Reviews for Night Ponderings
film chapter 1 . 5/25/2016
This is good I love it ! your work is very nice but I a bit sad I discover this too late.
Toreh chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
The proposal was absolutely adorable. Him drawing a ring on her finger seemed like such an artistic proposal that I could see Sai doing. Good job on this :)
eyeofthegoddess chapter 1 . 1/1/2012
You are such a great writer and I love Sai! So this was fun and cute. Now it is hard for any story to stand up to "The Color Pink" - because it's awesome! But i did enjoy it!

Keep up the good work!
Thatzgirl1 chapter 1 . 8/16/2011
beautiful yet simple
Me chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
"Enough to satisfy"? you was more than that!I felt really warm and fluffy,aweeeeee 3 love it..
AnimeFreak chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
You are SO GOOD! I wish I could do this. You are the awesomest writer EVER! I want you do be a writer, cause I would have a new favorite author. And you are REALLY funny. I've always wanted Sai and Sakura to be together. I now have a new favorite fanfic! You are AWESOME!
rao hyuga 18 chapter 1 . 1/10/2011
i happened to be rereading the color pink and found this. it's quite sweet :)
rubyxblade chapter 1 . 10/29/2010
Oh, this was too good. I was out trolling for inspiration, and when I saw you'd written a new fic, I simply could not help myself! Great work.
yuugiri not logged in gaah chapter 1 . 10/28/2010
I'm glad you're back in writing! And as always, your stories are so deliciously fluffy. XD Is this a one-shot by the way?