Reviews for Cost
maisma51 chapter 1 . 11/12/2011
"He always brought her coffee, it was his way of taking care of her. He did it to show that he cared and now it was her time to do it for him." :)

This is a great piece. It captures their emotions at that time very well. Nicely done :)
Mathiilde3 chapter 1 . 9/2/2011
I loved that episode, amd I really liked your piece. It is wonderfully written!
uwprincess chapter 1 . 4/28/2011
I remember what a great episode this was, and I like the way you had her respond. I like how you said she will refuse to sacrifice him.
IndiAcidSnake chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
wow...powerful...its kinda the out line of the ending..but with so much for meaning and everything in u get what i mean?

was really great!

Love NCISchick xooxox
Tango Mike Charlie chapter 1 . 12/12/2010
Any chance you could do a follow up for this one? I'd really like to see how this influences their future 'relationship'.
Kate N. Golsby chapter 1 . 10/30/2010
This was well done. I like the way you interpreted what was there and while you stuck very close to what was shown overtly you still gave it an original flare, you're own touch if you will. It was a great scene and you portrayed it brilliantly.
tridecalogisms chapter 1 . 10/28/2010
awww, poor castle :( absolutely love what you've done with this, brilliant!
wcj786 chapter 1 . 10/28/2010
I do not get to see Castle where I currently live, so I have not seen this episode. What I was going to say after reading the chapter and before seeing that it was based on one of the series episodes was that it is a GREAT start to a new book. One that would have flashbacks to tell the tale of how he got in that situation, along with current time solving of the crimes and catching the killer.

This was a very intriguing chapter and would work very well as the start of a new book for you. If you were to do that, I would change it slightly, so that it does not look as if it was part of the series. That would allow you much more creative freedom to take the book in directions that might not fit the series.

I have no idea whether they are together in Season 3 yet or not. If I were writing for the show, I would not have them together at this point, because I would have made Kate pull back into her shell instead of letting him know how she really felt after the last episode of Season 2.

But, with this chapter, you can change all of that if you tweak the chapter and make it so that there is no reference to the episode. You can then focus the next few chapters on how it is affecting Kate, while at the same time expanding the side story that is the actual case. Bring lots of tension in on Kate's side. Show her dealing with the tension, while Castle is completely oblivious.

He could make his usual suggestive innuendos and she can give her comebacks, but at the same time, writing how she really feels about the whole situation until almost the last chapter. Then, she can either have a change of heart, or shows him how she really feels. By change of heart, I mean that she can force herself to stay with the deliberate hiding of her feelings or finally give in to them.

That will keep the sexual tension between them, but also give more depth to the story and more insight into Kate Beckett.

If it seems like I am telling you how to write a story, I apologize. You are a much better writer than I will ever be. I just wanted to give you my take on how the story could be expanded into a full book that did not reference any specific episode.
Michelle285 chapter 1 . 10/27/2010
Every time you post a new story I am always amazed by your writing! You just capture everything sooooo well. The emotions, that characters, the hidden aspects, the dialouge (athough that didn't really come into play here)...everything! I love how you explained "hero" in the beginning and how you tied it all together in the end. I also loooooooooooved the episode, I think it might have been the best Castle so if they could just get rid of their significant others...maybe this is a step in the right direction and they will get their butts into gear? Okay, now...on to my favorite line...which was in the show, but also in here so this totally ties into the story...right? "Your mom called, she said that you told her that you loved her and figured something must be terribly wrong." Hahaha! And I loved it when you called him "her Castle." Because he soooo is! :) This was a fantastic story and I can't wait to see more from you!
myself chapter 1 . 10/27/2010
I LOVED the latest episode. But your fanfiction just kinda retells it all... I miss the original input
Bsquared19 chapter 1 . 10/27/2010
Wow. Well done. I can't even begin to really formulate a proper review for how great that was. Emotions played out perfectly, totally in character...and just Wow. Thank you for sharing!
MelanieBrooke chapter 1 . 10/26/2010
wow i loved and i loved the eposide but, i think you should make one and it is the next day or that night and castle goes over to hers just to see if she is ok and BTW josh isnt there.. Lol but loved the stort :)
Merryk chapter 1 . 10/26/2010
"She realized he wasn't completely unharmed..." Wow. Yup. That's exactly right. Nicely done.
greymind chapter 1 . 10/26/2010
This story is wonderful. Absolutely loved the first 3 paragraphs and it's all beautifully written. Thanks for sharing it.
imaginationrunsfree chapter 1 . 10/26/2010
awesome job! Pretty much exactly what i was thinking they were feeling at the time.
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