Reviews for No Remorse
bittersweet saturn chapter 1 . 9/13/2002
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ: in responce to Xing's (leader of ) ruling on NC 17 fics being banned, someone has created a petition. i urge everyone reading this to sign that petition and add your comments, your voice and nag Xing until he/she relents and changes the ruling. fight the man! don't let Xing X out our freedom of speech! (get the pun?) here's the link, or at least something to copy from:

Angel Interceptor chapter 2 . 4/17/2002
Ok, so I know I said I wouldn't read this, but tough luck kid. Despite what you said, chapter two isn't too bad at all (I don't know if this is the reposted version or not, but so what) - there are just a couple of points. Firstly, how does Rimmer figure out the other Rimmer was using him? Secondly - why turn Rimmer off? There is loads of scope for more story here, including interaction with the rest of the crew, and a mega excuse for much Rimmer heartache and angst as he battles with himself. Despite being off slash at the moment (as you well know!) this is good and I like it.
Kingdoms chapter 2 . 4/15/2002
Gee you've got a few good idea's running here, ::reads further:: i few more thought's than i thought there were. Captured the idea's that would most likly be going through their heads really well. This is good... Zeralot
Tronny chapter 2 . 4/5/2002
Ooh... we love the evil fic!
Bounce chapter 1 . 4/1/2002
Not bad. Needs a lil bit of wrok but you've got Rimmer down pat. Look forward to seeing more of your work.
iufwieug chapter 1 . 3/12/2002
Er... I enjoy slash... but... well... it could use some work. Unless you're planning on adding chapters to it, this really needs some meat.
cazflibs chapter 1 . 3/11/2002
sorry, i've been doing a lot of lurking at the RDSS recently. Did I say lurking? I meant constructive listening... tee-hee-hee. Liked this one! Fab...
tc chapter 1 . 3/10/2002
it's nice.
Kingdoms chapter 1 . 3/10/2002
A good run of suspense for a while there as i read the first para, tis very good i must say.

Tronny chapter 1 . 3/9/2002
Ee! More fic, and dedicated to me at that :)

Yay! More and more of this, please :)