Reviews for Sweet Torture spoilers 3X06
HorseRidersHaveMoreFun chapter 1 . 11/3/2010
Not bad... there are a lot of little spelling errors, but it doesn't really detract too bad.

What I will warn you of is your word use in the summary. According to the site guidelines, all summaries must be rated K. That means that the content must be appropriate for someone who is 6yo. There is actually a program out there that targets stories that violate this rule and reports them to fanfiction dot net. Doing so can cause the story to be removed for guideline violations. The program is called RedBuuton (spelling might be off, but it's close) and is actually being worked on in a forum here on this site.
xLoveMitchiex chapter 1 . 11/3/2010
awwwwwwwwwwww hun! this was so incredibly hot and sweet at the same time! And your writing is great, really.

I really love Arthur here, i wish he would be with merlin like this in the show, I mean a hug is not too much to ask is it?

Well anyway, love it so much hun, and now you can find me at the balcony! ;D

Ichigo'sDragon chapter 1 . 11/3/2010

love it, love your works!
Beizanten chapter 1 . 11/3/2010
Great story. I agree with arthur, merlin is beautiful. So hot.