Reviews for Heroes For Earth
Mugen Kagemaru chapter 7 . 8/19
"Who knows... maybe Gaia's voice is the same as its Narrator."

It'd have to be Whoopi Goldberg. Margot Kidder died 2 years ago.
Mugen Kagemaru chapter 4 . 8/18
"I'm honestly not sure if I got any of this right. When the cartoon was on, Linka was from the Soviet Union."

If you're worried about Linka being Russian, the showrunners did confirm it, so you did get that one right.
Violetlight chapter 20 . 8/22/2019
I've been saying for a while that with everything from the 80s and 90s seeming to be rebooting, it's strange that the one nostalgic show from that time that we really *need* today hasn't been. Until it is, I will consider your story my reboot. Thanks so much for sharing. The Power is Yours!
Sora with an S chapter 20 . 11/16/2018
Hey Zarm. I guess your going to be way scarier this time around...
Sora with an S chapter 13 . 11/16/2018
I personally subscribe to the fan-theory that Captain Planet is the magical Champion of Earth, and just looks like an 80s superhero because that's what a 'champion' looked like at the time his story takes place.

Following that logic, the Geo-Cruiser would be a 'firery chariot' or similar that also got updated to the modern day.
Sora with an S chapter 4 . 11/15/2018
Interestingly, Linka was the only heroic character in western media to have come from the USSR WHILE the Cold War was in full force.

That said, she specifically denied being Russian in the first episode, so she was most likely from Ukraine or another satellite state.

Also, Catholicism and Russian Orthodoxy aren't two different religions. They're two takes on the same one.
Sora with an S chapter 3 . 11/15/2018
Guessing that the 'Spirit' is what will become Captain Planet.
Sora with an S chapter 2 . 11/15/2018
Someone told me that the reason the Captain Planet villians were so ridiculously evil to the point of caricature was to prevent the ten-year-olds in the audience from pointing to them and saying "Hey! That's what my Dad/Mom does for a living!"

You don't have this worry, and it shows.
Sora with an S chapter 1 . 11/15/2018
Bligh Dr Blight
Devorux Hogish Greedly

Am I right so far?
Missgoldy chapter 19 . 4/2/2018
Wow, what an incredible ride.

The magnitude of this fic was amazing. You breathed new life into a retro TV series that did it’s best to spread a message, but sometimes failed in the delivery.

The characters were what kept me coming back all those years. You took those characters and you moulded them into unique, intelligent and complex individuals. You weren’t afraid to make them flawed.

There are many points in your story that had me a little shocked: Wheeler torching Deveroux, and his past history with women. Ma-Ti keeping his parents under the mind control. Gi’s brilliant mind but her reluctance to act, both in her previous life and her new one. They aren’t perfect and you’re unafraid to portray them as such.

Taking Captain Planet out of the question was the best thing you could have done. On my last fic, I reduced his role to simple a dream sequence. He’s too hard to write and impossible to take seriously in fic.

As you probably already know, DiCaprio has acquired the rights. I have a feeling Cap in his TV incarnation will probably feature prominently. I’m sure Hollywood will want to ‘cash in’ on the current superhero trend. That worries me.

I would readily support something like your version, though. Heroes for Earth is intelligent, thought-provoking and action-packed. Hollywood tends to dumb things down, unfortunately. Case in point: I watched San Andreas on Netflix last night. That’s two dim-witted, unintentionally hilarious hours of my life that I’m not getting back. But my point is, a Captain Planet movie could go either way.

I’m rambling. Anyway, sorry for filling your inbox up with my nonsensical reviews. I’ve read ‘Wanted: Dead or Alive” now and will review over the coming week.

I simply love your fics and can’t wait for’ Gauntlet.’


Sarah :-)
Missgoldy chapter 18 . 4/2/2018
I’m loving Lizzie Quinn already! Talk about a power house.

The scene with Ma-Ti’s parents is devastating. What a burden he’s now forced to carry. One has to wonder of the toll it’ll continue to cause on his mental health and well-being.

Linka’s parents — we now have a clue why she is the way she is. Remaining stoic and uncompromising because she’s had no choice. It’s a survival mechanism. Abandoned due to her parent’s career.
Missgoldy chapter 17 . 4/2/2018
The resulting chaos you’ve described is intriguing. You haven’t left anything out — world stock market fluctuations, issues of religion, countries competing for ownership of the new land mass, as well as the resulting hysteria over these young people with intimidating skills.

The ‘talk’ at the end leaves things on a light note, though. It ends a gorgeous scene between Linka & Wheeler. The bonds are forming. You have a knack for creating a ‘slow burn’, reminiscent of works by those such as Richard Linklater. There’s a realism that’s just beautiful.
Missgoldy chapter 16 . 4/2/2018
Hope Island! Their home away from home.

A lovely orientation to the island. Untouched and uncharted. Pristine, having erupted from the sea floor. Teeming with life. Powers combined indeed!

Terrific chapter. It feels like the story is drawing to a conclusion, but there will still be so much work to be done.
Missgoldy chapter 15 . 4/2/2018
You asked a question in the AN: were you out of line regarding the powers combining.

Hell no. Captain Planet was always the weak point in the series. In a world of Marvel, DC and other cool other-worldly beings, the best the writers could come up with was a blue guy with a mullet and cringe-worthy one liners.

Unfortunately, there is no way CP would cut it in today’s society. I like the idea that combining powers is the last resort, and that the outcome is pure creation — and downright terrifying. That they are powerless in the sheer majesty of it all.

A force from deep within the earth. Conscious and springing forth from the earth unrestrained.

Missgoldy chapter 14 . 4/2/2018
Wow, a wham-bam thriller of a chapter! I had my heart in my throat for most of this one. Terrific, fast-paced and exciting!

Their capture and resulting confinement was terrifying. My stomach dropped when Linka was taken away.

Ma-Ti is falling apart. I’ve said it before — I find his character so vulnerable and overwhelmed by the events at hand.

Phenomenal work.
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