Reviews for Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Boneheart chapter 2 . 9/14/2014
how come u never updated again?:'(
Arachnoid chapter 2 . 1/23/2013
Great story line and writing style. I hope it to be continued
Shakuhachi Jade chapter 2 . 12/28/2011
I can understand why it makes you feel awkward... I felt kinda awkward reading it, but almost entirely because of the subject matter and not because of anything having to do with your style or characterizations. Those were awesome.

I LOVE when authors tie in brutal, realistic scenes with the insane scenarios that actually happened on the tv show. I don't know how I didn't expect the SAC to be behind this, but it took me by complete surprise. Well done, lady! I hope we eventually get to see the other blonds of South Park, too~ (like Pip? Gary? Maybe even Gregory? :D) PLEASE don't make us wait an entire year for chapter 3...that's just heinous. xD

Again, job well done. You've already doubled my interest in this story simply by adding a second chapter. Keep up the great work!

Phantom Nini chapter 2 . 12/25/2011
This story is pretty much crack... BUT IT'S AWESOME CRACK! :D

I love this (as twisted and crazy as it is), mainly because it intrigued me when i read the summary. lol... Usually I wouldn't read stuff like this, but this story obvious;y was meant for me to read! :D
Silly Moo Cow chapter 2 . 12/25/2011
OMG I love it I would love it if you could update more often this has been like one of my favourite stories XD I love how sick it is and I do have an unhealthy obssession with Kenny OMG I would LOVE like LOVE an earlier update than Xmas next year :P lol it's just too good xxxxxxx
Sainly-Sad chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
Please please please continue! You can't leave it there! You can't! It's really good and I wanna read more!
Yuniz chapter 1 . 11/23/2010
continue writing. I haven't read fanfiction in ages & this piqued my interest. That must surely mean something. XD
Silly Moo Cow chapter 1 . 11/14/2010
OMFG I LOVE IT! D I LOVE KENNYand like Kenny torture D EPIC! Please write more I'D LOVE to read more! EPIC EPIC EPIC! xxx
TheGirlInTheRedPoofballHat chapter 1 . 11/13/2010
That was... adorable... and strangely hot... and sad.

The idea of Kenny chained up like that is... eurgh... :O

I liked it a lot though.
tyleetty chapter 1 . 11/13/2010
I am in love with story:)... Is that worrying?

Oh well

so far this story has been verry well written and has definatly left a mysterious edge, like who is the perverted man who is willing to buy an abused teenage boy? For 30 grand non the less?

I cannot wait for the next update so please please please update soon:)
Cliscia chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
JIZZ IN MY PANTS. I love fucked up crap, so please continue, I will diligently read and review~ Looking forward to Kenny abuse, because who doesn't?
GabiL chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
Amazing story!

Plz, plz continue it, I'm crazy to know who's this man!