Reviews for The Program
me chapter 9 . 5/17/2015
I know it's five years later and all, but I wish you'd update. :(
K chapter 9 . 10/19/2014
I was devastated when I finished reading this and realised it hasn't updated in years... this fic is a really interesting setup, and I'd love to know how you were going to finish it, if you never do. The writing style improves so much throughout, as well- I'm going to go ahead and read your newer works now! Thanks for the ride, even if it stopped a little short.
roxxihearts chapter 9 . 9/25/2012
Wow. I really really hope that at some point, they broke out and freed everyone else. I hold no allusions this will be finished seeing as hte last update was two eyars ago but it was a greats tory!
Inita chapter 9 . 9/16/2012
This fanfic is amazing. I normally don't read rated M, but this was really good, and the way it ended - whether it's truly incomplete or undetermined - is near perfect. In honesty, you could take it anywhere, or you could leave it at this and have it open for us readers to interpret what happened next. Though you may have done this because you literally weren't finished, it still fits, in a way.

Both seemed pretty in-character; more so Neku than Josh because in this, we see a bit more of a darker side to Joshua than normal. But in the times he and Neku interacted (specifically in chapter 3), it was similar to the canon version. After that, it became a sort of hurt/comfort situation, which later evolved into actual Neku/Joshua (or Joshua/Neku, however you want to put it as).

All in all, very nice; I liked it. Like I said, rated M fanfics aren't normally my cup of tea, but this was a good read. It has to be (alongside another fanfic) my favorite TWEWY story so far - good work, mate.

roxxihearts chapter 1 . 8/31/2012
*is intrigued*

*keeps reading*
Amaru7227 chapter 9 . 4/27/2012
Holy crap, I know that this story hasn't been updated in a long time, but holy crap what I have read here was so good. It hits all the right buttons for me as an AU that ties in game elements and I was instantly hooked from the very beginning with questions and this surreal feel of "What the heck is going on?"

What is here is such a good read, and I don't know if you've plans to continue this or not, but nonetheless this was very enjoyable for me. :)
Alternate Code chapter 9 . 4/4/2012
You have me addicted~ I think being the seme suits Joshua xD I sure hope Neku doesn't die but it would be cool if Josh went berserk with anger and hatred, that I can totally see.
Rypias chapter 9 . 8/13/2011
This was an amazing read.

I love how detailed you are.

I'll be waiting for the next update, definitely!
L.Cypher chapter 9 . 4/13/2011
That was just... amazing. The emotions behind your writing were intense, flawless. I almost can't find words to describe it. You have an amazing way of putting us in the character's shoes, and holy crap I just want to rant about how AMAZING this is. Plotline-wise, it's unique and tied to the original story so damn WELL. It flows seamlessly and... damn, I need to take a breather. You definitely deserve more reviews for something this perfect. The perspective issue (especially in Chapter 5) might be worked on a little, but that aside, I honestly have no complaints.

Keep on writing ~!
Dust-Raccoon chapter 9 . 2/2/2011
This is really exciting! I really can't wait to see what'll happen next! Please update!
Zorrina93 chapter 9 . 1/11/2011
Wow just wow this is amazing! Please update this soon! It's written so well with a storyline ...something you dont find with most stuff...

So ah its been faved and alerted so please update! 8D
koga123 chapter 9 . 1/6/2011
... write more~! ... please?

I love this fic and your descriptions are amazing, leaving shivers down my spine. Poor Neku getting poisoned, but he should of known, right? But Yoshiya saves the day~

Im expecting greatness from you again soon -
EmotionalSpazz chapter 8 . 11/28/2010
Okay, so... I-I can't be eloquent about this because I'm kind of - I'm kind of an allergy I have an allergy! I don't even know how you can make something that hot and touching at the same time - well, the end was really touching. The lonely feeling is described perfectly and just... okay maybe I'm crying I GIVE UP
Rainfell chapter 9 . 11/26/2010
Wow. It does get a bit confusing with the perspective, but it's still really really good. Please update soon!
Gunpowder and Tea chapter 9 . 11/22/2010
Nine whole chapters of pure amazing and win written by an equally ingenious author, and not a single review. That in itself is absolute blasphemy.

(I makes me so sad how TWEWY fanbase is so small that gorgeous things like this are not getting the appreciation they deserve.)

Just /wow/ reading this has completely blown my mind, I'm not even sure how I to start this review anymore.

Well, I've got a bit a of crit and a lot of love for these nine chapters (though I might go back to each individual one because you deserve like 813 reviews at least? Jesusbeams.)

I'll start with the criticism first because your writing is already so brilliant there really isn't much to fix and dang, I feel not worthy of picking at a flaw that really isn't there. Sometimes Sanae, when portrayed as the Voice, speaks to Neku with quotation marks, and I'm not sure if he is using Neku to actually speak outloud or not, but it might be just me being all giddy over this story and missing a detail or something. But yeah, I would love it if Sanae's Voice was always in italics unless he actually is manipulating Neku. (Now watch me be wrong because those scenes where I was pretty sure he was communicating with quotation marks and only Neku responded, he was actually "speaking" outloud.)

(Also in the middle chapter 4, you may want to remove the LJ post stuff. 2:30 am? My, my~ Do I recognize your LJ username from the subarashiki_ds community? ;3 )

The only other thing is the changing POV between Neku and Joshua, which is a bit difficult to follow, so try to stick a POV for a bit longer of a scene. Sometimes, you start with "he" in a scene, and I assume it's still, say Joshua, but then later in that sentence the subject is suddenly Neku and my mind kind of goes a bit /woah/ and so I go back to reread that with the correct boy in mind. Although, I can absolutely see the style and effect of describing both Neku and Josh's perspectives because, it really is necessary and it is what makes this story so awesome. And there's nothing wrong with it- just a tad challenging to keep up with.

However, neither of my critical points are, well, the point. They aren't /ohnoes-horrible/ issues or anything, just that occasionally I got a little bit lost. But seriously, YOU ARE A FANTASTIC WRITER WITH AWESOME DESCRIPTION AND MAN, THAT'S PROBABLY WHY I GOT LOST. BECAUSE YOUR AWESOMENESS JUST BLEW ME AWAY.

I mean, I don't review stories, like ever, because I always spend like an hour on one and I'm a stupid lazy-ass girl who /still/ hasn't started studying for her biology test tomorrow or written her college apps and is instead on . Err, what I'm trying to say is that I'm actually writing a review and I want you to know that I mean SERIOUS BUSINESS. SERIOUSLY. (God-stupid-gahh making serious no longer serious word.) But you know? Your writing is just so freaking fantastic that I've crawled out of my shell (at 10 pm of all times lol) to tell you exactly how freaking fantastic it is. Man I don't even make sense anymore but gosh, I am running out of words synonymous to awesome because YOU ARE EXACTLY THAT. AWESOME. AMAZING. STUPENDOUS. THAT YOU ARE. HOLY JESUS BEAMS.

Um, well I went off on a tangent again, didn't I? xD;;; I probably should be more specific about what I really enjoyed about your story.

First off, like how I mentioned earlier, the detail. I'm a huge stickler for description with all of the flowing adjectives and color, because well that's truly what makes a story interesting. And you my dear, have got it mastered. The torture, or "experiments", that Joshua and Neku go through- I just can /feel/ the tension, the pain, the desperation... and I'm shivering from it all because your writing just made it come to life. It's like I'm not reading, but living what Josh and Neku are going through (not saying I'm not being tortured! XD) and gosh, your words are simply so -powerful-. Love you. So much.

And have I even began to mention the PLOT? THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME. Like, my mind is coming up with so many different possibilities and theories that it's going to implode sometime. Not to mention that this plot is one of the most original ideas ever, and I don't mean the testing stuff, but the whole organization of Josh's powers and the Composer and Music and just TWEWY stuff twisted together in an AU that sort of isn't AU, which in itself is mind blowing. But Sanae constantly threatening to kill Josh makes go D: because I like them being buddybuddy and making Neku do the dirty work makes the tears flow. ;.; But yes, the plot is serious new and a huge relief from the usual Conductor!Neku (which I do love) and Almighty!Joshua. Can't wait to see what happens~

The characterization. Most definitely unusual and yet straight on because we honestly have no idea what Josh would be like without his prissy-kid-who-can-erase-you-with-his-mind attitude. It's really nice to see Josh convey a different emotion than the hole I-am-an-asshole and I-own-you-:3 and actually... be /human/. (Neku is spot on too.) Also, I'm loving the whole Josh-doesn't-exactly-remember-sex thing cuz somehow he still manages to establish seme-status and that just made me lol and cry so hard. THAT LEMON. WAS. HOT. Just saying C: And not just that, the whole cuddling and the LOVE DISCUSSION. OHHHH MY GODDDD. CUTENESS OVERLOAD. YESS. WINWINWIN RIGHT THERE.


So really. I hope to see the next installment of this wonderful story!~~~ :3