Reviews for For What It's Worth
Dellanotte chapter 1 . 4/16/2013
This could exist as a complete one-shot. Especially since it effectively does. Stein's dissecting every last argument of the main series/fandom in regards to the pairing, and laying a different opinion for all to see. I'm willing to bet that this was meant to instead have Soul refute Stein's theory, while simultaneously expanding his character (maybe Stein's, too), but the ending note of "Oh shit, maybe he's right" is a lovely change.
Comprehensive and merciless as it is, though, what really struck me is how much Stein clearly cares about the both of them. Not just trying to avoid Soul being killed, but trying to talk him out of feeling expendable. Not just trying to protect Maka's potential, but her trust in others. For a guy who claims not to understand love, his actions show quite a bit of it.
The only issue I had with him, though, is that he didn't even acknowledge the friendship aspect Soul and Maka have going on. Aside from the romance, it's clear that they're close. And for a guy whose closest friends seem to be Spirit and Marie, you'd think he'd put more thought into it. It's clear that he understands both Soul and Maka well enough. That last part definitely helps him whittle down Soul-he went from thinking that Stein could TRY to convince him to desperately needing a way to prove the man wrong. Beautiful, realistic persuasion for psychology textbooks everywhere. And resilient teenage boys who prove crazy loner scientists wrong.
superlazyguest chapter 1 . 11/28/2012
Omg more, wait is there going to be more?
Chance O'Neal chapter 1 . 11/11/2010
I like this. I truly do. Stein may be insane, but he's a brilliant man, and you demonstrated a less obtrusive way for him to force the issue on Soul where he couldn't blame something else. Stein probably has been around the block to know this as well, despite his current situation anyway.
daisydarling chapter 1 . 11/10/2010
Interesting perspective via Stein there...can't wait for the next chapter.

Miyaow chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
OMG! Your work is fantastic!

Soul worshiping Maka? Hmmm... interesting concept. Cute and in a way romantic - what woman wouldn't want that - the coolest dude in the world viewing you as the goddess of his life? I can't wait to hear what Soul is going to write in the essay.

Update soon! I'll surely dedicate an illustration to you with all your fantastic works!

Still swooning over Soul Limit... Last chapter got me sad, though, but I know you've just got something great in store!

Keep up the great work!

smos chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
This is very interesting...I'd like to see what Soul can cook up! I love how you can twist around and deviate the mainstream belief! Again, i applaud your brilliance! I can't wait to see what happens next1 Update soon! Or any of your other stories too! XD I've gone gaga for all of them!
It-Ended-At-3 chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
Nice to have a little breather eh? I like where this is heading, almost like a much needed character and relationship analysis. I'm enjoying the perspective of the debate- Stien's hard to rebuttal. Can't wait to see where you go with it. In SouLimit you predominately focus on Maka's side of the complication so it's nice to see a focus in Soul's. Personally he strikes me as the first to really fall for her, Maka's feelings for him in the series show a little later.

Love your writing as always. It was certainly a pleasure to find the new title.

Soul-Eater J. Evans chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
Hey. This was a nice and different hang of pace for me. Very good, I hope you update soon, don't leave me hanging on this one note!
Hitoshi-chan chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
You are a terrible person, but then you've heard me say than enough times so I'll stop. I'm stuck between cackling evilly and shaking my head at you. I both love and hate this angle, because I think it's a really good point that I don't see a lot of authors cover, but it's so heartbreaking. Why must you thrive on angst and drive me insane? XD

All in all, this is great and I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

3 Sani

PS. I don't mind the abuse. 3