Reviews for Fang's Army Recruitment
KoreanKai chapter 1 . 9/2/2011
Name:Daniel Cross



DNA Composure :been experimented countless times on,mixture of everything

Powers (if any):can enter people's dreams and nightmares,can teleport up to 50 feet about 3 times a day


-Hair Color-white

-Hair Color-

-Hair Style-spiky

-Eye Color-red

-Skin Color-pale


-Any Tattoos or Scars?-tattoo of a cross on his right arm


Personality:Cold but protective to close friends

Birth Place:?

History/Past:Lost his memory,only remembers escaping from the school

Where is the School They Came From?:same as max and fang

Favorite Color:red

Favorite Book:none

Favorite Sport:none

Favorite Activity:sparring

Favorite TV show/Movie:none

Favorite Song/Song that Describes Them:Animal I've Become-Three Days Grace


-Casual-jeans,black shirt with a cross on it,ratty sneakers

-Formal-no formal wear

Likes:sparring,being alone for a little

Dislikes:too cheery,phony,etc.

Strengths:won't hesitate to kill

Weaknesses:very protective

Do They Have a Flock or Group Of Mutants They Are A part Of?:no


Hand-Drawn-Photograph chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
Name: Zauquie

Gender: female

Nickname: Zak

DNA Composure : 97% human, 3% lepard

Powers (if any): speed, good eyesight, very strong.


-Hair Color-


-Hair Color-

Er..still black

-Hair Style-

short, choppy.

-Eye Color-


-Skin Color-

Cacasian, Tan


Slender, well Muscled

-Any Tattoos or Scars?-

Scars? yes, lots. Tats? as Bad ss as that would be, no.


Personality: Snarky, a little like Max, but more reserved, potentially a little cruel, dislikes children.

Birth Place: Some where in the Sahara.

History/Past: Zak was born in a 'school' along with a 'family' of her own, consisting of her twin brother Collins, a lepord mix, Zurrie, a loin mix, and Jean, a Hawk mix. The white cots decide that Zak and her friend are no loner necessary, and her brother and her hatch a plan to help everyone escape. minutes before they put the plan into action, the white coats come to put Zak and her family to sleep, and Zak is the only one to escape. Hungry and afraid, Zak goes to america, where she has a lead on finding her real parents.

Where is the School They Came From?: Africa

Favorite Color: Gold

Favorite Book: can't read

Favorite Sport: running

Favorite Activity: running

Favorite TV show/Movie: doesn't watch tv.

Favorite Song/Song that Describes Them: Second chance, SHINEDOWN, or Arms of the Angel, Sara McLaughlin.

Clothes: jeans and tee shirts.


look up.




running, her old friends.


pretty much everything else.


phisical fightin, running


talking to people, any thing emotional.

Do They Have a Flock or Group Of Mutants They Are A part Of?:

She used to.


none, anymore


None, maybe fang eventually.

Age: 15, 16ish.
DiedLaughing chapter 1 . 4/12/2011
Where are you we miss you and want to read the story (and I wanna c what you do with my characters) anyway please come bak I think most of your readers agree we want to read more we arnt called READERS for nothin here anyway hope you come back soon and rember


wolfsrainrules chapter 8 . 3/29/2011
Haha, guess this answers that question hmm? Oh well thats okay, i think i shall go read the story itself now...
wolfsrainrules chapter 6 . 3/29/2011
Hahaha, Bob. Spongebob... Made me laugh. Awww, orange alley cat? Tom O'malley or Oliver? Anyway...yeah...
wolfsrainrules chapter 5 . 3/29/2011
I was reading Ches' little section, and I felt like smiling a couple of times. I kept thing Cheshire from Alice in Wonderland and found myself wondering "Does Ches have a 'Cheshire Cat Smile'?
wolfsrainrules chapter 3 . 3/29/2011
Awww...God...this is sad...*sniffs a bit* Would you like a Guy OC? I could make one if you'd like.
wolfsrainrules chapter 2 . 3/29/2011
Hehe, oops? Ok so i chose 2 animals in the DNA thing and just read the whole Keep it simple at one animal thing, so how bout we stick with Arctic Fox?
wolfsrainrules chapter 1 . 3/29/2011
Not sure if you're still taking characters but hey- never know till you try huh?

Name: Evelyn

Gender: F

Nickname: Evee

DNA Composure : 2% Arctic Fox 2% Great Horned owl 96% human

Powers (if any): Can act like a siren, effecting a person through song. (I.e. Lullabies make people sleep, Songs that are upbeat-fighting songs like the Mortal Combat Theme get adreniline pumping. She likes to pull pranks with this ability- sometimes playing matchmaker and singing something like "Kiss the Girl" around the chosen pair.


-Hair Color- Due to her DNA Composure it is a dark gray with white-blue streaks

-Hair Style- Stops at her shoulderblades with really long bangs that blend in with the rest of her hair. Normally braided or in a messy bun.

-Eye Color- DNA Composure caused the eye colors of her animals to merge, so they are a striking gold with abyss like black flecks in them

-Skin Color- A pale white, not a sickly white, but a pale creamy white

-Build- The athletic build of an olympic swimmer.

-Any Tattoos or Scars?- She has a scar running from her left ear to her chin, obtained in a fight with an Eraser. She also has a tatoo of thorny vines wraping up her arm from her wrist to her shoulder, but it appears the thorns are digging into her arm and blood is running down it as if she is bleeding from the injuries.

-Other- She has gray wings like the Great Horned Owl in her human form, as well as the ears and tail of the Arctic Fox

Personality: She is very loyal, understanding and calm isn't judgemental. She's a strong-willed person (Helps her ability) and good a keeping secrets. Is very protective of friends and hurting those friends is a sure-fire way to unleash her legendary temper. Has a quick mind and is quick to come up with a plan, even in the middle of battle. Loves puzzles and strategy games as well as pranks and a good chalenge for her mind and body. As a joke she will sometimes sing the Mortal Combat Theme song in battles. If you didnt know her, you'd mistake her for a loner.

Birth Place: Dublin, Ireland

History/Past:She was born in a hospital in Dublin, but her parents put her up for adoption. The School came in and took her. She was there until she was 13, but got out after some careful planning on her part, making sure she had enough information on the Whitecoat's movements and how the security systems worked. Now she wonders aroung, going where she feels she should and looking for something to do, other then follow Fang's Blog and help out where possible (She spotted a support group for Fang and asked them what it was about-then she stole a computer and started following it)

Where is the School They Came From?: California

Favorite Color: Metalic Silver

Favorite Book: Intertwined by Gena Showalter (She found the book at a train station on a bench-someone left it.)

Favorite Sport: Swimming

Favorite Activity: Drawling or Singing

Favorite TV show/Movie: Hellboy

Favorite Song/Song that Describes Them: How Far We've Come by Matchbox Twenty (Describes and her Fav)


-Casual- Wears a black bandana to hide her ears, as well as a trench coat to hide the tail-also black. Her jeans are slightly torn and a light blue-almost white. She wears a black tanktop with silver writing declaring to the world "I feel a sin coming on..."

-Formal- She wears a dark navy blue dress that hugs her body, but not in slutty way, and matching heels with wrap-around ribbons that keep her shoes on (Think those Roman shoes) She will let her hair down for this.

Likes: Challenges, Strategy Games, Puzzles, Singing, Drawling, Reading, Friends, Nature, Animals, Night time, Stars, Moon, Mythology, Sunrise and Sunset

Dislikes: Snobs, Egotistical people, Pointless destruction, Schools, Experiments, Hospitals, Scientists, Getting stumped.

Strengths: Weapon-Fighting, Street-Fighting (Fighting in general) Using her brain, and her abilities

Weaknesses: If a person has a will strong enough they can resist her power's effects, Friends, tends to be late due to odd things happening around her, hospitals make her panic because of memories

Do They Have a Flock or Group Of Mutants They Are A part Of?: Not at first but could join Fang or someone later.

Family: None that she knows of

Friends: At the moment no, because she travels alone, but later if she joins a group theyy would become her friends
I Dislike Hendie chapter 1 . 3/29/2011
Your a mean cruel person! I hated the review you give, Because that was an incredible story and she deserved more credit!
Moriarsh chapter 7 . 3/15/2011
WHoa, whoa whoa.. the Larkin snake fangy guy? He has MY fangies. Do I still have them? :D
Lexisrush chapter 8 . 2/21/2011
Okay, i'm just gonna tell you know since well i don't know when you're going to respond on my PM i sent you, anyway i know there might be something thats keeping you from Fanfiction, okay anyway again, please tell me whether you 'stole' my idea or not, i'm not gonna get mad, i'll just maybe have to ask you to change the name if my fic was first, coz if you were first i'll have to say sorry but i'm pretty sure i was first, oh man i'm sounding like Nudge, anyway just tell me maybe it was just like great minds think alike and you spontaniously had the same idea as me without even knowing about my fic, haha won't that be something, so you know, tell me what you think and then one of our fics names sould change or we could somehow work together and hope noone gets confused. i'm sorry if i'm maybe a little talky and you don't understand a single word i'm saying, but well i'm a little weird and sometimes i talk alot. PM me or something if you've read this and understand the problem, i just don't want people confused with both our stories being about Fang's Army (i chose Army since there are alot of OC's and Fang feels a little bad about calling it a Flock) and sorry for the reeeeeeeeally long review.

Lexisrush chapter 1 . 2/3/2011
Heya, awesome idea, where did you get it? And since i've been doing the same thing, why don't you go take a look at my fic and stuff, it's called Fang's Army by me, Lexisrush, i've been writing this fic for a while now.
Rainfire of Riverclan chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
i forgot to mention that Echidna has tan bat wings with bat ears atop her head sorry i forgot to mention that
Rainfire of Riverclan chapter 8 . 2/2/2011
Name: Echidna

Gender: female

Nickname: Echo

DNA Composure: 75% human, and 25% Rousettus aegyptiacus (aka: Egyptian Fruit Bat)

Powers (if any): has echolocation so she can do things in pitch black


-Hair Color- dirty blonde

-Hair Style- goes down to mid back and kept in a braid

-Eye Color- gold with green flecks

-Skin Color- deep tan

-Build- 4' 3" very short, and lithe

-Any Tattoos or Scars?- in between her wings there is a tattoo of the eye of Horus meaning protection

Personality: cold and calous until you get to know her. her trust is hard to earn but once you have it she will follow you to the end of the earth and protect you with her life. she will kill anyone who messes with those she demes her friends.

Birth Place: Sol, Egypt

History/Past: her mother broke her out of the school when when she was 3. she lived with her mother and younger brother until the age of 10 when the school found her and killed her mother. she and her little brother managed to hide up to a year. when they were found she watched her 8 year old brother murdered. she managed to escape from the school 4 years later at the age of 15. she has been wondering around the US for the past year now 16 just trying to survive, and find a way back to Egypt.

Where is the School They Came From?: Huston, Texas

Favorite Color: Black, Crimson red, Forest green.

Favorite Book: anything fictional such as the Mercy Thompson series

Favorite Sport: basketball

Favorite Activity: swiming and drawing

Favorite TV show/Movie: NCIS, House, Law and Order, Spirited Away

Favorite Song/Song that Describes Them: She's Country by Jason Aldeen


-Casual- dark ripped jeans, knee high black converses, black tank top with a teal peace sign. when cold outside she has an areopastel jacket with the letters in teal

has her weapon sheath attached to her right hip

-Formal- a dark green ankle length dress with gold ancient Egyptian jewlry, gold flat flip flops, gold colored hand purse, and her sword sheath attached to her right hip under her dress

Likes: the dark, anime, fantasy, fighting, friends, country music, and sleeping late

Dislikes: spiders, snakes, the school, and know it alls

Strengths: skilled swords man

Weaknesses: small, and risks her life often

Weapon of Choice: khopesh, or an Egyptian Sickle Sword, and is about 50–60 cm (20 to 24 inches) in length

Do They Have a Flock or Group Of Mutants They Are A part Of?: no

Family: none that is living or she knows about, had a mother and younger brother. doesn't know about her father.

Friends: Iggy, and Talon the girl who was next to her while in the school she was 90% human, and 10% huming bird. whe had green, red, blue, and white hair, black eyes with no white.

if you want more information just tell me
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