Reviews for And so the Story Goes
Kortni chapter 3 . 8/8/2015
He's right
Nox Counterspell chapter 5 . 6/28/2014
Ok these drabbles are very clever, but this one has to be by far the best!
peoniequeen chapter 5 . 12/25/2010
wow she fianally needs help
Islanda chapter 5 . 12/25/2010
Please, please add a second part! This was amazing! Merry Christmas! :)
TCML chapter 4 . 11/20/2010
Please continue. I love Trentney and sad endings but, it gives me a way to come up with an excuse to come-up with my own ending. Well, please update soon!

Muzic rulez!

Nevah Doubt The Powah Of Muzzix!
Space Between Seconds chapter 4 . 11/14/2010
I think you should do one where Trent gets sick, and has to miss a date with Courtney. She tries to take care of him. Courtney starts does her best to be motherly, and tries to make soup, because thats all he can keep down, but doesnt know how.
power of slide chapter 4 . 11/14/2010
that was so sad...i feel bad for trent :(
babydon'tletmefall chapter 4 . 11/13/2010
That was... Depressing, but really awesome!

Anywaysies, this story. Is. AWESOME! :D This site needs more Trentney, and you're an awesome person to do it. ;)

I'd give you ideas, but I've been thinking of writing some Trentney myself, and I don't really want to give out ideas that I might write myself. You know? :P

I love how you write Trent and Courtney. I especially love the summary. It shows that you don't just love Trentney because they got dumped and cheated (Well, I guess technically Gwen didn't treat on Trent, but oh well. You know what I mean.) on by their significant others. And I think that's a reason a lot of people love them, and it's a bit of a stupid reason. But that's just my opinion.

So, all together, awesome story. :D

Islanda chapter 4 . 11/12/2010
I've just started reading all these little one shots tonight, and great work overall! (:
DaveandHomuraResetTheTimeline chapter 4 . 11/12/2010
DaveandHomuraResetTheTimeline chapter 3 . 11/11/2010
Awww, cute! I wrote a story on a websire called Fanpop almost like this chapter, but the two already had an established relationship and Izzy was the one feeding info to the magazine. And it took place during ATDOS. But as for a little idea if need be, an idea I've had for a while is if maybe they felt bad for eachother after TDWT and started dating because they both had one idea: Everyone deserves their fairytale ending.
kitsunesecret chapter 3 . 11/7/2010
I like this chapter! it's so cute!It make a good multi-chapter fanfic. :]
Alexex chapter 3 . 11/7/2010
This was quite enjoyable; glad to see you taking the interaction to mind. Update soon!
xX-Callisto-Xx chapter 2 . 11/7/2010
Lol, poor Trent.

I do wonder also what happened to her morals when she went to TDA. _ Oh well.
drums247 chapter 2 . 11/7/2010
you could show Courtney watching the XTreme Torture at Playa de Losers when Trent falls into the Earth's crust. She then rushes to the hospital to make sure he's okay.

You are a really good writer.
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