Reviews for The Seal
zRISC chapter 1 . 12/24/2013
This is a really good story.
Would like to have some soft of sequel on Brahms's ascension to power?
Vampires need power, and what better than diablerie to gain it? May his aunt and his mate be wary...
zRISC chapter 15 . 12/23/2013
really nice story!
gripping, I'd say the least :)
would like to know more where is "Valkyrie's Flight"...
Amanthya chapter 1 . 9/9/2011
Interesting...I don't read a lot of Silmeria-centric fics, but I'll be back for more...after sleep!
LotornoMiko chapter 16 . 4/21/2011
*sniffles* It's over. And it was beautiful! A wild, but pleasurable ride. And I snorted out Vytis being deemed Valkyrie favored. If only they knew the truth!

Don't ever let anyone make you doubt this fic. Not even yourself. *wags finger sternly at you.* Your mistress commands you!
LotornoMiko chapter 15 . 4/21/2011
*is doing the new chapter dance.* I...sorta want to lick this fic, I love it so!

First up Almedha's thoughts! She's been thrown for a loop with Vytis seeing the blonde Valkyrie before she was ready for him to know about her. I like how even she doesn't know for sure if there is more than one Valkyrie entity! XD

Nice that Almedha created a vampire free of Hel's control. Wonder what the Goddess will do to retaliate over that when/if she learns about Vytis' transformation. XD And it was very telling, her line to Sid'ren about seeing their freedom from Hel in Vytis. And ooooh, Almedha is the one to give him the name we know him as in the games. Brahms! Yeah!

Nice bit working in Silmeria's object reading power with Vytis' discarded blade.

It was a powerful first meeting between brahms and Silmeria. Intense, and then she recognizes him from the object reading, but he assumes otherwise. Once again writing comments as I read, so I am assuming her recognition is from the object reading of his sword, but you could prove me wrong.

Good description of the magic used to trap Silmeria. Very vivid in my head. Man he sure lusted for her from the get go. And Ouch when he accidentally split his tongue on his fangs. *winces*

The feeding was such an intense moment. Powerful, and yes, violating of Silmeria. I wonder how she will grow to forgive him for violating her to feed himself. But I suppose that is fuel to ponder for the sequel! And yes, I demand the sequel now!

And then he learns her name, and sees enough of her memory to see she is nothing like Hrist. And then the Astridr connection! OOOOOOOOOH! *delights in the drama of it all.* And it's a mystery he wants to solve, willing to let her go, Almedha's desires be damned. Go Brahms!

Oooh my, Silmeria is able to think it erotic even as she rages about her humiliation! What a twist!

And thus the chapter ends, but with settings up of your own mythos for your other VP stories. We see the mentions of the Covenant for the vampire and the valkyrie fic, and of course some of Sid'ren's own journey here! Nice! Now onwards to the epilogue! I have to admit, I don't remember what I said that Almedha proved you and me wrong about! :O

Great chapter by the way. just cause you NEED to hear it. And maybe the licking the fic wasn't blatant enough in my admiration.
LotornoMiko chapter 14 . 4/17/2011
I dunno, for some reason I got a laugh at Almedha and Vytis both trying to make the other aware of the threat they poise to each other. Especially when she turned her back on him, and he grabbed her! XD

Sid'ren! But you already knew that shocked reaction from when you showed me that part to look over for you. XD I had not been expecting a cameo from her.

Oooh you took my advice in having him say something before she said that one line of dialogue! Nice!

Yeah, Almedha is pissed at the Gods. But she has reason to, given what Hel did to her for her failures! Oooh, and tricky, tricky Almedha, figuring out how to make a vampire without binding them in loyalty to Hel! Ha ha!

Good job with the exchanging of memories through the exchange of blood between them. And you painted a vivid picture of how...damaged Almedha was by the tortures of Hel! And Ouch for Vergil's hatred, the pain it causes Vytis.

And we get a small cliffhanger as Vytis sees Silmeria albeit only in Almedha's memories! Ahhh! Next chapter please!
LotornoMiko chapter 13 . 4/13/2011
*giggles* I laughed at your profanity warning. I'm sure they do...they are in combat situations, it has to be stressful, and I'm sure many of them don't worry about etiquette except when interacting with the gods!

Good opening paragraph! Like the description of how time seemed to become meaningless to him, and the bit about how it was difficult to travel around Asgard. Paints a nice picture in my head of the rough times he's going through.

Man you really conveyed his anger and anguish when he realized Eir HAD indeed hear his prayers, and not acted to save Astrider. It probably cemented his hatred of Odin too... he worked as Eir's bodyguard, never interacting with the Valkyrie. Man he would have gotten on Hrist's nerves, cause I bet he would avae given her attitude and a difficult time about obeying her!

I'm glad you included the dream. memory of Astridr. It might be my favorite part of the chapter. It was sweet, and even sad cause it pains him when he wakes up and knows it was just a dream and not reality. /

That battle after the dream segment, you really captured the intensity of it I feel. :) I think this is my longest review yet. Still not that long though. *pouts* I hope you figure out the next chapter in a reasonable amount of time! *cheers you on, waving pom poms.*
LotornoMiko chapter 12 . 4/5/2011
Good chapter, though I miss Astrider. / Oooh nice touch, working in one of the endings from the DS game. Man i was on the edge of my seat when Hrist was stalking him. It's quite the cliffhanger you left, I'm wondering just how Vytis will survive to be made into an undead. AND OUCH! She crushed his vocal cords!

Hel is a master puppeteress. XD Giving a distorted version of the truth to lure him in to her side. Nice! Can't wait for more, and the sequel! \o/
LotornoMiko chapter 11 . 3/31/2011
Yay! I feel privileged cause I got to read two chapters of The Seal in one day! It's my fave story so far, that you've written! :D

ah...poor Astrider, preparing for her untimely end. And so naive and devoted to her sister, to assume Ingrid is distancing herself out of grief. Astrider doesn't have an ill thought in her head, even for those who deserve it like Ingrid!

I love how you sprinkle in hints of what Almedha truly is. Those who have read your Vampire and Valkyrie story, already know her! XD

And wow! I'm sure you stunned everyone with the Ingrid Beliza reveal! I would be too, but I had advance knowledge of your plans. *smirks as it pays to be a friend of the author* You could feel Beliza's twisted desperation in her first thoughts, and the satisfaction oozing off her as she thought of causing the death and fulfilling the pact. (Trying to say it without completely spoiling.)

Oooh I'm commenting as a review, so now I see you had Almedha flat out reveal her nature! XD Still it was good. Very good! And what a dilemma she has, wanting to save Astrider, but not having the nerve to reveal her true nature and offer the ultimate gift.

And Vytis is coming closer and closer to realizing his true feelings for his life. But will it be enough and not too late to tell her.../

My sole complaint for the chapter is...well how much time has gone by, that Astrider lived long enough for that new house to be built? Of course I am not sure how long and how difficult house building was in that time period,...but I just wonder if it would have been wiser to have it be a house already built that he bought...

Wow...I'm shocked Almedha told him everything she could! 0_0 Shocked I say!

I'm sad...I knew it wouldn't happen, but I still kinda hoped she might consider Almedha's proposal. It was so sad when she was asking/begging Vytis not to make her into a monster. And even sadder those final moments, paragraphs. Excellent job!
LotornoMiko chapter 10 . 3/31/2011
Yay! I got you to work on the Seal! :D Good chapter. I noticed you didn't end this one with Freya examining the memory and recognizing the feeling/emotion attached to it. DOes this mean this is only the first part of Beloved?

And I see Vytis is causing all kinds of trouble for himself, kicking out those holy men, and now he's going to ignore his duties to tend to Astrider in a warmer land. I awe at his devotion, even as I worry for them both.

And for the record, whoever told you he was sappy in this chapter, I don't know what the heck they are on about. I didn't notice any sappiness!

I like Almedha...and her observations, especially about Vytis being in love and not knowing it. XD

I feel like my review sucks...sorry.
LotornoMiko chapter 9 . 12/13/2010
Good chapter. Ingrid is evil, but you already knew that so no surprise there. Vytis mother is pretty bad too, trying to set up situations for him to cheat on his wife. Glad Ingrid's current plot backfired, and Astrid delivered healthily. (Trying not to give spoilers here so that's all I'll say about the labor part.)

You did such a good job showing the passage of time. Not just between this and the last chapter, but during this chapter as well. I would have messed it up for sure!

I'm sure there's mroe I wanted to say, but I don't remember now...just amazed at how devoted Vytis is to her...especially in a time when men weren't expected to stay faithful to their wives.
LotornoMiko chapter 8 . 12/13/2010
I feel like I don't have much to say for this chapter. Sorry. Loved that you used my shiver inducing comment though! And aw, I felt bad for her that the lovemaking ending in one of her coughing fits. But Vytis was so kind and understanding about it. YaY!

And Freya was livid upon the realization it was love she is trying to seal. Ha ha ha!
LotornoMiko chapter 7 . 11/26/2010
Playing catch up at long last. Good chapter. I'm afraid I don't have much to say though. I blame that on just waking up. Vytis is so devoted to her, I love that! And Ingrid and his mother are such evil schemers. Glad the King didn't annul the marriage!
Jade Queen of the Damned chapter 7 . 11/15/2010
Vytis and Astridr never fail to make me go 'awwww' whenever they're together, Vytis's defence of his marriage and his protection of her is very sweet and heart warming; it is obvious he is loving and devoted to her despite her sick health.

He had a hard time convincing his uncle that his marriage was right but he won out in the end! Its just a pity he might have to remarry if Astridr dies!

BTW I HATE Ingrid! shes eeeeevil!

Anyway I loved it! More!
LotornoMiko chapter 6 . 11/5/2010
Another beautifully done chapter. I found it very romantic, especially the words he would say to her. I forgot to mention in the last review, I like how attentive he is to her, even going so far as to see to her meal in that way.

I loved the searching for deformities scene! 3
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