice) Thank you, Ms. Figg for helping me get thru some heartaches and tough times with an escape with my Severus...I also like the fact that she included EVERYBODY in her stories, from all walks of life, shapes and colors..ALL of us can appreciate and love Severus! GodSpeed Ms. Ruth, you are missed and give Alan a HUGE kiss from us!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/9/2016
I think it best to choose a true friend for an ally. Therefore, choosing a housemate is not that wrong.
Thank you for writing stories.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/14/2016
Yay for Huffpuff
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