Reviews for Pride, Shinra and Prejudice
sasurina chapter 9 . 4/27
If it’s not too late, I hope Rufus and Tifa would somehow end up together :) I’m totally into CloTi, but at this point it would make more sense story-wise if Rufus managed to win Tifa’s trust and eventually her heart. The man deserved it with all his earnest effort and progress thus far. About Cloud, he gotta learn his lesson and suck it up lol.
Anyways, nice story! Thank you and hope the final chapter will come soon :)
Guest chapter 9 . 12/27/2017
I’m so happy to see an update to this story! I can’t wait to see how it all ends!
jishoumotogamer chapter 8 . 10/23/2017
I'm a Cloti-only kind of person, but I must say I'm enjoying the story so far. I would very much like to see Tifa and Rufus become good friends, with him learning to be a better person through their friendship. I wouldn't mind if he were to become enamoured with her but like I said, Cloti all the way for me. I hope we get to see Cloud's side of the story while Tifa and Rufus are getting closer. Cloud really is a fool. Spiky better make a move soon!
Avid reader chapter 8 . 10/22/2017
Yay -I love this story-!
Rikku Shinra chapter 8 . 10/13/2017
Poor Rude, he never gets the girl. I love your story, its amazing i am going to stalk...I mean follow this. My favorte part so far - Rufus using a broom handle to take out someone. Like Zack with the parasol, Shinra must be made of McGyvers.
Guest chapter 8 . 10/10/2017
Oh my god you updated, you really did update the story and I'm just dying of happiness in the inside and HOLYYYYY wtf is going on, poor Tifa! Hope you won't leave us hanging for too long
ShinRaZAFT chapter 7 . 4/9/2017
I read this story a year and six months ago and I love it. It's been a year and six months since you updated this story and your profile has been updated a year and two months ago. So I was wondering if you're okay or at least still alive. I hope you update soon.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/25/2017
I've reread this an embarrassing number of times...I miss this story SO much and I hope that you haven't given up on it!
Arielity chapter 7 . 4/16/2016
this is one of my favorite fanfic. Your writing is excellent, I really wanted you update this story :)
soda-cola-pop chapter 7 . 11/28/2015
Can't sign in.

You still write beautifully. I especially admire how you are able to draw out Rufus' character. You've given him depth without forcing it. I'm torn between him and Cloud. Can you make two different endings? )

I also want to know more about how Cloud feels. He's been too complacent with his place in Tifa's life... but I'm glad having Rufus here can push him to *do something*

Looking forward for more )
S.simone chapter 7 . 11/28/2015
This is fantastic! It's really rare to find those who still
Love FF VII And want to write about it! This story is wonderful so far, it is written very well. The characters are absolutely perfect. As for whom I think Tifa should end up with, it's hard to say for certain. I think it would be interesting to see her end up with Rufus. But that's just me. :) I'm loving the interaction the two are having so far, and I can see a shift happening in the relationship. It's wonderful. AWESOME JOB! Update soon! ;)
J Luc Pitard chapter 7 . 11/4/2015
Cloud's going to have to get his groove on pretty soon, now that Rufus knows they're not an item. Tifa's the whole package and I could see him hoping for someone like that by his side. He could ignore her little bleeding heart liberal side, if he had to. As for her? We'll see, won't we?
Guest chapter 7 . 11/3/2015
Oh god, please, ditch Cloud and make this RufusxTifa. There already are so many CloTi I can't stand them anymore. And good stories with Rufus are so damn rare I could cry all day T_T... So... PLEASE!
Arielity chapter 1 . 10/30/2015
I'm loving this story , I started reading yesterday and I am anxious for you to update it :)
Guest chapter 5 . 3/30/2014
Love your story. Perhaps Tifa could be a liaison of sorts, keeping Rufus and his company on the up and up?
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