MysticChemyst chapter 14 . 10/13/2018
as much as I thoroughly enjoy your writing, I HATE this whole "bullets can hurt them" bullshit. Even as a CHILD back in Dragon Ball, bullets couldn't do much, if anything, to little Goku. There's no way it would scratch an adult z fighter, each already far above Goku's initial level.
MysticChemyst chapter 5 . 10/11/2018
NONE of this is okay. that is to say the events.

your writing itself is very good.
YellowWomanontheBrink chapter 1 . 2/3/2018
yhe ending was utterly perfect! i deeply enjoyed this story
YellowWomanontheBrink chapter 13 . 2/3/2018
oooooohhhb shiiiiit i was NOT expecting that!
YellowWomanontheBrink chapter 5 . 2/3/2018
OMG frieza! i KNEW the humans couldnt have subdued him on their own. :0
Guest chapter 4 . 8/16/2017
YAWNS. The last scene bored me to tears. How did these weak ass humans get a hold of Vegeta, a Saiyan that destroyed planets for a living? Vegeta cried one time on the show and suddenly he's crying at every scene. I find that incredibly stupid. Not even gonna finish this. Thought I'd give this fic a chance because "President for a Day" was FUCKING AMAZING but what a disappointment. Vegeta being sexually abuse is probably the #1 dumbest thing some writers ever came up with. Did you watch the show? The guy was fucking arrogant and almost came off spoiled by Frieze. A rape victim doesn't act the way Vegeta did when he was first introduced. Done with this click bait.
Kitty in the Box chapter 17 . 6/30/2017
FIRST allow me to commend yet again for your brilliant writing prowess. From the first chapter all the way to the last was packed to the gills with power, drama, action, romance, honesty, horror and intense passion and pain. you've taken your readers from the lowest of the lows to the highest highs and never letting go of your story. you remained stubbornly consistent to the core of your story and characterizations. That powerful connection between baby Trunks and Vegeta was tremendous! I was hanging on to each word as one would cling on to a rock when one climbs a mountain. breathtaking and awesome. I can't wait to read the last part of this amazing trilogy of love, hope and redemption.
Keiri12 chapter 17 . 9/11/2015
*Cracks fingers* Alrighty, just finished up the comment on the first part time for the second~

First things first... Vegeta's proposal was glorious. I could just imagine him breaking through earth with his bear hands and blasts just to get her the diamond, instead of going the route of simply purchasing one. Really demonstrated what I feel like was just the kind of person he was, in that it seemed as if even he could just purchase an even bigger diamond to one up Krillin he would still be the kind of person to go out and work through it for the one person that means the most to him.

Throughout this story, just like in the last, his development as a character and in a relationship with Bulma was breath taking. I felt bad for all he went through, and proud of what he had accomplished along with Bulma's love for him. When he had first been knocked out before being captured, i almost thought it was android 17 there, only to have it be freiza was spine chilling.

I may also not have mentioned this in the last chapter, but I also extremely enjoyed our resident green skinned slug's view on Vegeta during these stories. Even though it is not touched as heavily as the bulma and vegeta relationship, his views of Vegeta were just as I had imagined they would be and am glad to see throughout these stories that even though they may never develop to truly be friends, what does happen holds a specialness of its own. Even though he is a peeping tom .~
silvia S.K chapter 17 . 12/24/2014
I absolutely loved this story! Cannot explain how well you portrait all the characters. I will give special mention to chichi, because it is the first time I read someone discribe her personality and rage attacks so well. Their fight scenes (arguments) were epic!
Vegeta giving gohan 'the talk' was beyond hilarious!
His proposal to bulma as well, very in character.
There would be so much to praise here I could go on and on.
Congratulations for the amazing job!
Guest chapter 17 . 2/16/2014
I was mad at you for at least half of this story, but that proposal was totally worth it. Best BV proposal I've read.
nishia.hall chapter 17 . 2/15/2014
Great story
Guest chapter 13 . 2/14/2014
Good thing he doesn't look like himself right now. Good Lord.
Hive Queen To Harbinger chapter 4 . 2/13/2014
This had better not be real.
nishia.hall chapter 9 . 2/13/2014
I am enjoying this story thanks your an awesome writer
dragonbabezee chapter 17 . 9/13/2013
I had to laugh at Vegeta wearing Gohan's glasses! This has been a very compelling tale. You've tortured Vegeta, put Bulma through the emotional wringer and made me hate Chichi. I like your writing style, it's quite distinct. Personally I dislike the mind reading Saiyan thing. There was evidence in the show of strong fighters being able to communicate telepatically, but none for anything more than a vague connection between Vegeta and Bulma, and none at all between baby Trunks and Vegeta. I think that being able to read an adults mind to the extent that Trunks can would be harmful to a baby, and they would probably grow up to be a most emotionally precocious child. But whatever, its your story and it was still a good one. I'll definitely be reading the third in the series.
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