Reviews for Nancy Bobofit: Her Story
Persassabeth has arrived chapter 2 . 7/9
also he's the best swordsman in all of camp, so...
Persassabeth has arrived chapter 1 . 7/9
hi cuz!
Guest chapter 12 . 6/16
rhea and gaea
Guest chapter 12 . 2/27
You know that The earth Mother is sleeping Hard now when Leo made her fall asleep again and you need to practice you spelling
Elsie chapter 1 . 8/31/2019
continue plz, its really good
Guest chapter 11 . 9/9/2018
I think that percy should date nancy i d'ont know but if they are dating there relationship could not work because of the others d'ont forget about annabet something like that but i feal really bad for nancy so this why i think that nancy and percy should date each other how did percy and this annabet were boyfriend and girlfriend how seriously but nancy her has a strong motion and her is like i know how she must have feel is like i was her anyway her emotion is so strong i d'ont exacly know how to explain it
Guest chapter 9 . 9/9/2018
I seriously have a question why did not you talk about the parent of nancy are they dead and that womeb is she the mother an annabeth i feel sad for nancy he like percy and she is jealous of annabeth she has no friend everyone hated her she think i d'ont know but t
you know i like that chapter i should continues to read it that os for sure
Guest chapter 1 . 9/9/2018
Why did she have a crush on percy why does she like him and does the girl she was talking about was none other than annaneath something like that why is she even and the school does nancy is a half blood
Guest chapter 1 . 9/9/2018
I want that to continued please
Derp chapter 12 . 12/18/2017
The Earth mother is Gaia(sp?).
The Titaness is Rhea.
SAMAR6YearsLater chapter 12 . 5/16/2017
yes obvsly next chapter pffft...
also Earth Mama is Gaea the idiot
and Mama Titan is Rhea
that is if you still need these answers, which i doubt
also nice story duude i loved it
also... idk what else
yeah that is it lolz live a life! (idkkkkkk)
Guest chapter 12 . 3/13/2016
The titaness is Lady Rhea and the Earth Mother is Lady or rather her Former Ladyship Gaea and the 'sky' as it was eloquently put was his Lordship Ouranus.
Guest chapter 12 . 1/14/2016
An amazing story I love how the author keep all the characters themselves. Such as Percy being protective of Annabeth (#lovePERCABETH) but when she didn't need help Percy is just everyone's normal old Seaweed Brain, or how Rachel is a peppy, happy, sweet-hearted girl she has a darker side to her even though she looks intimidating as her normal self she has her dark side, her prophecy side, her Oracle side. Wow that was a really long sentence anyway tell your friends about this amazing story because it is amazing, I did! Big big BIG thank you to the author but please add on the next chapter soon, we're dying in suspense. But I am happy I stumbled across this story, if i hadn't my life would be incomplete, I wouldn't know the story from Nancy's point of view. I mean she is one of our least favorite characters, until now! Really quickly though :
Dear author (someone plz tell me their name),
If you put in a Nercy kid the ENTIRE FANDOM will hunt you down and make you remove it, ir else...
Thank ,
The PJO (/HoO) Fandom

Now that that's out of the way I just really want the say "thank you" but in serious about the whole Nercy kiss thing. Also a high-five and a blue cookie to anyone who actually read this whole thing

May the Percy be with you all,
Ali the fangirl
Guest chapter 11 . 12/1/2015
No nancy shode not date percy
Guest chapter 5 . 11/26/2015
There are MANY grammar errors bro
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