Reviews for Between the Lines
Phoenix Flower chapter 11 . 1/5/2019
You did what legend and lore said was impossible: you made Jak 3 make sense in regards to the Jak/Keira pairing.
BurstB chapter 11 . 3/22/2017
It has been a long time since I last played the Jak trilogy but this brought back some memories. This story as short as it might be has a wonderful plot development/progressing relationship, nearly no grammatical errors and the characters act like normal beings (each decision was comprehensible and satisfying).

It was fun reading this and I'm not lying by saying this is one of the better fanfiction I've read so far.
Ottsel Cath chapter 11 . 12/18/2016
Awww, this is the first multi-chapter Jak and Daxter story I've read and I loved every part of it. You are a very talented writer! :)
PrayerGirl chapter 11 . 5/15/2016
Awwwww! That was so sweet!
Requiem17 chapter 11 . 2/15/2016
Lovely, just the story I needed this morning. Thank you for 'fixing' the romance!
Basket in a Nutcase chapter 11 . 1/28/2016
AnonymousNavi chapter 11 . 10/20/2015
Ah, I am so glad Keira got to see Light Jak. I didn't realize I needed that until now.

Again, Jak having feelings got to me. From him having a voice raw with fear to him laughing, it had my heart all squished with feelings. I wish there was going to be more, more of them getting to know each other, physically and emotionally; them confronting Samos about their relationship/keeping their relationship a secret from Samos; Jak adjusting to a peaceful life and Keira helping him. AH! So many possibilities! Where am I going to get my Jak and Daxter fix now?
AnonymousNavi chapter 10 . 10/20/2015
Ah! YES! The kiss! That stupid, misplaced, awful kiss! I was so terrified when Daxter starting running his big mouth. I knew he was going to blow it, but I'm glad he did. It wouldn't have done any good had it stayed a secret. Ah, I'd love to see how Torn and Ashelin are dealing with it.

When you described Jak's voice as 'dejected' I felt my heart break a little. I'm so used to him being gruff and sassy that when he actually shows moments of softness I get all fluttery.

So excited for how this chapter went, but so sad the next one is the last one.
AnonymousNavi chapter 9 . 10/20/2015
They're interaction is so painful to watch. I just want them to be cute with each other again, but I do like how you're touching on Jak and Ashelin's... flirting? I was wondering how you were going to address it. I look forward to more of that.
AnonymousNavi chapter 8 . 10/20/2015
Short, but UUUUUH JAK PRECIOUS BAB. In contrast, I feel Jak being hurt at Keira not saying anything felt more justifiable? Maybe? Nevermind. I think since we as players know what Jak is going through during his time in the desert, it's easy for us to understand him, but when I think about it, it would really be almost impossible for Keira to even begin to fathom what he's been going through.

So I take back what I said last review. They both have a right to be upset.
AnonymousNavi chapter 7 . 10/20/2015
SAME. SAME. SAME. When I played Jak 3 for the first time, I waited the entire game to see Keira again and then what happens? Ugh. It was terrible. I do appreciate you explaining it out. Since you've been following the game for the most part, I was wondering how you were going to do it and I think it got it just right.

Keira's decision at the end makes me so sad. I also feel like she's not taking time to see everything from Jak's side. Sure, he didn't say anything to her, but she didn't do any better. I feel she may be jumping to conclusions? UGH I JUST WANTED HER TO PLAY A BIGGER ROLE IN THIS GAME AND IT'S SO FRUSTRATING UGUUUUUUGH. NAUGHTY DOG WHAT THE FUCK.
AnonymousNavi chapter 6 . 10/20/2015
Although I loved the scene with Jak fighting with the dark eco, I think I was a little frustrated with how Keira reacted. It was obvious he wasn't himself, that he was saying things he usually wouldn't. Keira said so herself. I think her bitterly turning on him and leaving him wasn't something she would have really done in that situation, which to be honest, sounds almost rude to say, considering this is YOUR story and you get to decide how things go.

Please don't take it negatively, I just really like your story and trust your writing, therefore I feel comfortable expressing my opinions with you.

AnonymousNavi chapter 5 . 10/20/2015

Even though we know Keira is still getting bossed around by her dad in Jak X, I'm really looking forward to Keira standing up to him and hope there's a chance for it in the future.
AnonymousNavi chapter 4 . 10/20/2015
Precious baby Keira and Jak. I'm just glad that Jak didn't accidentally end up hurting her.

You also pegged Daxter perfectly. Again, I could easily hear the character's voice.
AnonymousNavi chapter 3 . 10/20/2015
It's so funny how the second Torn takes the comm you can instantly tell he's the one talking. I could just hear his voice.

My only suggestion this chapter would perhaps be about Keira's, "What's going on?" line. Since she just heard the conversation over the comm, she would know that Jak didn't know the situation. Maybe something along the lines of, "Any idea what's going on?" or "Any guess on what's going on?" would fit better?

I noticed that you finished this story after five years and wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude that you're still going at it. I really, really appreciate you hanging in there until the end, especially when I know writing can take so much out of people over the years.
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