Reviews for Put the blame on Mame
PumpkinDolce chapter 12 . 12/25/2010
So, I finally managed to catch up. thank you Christmas break. :D

It might sound weird but I think this is a nice end to this story.

And it is not final (like if she was dead). One can always hope to have her back.

And I like that you included that case.

We also spoke about this in class and it is quite interesting.

Thank your for writing this story, it was a pleasure to read!
BlueDiamondStar chapter 12 . 12/8/2010
oh i'm so glad you decided to put this last one up. great ending, and so lovely.

and still even it's the end it still leaves a cliffie.

i smell continue at some other story:)

anyways i enjoyed reading this and had a lot fun too.

thanks for writing:)
BlueDiamondStar chapter 3 . 12/8/2010
that woman still too suspicious...

i've seen 'shall we dance' indeed... and was it... oh right *light bulb over head*
BlueDiamondStar chapter 2 . 12/8/2010
this chapter made me lol-ing on the floor... definately funny...

and i actually felt like Ryan... i live in cave too lol
BlueDiamondStar chapter 1 . 12/8/2010
hmm pretty suspicious woman...
Yami Jay chapter 12 . 12/3/2010
I want to see Nikki alive and soon!
Hobby-Writing chapter 12 . 11/30/2010
It was a good goodbye. I liked nicole, but I'm actually looking forward to seeing some more canon team bonding moments in your next story.
Gooniegirl3333 chapter 12 . 11/29/2010
:: sniff sniff :: Well, I'm sad it's over, but I'm really excited for the next story!

Great job, and great story! Loved every moment!
Angelpoint chapter 12 . 11/29/2010
Don't hate me but i think you should let Nicole in your next story! she's jut soo great even if her name is a tiny bit weird...

just like mention what happened to her in the next story? it would totally warm my heart, and...


(Yes i am asking a lot)

could you youknow let Mame appear again she's just so awesome wth her whole bitchyvibe!

love yaxx
Angelpoint chapter 11 . 11/28/2010
yay, please do a ryan-visits-nicole scene! it would totally finish the story!
Hobby-Writing chapter 11 . 11/28/2010
I think a visiting nicole chapter would be good. After all Speed wasn't really forgotton, particually on the episode where he died. We got to see H see him after, and Alexx get all teary eyed over him. And Walter saw Jesse and had a nice heart to heart, then they had the basket ball team bonding moment at the end dedicated to him. So although it could be argued that they were forgotton after the episode, during the episode they were not.

And although she's a oc she's gotten close enough to them that she really deserves a send off so to speak.
Hobby-Writing chapter 10 . 11/27/2010
That was a good twist though. I've seen the csi new york episode, and that was great because it was such a original spin on it. So I guess you could go with 'great minds think alike'.

I'm sad that nicole got shot but I think for the whole plot of this story as well as the whole series it really works. She was around for long enough to really grow on you and then suddenly she's not there anymore. I liked how out of the blue it came.

That makes it more like real life because you never suspect something like that happening to someone you know and then it does. I think that gives it a whole different level of dramatic. Its scary how quick someone as alive as nicole can go to shot and comotose.
Yami Jay chapter 10 . 11/25/2010
Oh god! She really didn't do it after all. That ex-boyfriend is going down!
Gooniegirl3333 chapter 10 . 11/24/2010
Eh, the NY story was alright. The girl at the factory just wasn't wearing gloves as she fed the material into the machine... blah...

This one is MUCH more Miami style!

I'm excited for the chapter when Ryan visits's gonna pretty sad, huh?
Angelpoint chapter 10 . 11/23/2010
oohmygosh, i love you! You made Mame a serial killer and then you made her innocent and now you made her...

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