Reviews for Hidden Beneath
Last Harper chapter 23 . 4/14
I'm really starting to hate Hermione.
Baelorfan chapter 27 . 3/4
I really feel sorry for James/ Harry. He doesn't deserve to have such pathetic friends. Not the ones he made ten years ago in Canada who turn on him. Not bitch Hermione who believes she is entitled to destroy her former friend's life and drag back him back to enslavement/service for Magical Britain
So that she can be known as the "friend" of the greatest wizard. The Weasleys are little better, going along with Hermione's mad conviction that she knows what's good for everyone else. Dumbledore reincarnated indeed.

Harry's luck has been terrible. Bread the first few chapters and skipped to the last. Like another reader, I won't bother to read the sequel. Because Jamesie/ Harry is the only decent person, a man trying to lead a quiet life without hurting others (He was nearly beaten to death because he refused to use his magic). Because his Muggle friends turn on him for making up his past history. Because his Wizard friends want to drag him back to a life he didn't want for their own comfort or aggrandizement. Because his only real friend is his cat. Because his relatives Dudley and even Tammy are still horrible.
xXFissshBonesssXx chapter 27 . 4/15/2019
I've never had such hatred in my heart than now as you've made me hate Hermione Granger. her. I hate her plan, I hate her conviction that she's doing what's best for Harry and the Wizarding World, I hate her noble selfishness, and I especially hate that her husband let her get away with ruining Harry's life thus far. I sincerely hope that there's redemption in the next story when Harry gets everyone to leave him the FUCK alone but perhaps that's just a fool's hope. You repeatedly dragged me up and down an amazing adreneline high and I have to thank you for that! My palms are literally sweating from reading this story. I'm shocked that you managed to make me feel so viscerally in such a short amount of time! An excellent read, compelling, and evocative. Congratulations to you as an author, and thank you as a reader. Cheers
xXFissshBonesssXx chapter 20 . 4/15/2019
Never have I ever cared about side characters and stories that weren't directly about Harry or the main part of the plot. How dare you make me! I'm delighted and surprised at myself. You made me emotionally invested in Ginny's second wedding, something I had never considered seeking out to read, and NEVER considered enjoying. It was a total success. Bless you and may you write ever more.
xXFissshBonesssXx chapter 16 . 4/15/2019
As someone who wants Harry to just live a peaceful life in Canada away from the wizarding world I'm super furious at Hermione for this stunt, but it's totally in character. She WOULD pull out all the stops to find Harry if she thought she could and wouldn't consider his feelings about it until after she'd done her thing. I can honestly say I'm expecting her to corner him and I hope to the gods of fiction that he turns the other cheek and doesn't want to associate with her or wizards ever again. I'm totally hooked and on to the next chapter...
NightOwl845 chapter 22 . 7/23/2018
I think the Hermione in this story is a bit too irritating and pushy.
Like when you find him and talk to Harry doesn’t mean he immediately goes back to being friends with you.
And she lets her children meet him? Ron is right though: don’t get your hopes up
AkaneShiro chapter 27 . 7/21/2018
... I'd like to hear his story?
AkaneShiro chapter 23 . 7/21/2018
I, am not going to lie, and no offense! I do not like this Hermione, I know she really wants her best friend back, but that is not the right way. They don't have to "bring him back" to their world, it almost sounds as if they are going to force him. I don't like him. Ron is the only one being reasonable here
Lana chapter 27 . 6/4/2018
Je viens d'achevé de lire cette histoire et je la trouve simplement répugnante et horrible. Comment, sous prétexte d'être les meilleurs amis de quelqu'un, peut t'on envahir sa vie avec autant d'acharnement. Ou est le respect de la vie privée.
Ce ne sont des amis au vrai sens du mot pour moi, mais des gens qui se sont servis de lui et qui veulent simplement avoir une partie de sa renommée et dire "je suis l'ami(e) du Sauveur et rien d'autre.
A partir du moment ou cette satanée Hermione l'a trouvé, sa vie est partie en sucette et tout le reste de l'histoire m'a fait mal au coeur.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/21/2018
James Potter’s son translates into James Potterson. I like it.
Hazel chapter 1 . 12/31/2016
He better not forgive Hermione for what she did. Something about her character in the canon doesn't sit well with me and this is worse. She breaks rules just fine if it serves her purpose but she also trusts the authorities rather blindly. And I just HATE her character in here. She's come off worse than Umbridge in my opinion. Her better than anyone else attitude... Ugh.

It's a fantastic story. I love finding stories about Harry leaving the Wizarding World because they just don't deserve to even be in the same continent as he. The guy has the nobility down and that's natural for him and what did they do? Hunt him down like a criminal and tell him that he owes them? Whatever did they do for him?
deathy-cool chapter 27 . 3/27/2016
I'be really enjoyed your story and I will be reading the sequel! Thanks for sharing !
Guest chapter 27 . 1/30/2015
After reading this story to the completion, I have to admit to being appalled at the callous nature of almost everyone. Hermione especially, is a particularly repugnant personality. She doesn't care about Harry or his goals and desires. It's all about her and her belief that Harry "owes" wizarding Great Britain, regardless of what he wants.

The idea that his so-called friends hunt him like an animal, using their magical ability detector, takes stalking to a whole new depth. It's one thing if they had legitimate reasons to believe he was injured and unable to remember who he was. Otherwise, if he wanted contact, he would have initiated it. Instead, they treat him like a wanted criminal.

I was also disappointed in how his friends of the last 10 years treated him. They seemed to gang up on him at the end. No one seemed to care about Harry, his right to privacy, and his plan for his life.

All in all, none of the characters are ones with whom I can empathize, none of them are sympathetic, except Harry. As a result, I'm not interested in reading the sequel.
attlantica chapter 27 . 1/17/2015
TxA-GunFighter chapter 27 . 9/30/2014
Good story.

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