Reviews for Finally Forever
someclevername19 chapter 1 . 5/21/2015
That was great! You know that thing you do after you watch a movie or read a book, I do it too! It is weird, I've done it with so things, I kinda hate it.
mitkit99 chapter 1 . 11/24/2014
THey should have let her drink it! if you're going to do a romance let them be together in the end!
Myrle16 chapter 1 . 12/8/2012
Thankyou! I agree. I wanted her to drink the water and live happily ever after... so thankyou for writing what we all really wanted!
Lmb111514 chapter 1 . 9/22/2012
This was amazing, I loved all of it, you did a brilliant job.:)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
Totally agree w/ u. Great ending
Sme chapter 1 . 5/27/2012
Adorable. I love it! 3
PftFan99 chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
This is beautiful. I just love how they were reunited.
duckvader23 chapter 1 . 2/6/2011
Wow, this was amazing! I loved this.
codegeassvampireknight chapter 1 . 2/3/2011
Oh wow. You. Suck. I'm sorry, but I am so shocked that I didn't BARF! You need to go back to kindergarden you write so bad. I mean, seriously? I have never read anything so horrid. I have been scarred for life. Btw, go ahead and read what I've written. I doubt you'd get it, considering you are not worthy enough to be graced by the greatness that is Code Geass. But, go ahead. Read what I've written. In fact, flame me. I DARE YOU! Go ahead and tell me I suck! Go ahead! I FUCKING DARE YOU! Have fun with all whatever crawled up your ass and died. Go to a store and buy some class. You need it!
MemoriesOfDyingDays chapter 1 . 1/27/2011
Hi! Since you don't take PMs I'll post this here. I don't really like the way you talked to me. It was rude and uncalled for. And hey, bitch? I lost my 4 year old cousin to brain cancer this week. So shut the fuck up. You think your so high and mighty? You suck. You judge people immediatly. I'm 13, so, you could have just crushed my dream. Luckily, I have friends like my dear lexis-chan to stand up for me. By the way, I liked your story. And thanks for making me cry.

With love,

Lexisrush chapter 1 . 1/27/2011
Firstly, I have not read your fic and have no intention to read it since 2) I don't know what's the movie about, 3) do not flame my friends(memorysofdieingdays) since I will have something to say about that, 4th mess with anyone I know(with that I mean flame them) and I shall have something to say about that too, 5) I'm not a mean person unless you do what you did to my friend, 6) this is FANFICTION meaning you, the fan, write a story about a story YOU, the fan would like, hence the FAN in FANfiction, I just thought I needed to explain that to you, 7) if you don't like reading about cancer, don't, 8) I actually also lost people to it and stuff far worse, 9) modd(for short) is a close friend and a great writer who doesn't need your crap, 10) if you're actually smart enough to create an account here then you're smart enough to know you do not flame another author just coz you're PMSing, so back off, 11) I'm writing this here since you didn't have the decency to be civil to my friend and flamed her, and I'm on my BB and can't inbox you. This was a friendly warning from one author to another. (Notice how I didn't call your writing crappy, that's just how friendly I am right now) :D

Love Lex
gg chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
loved it i didnt like the ending eather i understand why she did it but she broke his heart
ImDiffrentSoWhat chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
Adorable, why couldn't it of ended like that?
me chapter 1 . 12/8/2010
why did you stop it there. huh and i hate the movie to and the book. she so should have drank the water
Yasmina chapter 1 . 12/8/2010
I was crying :) this was so beautiful, will you continue it?
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