Reviews for Octahedron
Prakriti13 chapter 12 . 11/16/2015
I just came across this story and I'm addicted to it. Please you need to finish this story.
Dani chapter 12 . 12/6/2014
Nnonononooononon, YOU MUST FINISH IT! I can't live without the endig of this story! PLEASEEEE
uj chapter 12 . 2/22/2014
I just found this story and loved reading it, it's very different and new compared to others fanfiction i've read. Hope you get back to it one day :)
Guest chapter 12 . 7/24/2013
I just wanted to say that this style of writing and this story and plot is absolutely captivating. I managed to stumble upon 'abnormally attracted to sin' and read it and this in one sitting through the night, accidentally pulling an all nighter and realising that when i looked up there was light battling their way through my curtains and it was was well worth not sleeping.
I really hope things are well with you and that you continue to write whether it is to finish this (i've tried imagining what happens next but it doesn't match the level that you write at so i just get really annoyed at myself) or to pursue something else. Whatever it is, please don't stop writing! You have a fantastic talent for it! :)
stormrage723 chapter 12 . 7/9/2013
Don't know if you're busy (you probably are, and that's ok) but I wanted to say that I love this story, and the first one. Your style is brilliant. I'm dying to know what's going to happen, so I hope that you're doing well. Take care!
Tofu9162 chapter 12 . 6/3/2013
So my brilliant plan to not annoy with a million reviews and wait till the end backfired. I now have so much to put in here it will seem like I'm either rambling or writing a very bad novel. anyway, here we go...
- Both this story and the first one are amazing! At first I thought it was a bit dark and overly angsty but it just fit and grew on me once I got a feel for the characters and your writing style. and you're right, the mess and chaos was worth it to get to where you had planned to bring us in the end. I hope that despite the time and your busy life that you are able to return to this one day because it is a learning experience, introduction to new music, and wonderfully written story. and bringing Katie into it just to leave it hanging is cruel :P
- the music - I've never heard any of the songs or artists you mentioned but I've been checking a few out and like some of it. I've never really explored this type of music much so thank you for the education :] I love music and like learning about new artists/songs/genres. I might look up books mentioned too out of curiosity and to better understand the Emily you brought to life in these chapters.
I think that's about it. I've never done any of the drugs mentioned in here but have had friends do them and try to explain it to me. It was really cool to finally understand what they were talking about after reading this. makes more sense why people take them to the point o self-destruction if it makes you feel and experience all of that. Ok, that's really the end of this nonsensical review lol. I hope you just know from it how much I enjoyed reading it and seeing the world you created for two somewhat familiar characters.
TheOhGreatVale chapter 12 . 4/15/2013
Godfucking dammit. I know Emily is just lost and out of control but its not enough. I'm so fucking irritated and frustrated by what she's doing because she's now completely destroying Naomi just because she feels like it. Also, I'm surprised that the number or reviews aren't as high as AATS.
I know the last update was a long time ago but please consider updating because I feel as if I don't finish the story,I'm gonna start combulsing and die.(figure of speech)
Oh and thank god Katie Fucking Fitch is back and hopefully knock sense into Emily.
WhenAnxietyKicksIn chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
A tad confusing tbh. But yeah I'm curious how this story and the way your writing will panned out. I'm just glad this is going to continue. I was ambivalent on how to feel in the first story. For me, it was kind of rushed. *shrugs* Still thank you and good luck with your endeavors :)
ABellz chapter 12 . 1/20/2013
This was a little hard to read, but was still interested to see what was going to happen. didn;t realize you hadn't updated in so long.
Guest chapter 12 . 11/12/2012
naomilyfan chapter 12 . 10/19/2012
please update. this story makes me so sad but I can't help wanting more!
els chapter 12 . 7/23/2012
Just reread both stories and I wish you would come back with an update for this :( You're style is so different and kind of choppy in a way but it totally works with the type of personality you've created for Emily, and the angsty mood she's always in. I honestly have no clue where this is heading, which is good cause its so original that I just don't know what to expect! Hopefully you'll come back with this!
hurtwithyourlove chapter 12 . 6/12/2012
It 's really something you should keep writing,it's strong and cool and make your stomach hurt when you read it ! absolutely update it ,pretty please :)
BabyC chapter 12 . 4/7/2012
Been waiting for the next chapter for like a year :(
Aubrie chapter 12 . 3/23/2012
I know I'm a bit late on reading this, but yet again I just recently found out about Naomily... Sad I know.

I just wanted to say even though you probably wont be finishing this (even though I really want you to!) You are an absolutely amazing writer. All I have been doing in my spare rime is reading you're work. I love it. You really had me sucked in there.

Stunning work :)
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