Reviews for A New Addition
Obiwanlivesforever chapter 22 . 12/23/2014
Okay, I’m soooooo sorry x100 that I only just got to this. This term was so much more hectic than I’d ever suspected it would be, and the holidays have been fairly busy so far as well. But I didn’t forget about this chapter, and so I’m finally here!

I like Rogue sticking up for Kurt when he was afraid in the plane. They are adopted brother and sister, after all.

Eeeee, Lancitty! I’m sorry, I’m just such a sucker for that ship, as unlikely as it is to ever work out. XD

One small thing – at the part when Kitty’s waking up, “peaces” should be spelt “pieces.”

Goshdarn it, Lance, why the heck did you have to beat her up? Stop ruining my fangirl dreams. -_- You could have at least tried to talk to her first. There are times when I like you, and times when I hate you, and this is one of the latter.

This is great, we’re finally getting to know more about Magneto’s plan! Hmm, I wonder if Avalanche counts as an elemental kid. Maybe not, since he doesn’t really control the earth, just shakes it up.

I’m really curious to find out who this ‘other guy’ is. He sounds like a HUGE threat, a really powerful telepath. As angry as I am with Lance for knocking out Kitty, I can’t help but feel terrible for him with this guy manipulating his mind. Ohh, Lance … why can’t you just get out of Magneto’s control, get out of that whole toxic environment? :( Then maybe I wouldn’t have to feel torn about liking you.

Lance, stop going crazy! You’re going to hurt Kitty even more!

Yes, exactly! If Lance and the rest of the Brotherhood had access to Xavier, they probably wouldn’t be half as messed-up as they are under Magneto’s and Mystique’s rule.

This is so exciting! I can’t wait for the next chapter to find out what’ll happen! I hope they’re able to help Avalanche, and in return, he’ll let them know why Magneto wants all these elemental kids.
Dontgotaclue88 chapter 22 . 11/3/2014
Wow. Poor kid! so sorry for my late review. Busy life lol
Dontgotaclue88 chapter 21 . 8/9/2014
So sad! poor Kim! Hope Logan and the others can get her to come out of it. :)
Obiwanlivesforever chapter 21 . 8/8/2014
Wow, this chapter was certainly up sooner than I was expecting! Great job! Sorry it took me a while to respond; I was out-of-town with my grandparents for a while, then travelling back, and then doing stuff to get ready for our trip to Europe. We leave on Sunday and will be gone for two weeks, so I won’t be able to respond to anything in that timeframe.

Anyway, it’s nice to be back with Kismet and the other students. I really liked the description of Kim’s mothers words being “swathed in harsh sparks of burgundy and russet” in Xavier’s mind. I also like how you show Logan’s more caring and protective side when he’s with Kim. As you say, despite his gruff exterior he always seems to latch onto the younger students – Kitty, Rogue, even X-23 – so I find it easy to believe that he’d quickly develop a fondness for Kim as well.

Hm, I thought Tabitha was maybe acting a little too mean when she was talking about Kim. I can see her holding more of a grudge than Amara, but unless there’s something else going on, which you hinted at, I can’t see her thinking Kim deserved to go into a coma and have her best friend murdered just because she told on them.

I did, however, really like the description of Tabitha’s very touch crackling with electricity, from her powers. One of my favorite things about this story is how you really sort of make the mutants ‘one’ with their powers, always showing them exhibiting side-effects of them or some sort of pull towards them even when they’re not using them.

In a similar vein, everything about Kitty’s yearning to go through the door – and the description of what it felt like when she finally did – was fantastic. For someone like her, to whom very few physical boundaries exist, it must be very frustrating having to respect them, especially when she’s worried about her friend. I love how you said she knew what it felt like to ‘be’ a concrete or wood wall; that was amazing. I’m glad you put in her friendship with Kurt, too; I love those two together. (Platonically … you know I ship Lancitty. XD) Also, I like the walk-in closet joke!

I like how Jean and Scott are showing their responsible sides, and the little moments you put in showing their relationship. :)

You keep hinting at some huge plot with the Brotherhood; I’m just itching to find out what it is! Was there something in this story about four elemental mutants? I’m vaguely recalling that, but it’s so long since I read the earlier chapters. I think that might have been, because Kim is water and Gaia is air. Maybe when all four ‘elements’ are brought together, whoever controls them can possess unlimited power, or something. (Now I’m trying to think who the other two could be … fire could be Sunspot, Magma or Pyro, and earth could be Magma or Avalanche. Or they could be OCs.)

Yikes, that’s a scary plot to cut off all air access to the east coast. I hope our mutants can put a stop to it! (Ha, I liked Storm’s little apology to the team for saying what was going on was beyond the capabilities of a couple teenaged mutants. XD Although, of course, the X-Men are a lot more capable than the Brotherhood.)

Oh, dear! Please get better, Kim! Your friends need you!
Dontgotaclue88 chapter 20 . 7/11/2014
I like Gaia so far but when are we going back to Kim? lol just wondering. :)
Obiwanlivesforever chapter 20 . 7/11/2014
Meeeeeeeeerlin! :D I’m so glad you’re back! *Hugs fiercely* I was so surprised – but excited! – to see your PM and story alert in my e-mail alerts this morning. I’m going to review this chapter first, and then I’ll get back to your private message, okay? :)

I’m excited that this is going to be Gaia’s story, too. She’s almost like a foil to Kim in the way that the Brotherhood are foils to the X-Men – rather than being taken in by benevolent figures who help her control her powers, she’s exploited and manipulated into being used for terrible purposes.
The first bit makes me wonder, are Gaia and Tobias going to become a couple? I’m not sure if you intended it or not, but the way she was looking at/describing his face so intensely at the beginning really makes it seem like she’s attracted to him. Plus, the thing with the coat also seems like there’s a part of her that wants it to be a romantic gesture. Although, a bit later she says she can’t figure out what the bond between them is … maybe they’re somehow mystically connected by their powers, or something? This is very intriguing!

Don’t worry about the “taboo” content in your story; things like race and feminism are important issues that people should take into account! Plus, I’m on Tumblr now, so I see social justice issues such as these all the time. I remembered that Cole and Tobias were black, but I can’t remember if you ever stated what Gaia’s ethnicity was? I was imagining her white, but now I’m seeing her as African-American, unless you state otherwise. And, oh no, they’ve been pulled aside by the cops! Hopefully nothing bad will happen? Maybe they were sent by Xavier to talk to her about her powers? Though I suppose that might be hoping too much…

Also, I think it’s all right that Gaia swore. It fits the stressful situation, and it’s not like the whole story is laced with profanity or anything.

I get what you mean about the story changing as you get older. My big story I’m working on at the moment (for Hunger Games) I started when I was in grade 11, and now I’ve just finished my second year of university. What I appreciate is the fact that you’ve kept this story going – and evolving with you – rather than just abandoning it. It’s come so far since you began, and I’m really proud of you!

As for constructive criticism, I think that maaayybe you should trim down some of the excess description, particularly in the first half of the story. I know I used to talk a lot about how there should be more detail, but I think you have maybe a little bit too much here. But! It’s no big deal, and the story still works wonderfully! :)
Dontgotaclue88 chapter 19 . 11/18/2013
Sad. :(
Obiwanlivesforever chapter 19 . 11/12/2013
Again, you don't need to apologize; if anyone, I should be sorry for leaving you reviewless for so long like this! Anyway, I'm here now and trying to make up for it.

I loved finding out more about Cole's and Tobias' backstories. Tobias seems like such a kind, gentle soul, and the description of his healing powers was beautiful! The way the gold poured out of his eyes and emanated through Gaia ... gorgeous! I can't figure out what Cole's power is, apart from maybe the ability to see things very far away? Poor fellows, being hunted just for their special abilities ... I hope they're able to stay safe, and Gaia too!
Obiwanlivesforever chapter 18 . 11/12/2013
Aaahh, firstly I have to apologize for being inexcusably late with this. Just so you know, it's *not* because I grew tired of this story or decided to abandon you - it's just that starting university is very time-consuming and I've got a lot to do! I was putting this off until my next Statistics midterm was over, but when I saw your update today, I thought I'd better get going or I'd fall way behind! So here are your two very belated reviews!

That was a really awesome chapter. The description was very real and I could just feel her pain, confusion, and torment. I particularly liked the description of her pain being like acid raindrops, as well as the last sentence - "the realization of being free of pain finally touched her." It was wonderfully written.

These two men who appeared are very interesting; at first, like Gaia, I worried that they might be up to no good, but you quickly proved me wrong. I wonder who they are and what their plan is? I guess Tobias has some sort of telepathic powers, seeing as he was able to speak to Gaia in her mind and put her in the illusion of being at her grandma's house. That was a really genius idea, by the way. Just imagine how much easier it would be to heal trauma if one could do something like that! The description of the lovely haven was beautiful, and made me feel more at peace, too, even though I'm obviously not in a state like Gaia's!

Will move on to the next chapter shortly!
TristeAlma chapter 18 . 7/30/2013
thanks for the shout out! :D

great descriptions of the two boys... and i love the name tobias

update soon
shin obin chapter 18 . 7/30/2013
Keep going!
Dontgotaclue88 chapter 18 . 7/29/2013
Awwww! Gosh! you just made me feel so special! ;) Thanks. You really made my day. Loved the chapter. And yes you would be right. So lookin forward to your next chapter! lol!
TristeAlma chapter 17 . 7/20/2013
pretty good filler chapter...hope we get to see some more of the plot soon

update soon
Dontgotaclue88 chapter 17 . 7/17/2013
So excited! ;) Looking forward to more awsome chaps
TristeAlma chapter 16 . 7/17/2013
very interesting chapter... sad to see the prof looking unsure of himself.
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