Reviews for Perfection
AACripwell chapter 1 . 11/12/2016
I loved this. So beautiful and angsty! Good job!
Element Siren chapter 1 . 8/11/2016
Awee! Who would have thought that Ed would know just what to say? LOL
ArtisticFantasy chapter 1 . 4/7/2014
Holy fudge cakes, your Edwin stuff is incredible. I've never seen anyone GET them so well, you know what I mean? And you make it really angsty too and it WORKS. I cannot possibly describe what I'm feeling right now, but just know I've never had this reaction to a fan fiction before.
rosiemontgomery1 chapter 1 . 2/9/2014
What a sweet and beautiful oneshot. You should do an EdWin 100 themes. Seriously.
Harryswoman chapter 1 . 5/26/2013
Awwww! Ed's so sweet!
EquinusPrime chapter 1 . 5/17/2013
Yeah! An Ed and Winry fic!

In the manga, however, didn't they have a son and a daughter? I was curious as to why you wrote their first child as a daughter. I think the older child was a son, wasn't it?

Anyway, this was cute. Ed's so sweet with Winry here and I love it! And the fact that he loves his children so much is awesome. I don't think he can complain to Hughes anymore. He's going to be the same doting father that Hughes was! Just more rambunctious. XD
ec-writes chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
This is a great story with a very real message. So many mothers are terrified of not loving their children the same. I could totally see Winry being the kind of mother who would love her first born so much, that she would be terrified of not loving the second one enough. Great job!
Queen Bovine chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
Something about good dads usually makes them more optimistic about a pregnancy than even the mother sometimes. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that the mother is the one to give birth and does most of the nurturing afterwards, but men are undeniably very receptive to the idea of multiple children. I remember whenever my mom was pregnant with any of my siblings, my dad would often say, beaming, how awesome it would be if this were twins or triplets, then my mom would groan and assert that more than one at a time would be the death of her. Just a personal connection, but anyway...

I liked it! I think you do wonderfully in putting the characters in new situations and having them respond as they would in canon.
notavaiable-moved chapter 1 . 2/18/2011
feathersnow chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
awww! this is a perfect fic! both of them with no parents are struggling to be one. great fic! touched my heart :)
Crush-Chan17 chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
The main thing that caught my eye was the feeling in this story. It was so touching from the start all the way to the end. I absolutely love how you showed different, but realistic, sides of both Edward and Winry.

Keep up the great work
Orange Singer chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
This is perfect. I'm glad you recognize that parenthood isn't all milk and cookies, and that some mothers really don't feel a connection to their babies, even after birth. Edward is positively sweet as a sugar cavity. I love him so much.
HolyCowWorshipper chapter 1 . 11/21/2010
Oh no oh no oh no. I think my reveiw dissappeared! ;_; *sigh* I'll try again.'

FINALLY! I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

You make me feel really special with this, and I will never be able to draw post-series!Winry without the necklace now.

This line made me really sad: "But she was used to long silences, so she got by as she always did."

Ed would make such an amazing father.

"It was slightly oblong and uneven, she now saw, which suggested he had made it himself." - oh god I love you woman! PERFECT!

"In alchemy, the sun represents man and the moon represents woman. The two of them combined create...perfection." - *cries tears of joy* You worded it so very well! You even fit in the Determination! ;_; I'm in awe of actually having inspired this. It was realistic and loving and emotional. And I simply cannot resist fatherly Ed.

Thank you so much.
PurpleCranberi chapter 1 . 11/7/2010
Aww that was an adorable one-shot. I think you got those feelings and moments down perfectly. No matter if it's their second or seventh child, expecting mothers can suffer from depression, so this was a very sweet tale
Dailenna chapter 1 . 11/6/2010
Poor Winry, haveing to take care of the baby alone while pregnant :( I know he doesn't do it on purpose, but that must be so hard having Ed away then.

"Ed, who was pretending to eat Nina's fingers, didn't seem to notice." XD So cute.

Awwww *deaded by the sap*
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