Reviews for Blue Paint
SkywardShadow chapter 1 . 4/30/2011
Dollshipping...there should be more fics with this pairing! It's epic! 0.0

You made this sooooo very creepy and awesome and easy to picture. I love Bakura's impression of Amane...makes one think, would she have been more "helpful" to the Ring? Hmm...

Anyway, fantastically done. :)
This-Account-No-Longer-Here chapter 1 . 3/22/2011
How interesting. I've never thought of them as a couple. Him just being a duelist, and she a card. But when I tilt my head to the side, look at it different. I can see it!
Ziven chapter 1 . 11/14/2010
I liked this a lot. I think that it's a little longer than a drabble, but it still felt complete in its own way and that's the important thing (sometimes, lol) when it comes to shorter works. Nothing jumped out at me grammatically, so I'm sure that whatever errors everyone else has picked out are extremely minor and in addition to that, your story was entrancing enough to keep me from focusing on picking out any errors.

Your story hints at some of the same things I did in my Dollshipping.

Lol ~ Manga Elitists I didn't even know that they existed for this fandom because everything's so jumbled together by the fans...
Animom chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
Vivid and creepy … The use of repeated lines was especially effective, though the line I found most heartbreaking was, "It wasn't perfect. Ryou couldn't get it perfect."
Bakura's Guardian Angel chapter 1 . 11/8/2010
This story is LOVE! :D :D :D
My Misguided Fairytale chapter 1 . 11/5/2010
) I really liked this! And congrats for finishing it so quickly! I love the characterization here and the way you've approached the idea and the pairing - it's written in such a simple way (even a line that's just "No" seems to work, somehow xD) that it really stands out in a good way, and I think you've nailed it perfectly! D Ryou especially I feel is written well, and you really have a knack for his character! ) It's very short (in a good way!) and I feel you've used your word count really well - the ending was wonderful, and so creepy! )

Still - Dollshipping! It can be done! xDD

Keep up the good work!

~Jess (My Misguided Fairytale)
Enjeru chapter 1 . 11/4/2010
Yay! I adore the tendershipping (as I always do). I like the concept of Ryou connected to the doll making (seeing as he made figures for RPG, it makes sense), it was something I too choose to go with. xD

I also like the mention of Amane(not very good at writing reviews so bear with me). Let's see, oh! And I do like how you wrote Bakura; the evil "voice" type. Who doesn't love a sinster alto whispering in your ear in the dead of night *swoon* lol

Anyway, keep up the good work and good luck! :-D
RedRainStar chapter 1 . 11/3/2010
Cool! I likes it. Ryou is like... obsessed. lolz.
safa'at keruth chapter 1 . 11/2/2010
It's a drabble, Bookworm, and as stated before, that alone will make us contestants happy. :D

First of all, I loved your characterization of Ryou. His OCD qualities with finishing Dark Necrofear and his sort-of resistance against Yami Bakura made an impact by showing that he really isn't happy with the spirit trapping his friends' souls into figurines. His obsession over the figurines themselves is wonderfully hard-core, and it really emphasizes how he thinks they're all doomed, so he might as well make their final appearances appealing. xD

Your spelling and grammar were wonderful considering how quickly you had to write this. There were a few mix-ups with past perfect and past tense, though: "he painted her blue" (should be "he had"). Also, with putting in commas where there should be semicolons because of full sentences and semicolons where there should be commas: "it was fitting, he would surely do anything to protect the woman he adored"; "it just said the usual, it always said the usual"; and "Ryou had spent an hour perfecting his hair; using a tiny brush to paint the tri-coloured spikes."

A very, very minor thing: "he didn't have to think of his new friends' fate" (should be 'fates'). Also, the "Later Yuugi would ask in his innocent voice" should be in present tense, if I'm right about the structure of the fic...

But really, your writing mechanics were very, very impressive. And the entire fic was wonderfully written - the last scene with Yuugi only serves to accentuate the fact that the entirety of Yuugi-tachi is completely unaware of Ryou's problems at that point. The "It needed more blue" part was quite ironically morbid - a really great ending line, in my opinion!

You really shouldn't hate this! Great job, Bookworm!

~ Keruth
jadedly chapter 1 . 11/2/2010
Ooooooh! Angsty angsty angsty /hides Dollshipping fairytale parody behind her back/

I really liked this, Bookworm! At the end, I think you had one teeny tiny tense error: when you started the italicized paragraph, you had it in past tense ("Yuugi would...") and then you wrote Ryou as "Ryou will.." Goin with the start of the paragraph, shouldn't that have been past tense? Alternatively, you could also have had the first line with Yuugi be present tense.

Still, this was really great, especially for a drabble :) Great job, and good luck!