Reviews for Help
Evarne chapter 4 . 6/25/2011
I like the idea of vulnerable!Ollie all right, the problem comes when it's exagerated to the point of making him a damsel in distress. Being vulnerable does not mean acting like a little girl. That's plain OOC.
Epochal Eclipse chapter 5 . 3/12/2011
Awwwww I love how sweet Clark is. You can tell how much they love each other. )

Well man, this fic is great. It's so awesome seeing Oliver acting dependent rather than the other way around. He may act tough, but I think he's really more like how you portray him, and would be willing to show that with Clark, who kinda reminds me of the type of guy that would stand by his side and comfort him. Be his personal hero. )

The only thing I can think to say is I'd like to see longer chapters, because I'm addicted to how you write Ollie. XD
Epochal Eclipse chapter 4 . 3/12/2011
Oh man poor Ollie. I'm just glad Clark is there for him. I'm loving this story, man. )
Epochal Eclipse chapter 3 . 3/12/2011
Kal you creepy jerk. You don't hold a candle to Clark.

Go Oliver! Tell that creep where he can stick it!
Epochal Eclipse chapter 2 . 3/12/2011
No, Ollie! D Curse you, Kal.

Clark will make this better, I hope? D
Epochal Eclipse chapter 1 . 3/12/2011
Gah, get away Oliver D

I went "awww" at the wanting to curl up with Clark part~ The big guy does look cozy )
MY Siberian Husky is MY Angel chapter 4 . 11/30/2010
Great story...Please update soon. And some longer chapters would be great(asks with puppy dog eyes...My husky looks at you with big brown eyes...)
lizzy384 chapter 4 . 10/31/2010
Interesting idea and beginning. I've read quite a few "Kal stories" - though actually can't think of that many with a Clark/Ollie pairing - but I haven't seen him as being able to exist as a separate being from Clark before. (But maybe it's something that happens in the later season? I've only seen til the end of season 7 - stupid Aussie TV stations!)

I thought you captured Kal maliciousness well, in the brief time we saw him. It's different seeing Ollie vulnerable - since he's normally so confident and strong. And I'll be interested to see how this affects their relationship moving forward.