Reviews for There's Something Here
deantaco chapter 1 . 12/5/2019
This is absolutely delicious, but god I hope those two stay away from the junkyard
SweetMoogily chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this. It's deep and not at the same time and THIS is what sex is. No the whole "Oh, Im a virgin and you're and 200 year old ghoul, but I'm going to sleep with you because you saved my life/I trust you so much". Yay for non-bimbo Lone Wanderers
function chapter 1 . 8/12/2011
um. wow I am speechless. This is just... beautiful. You're quick pacing is perfection and I'm just... at a loss for better words. Fantastic!
Harlequin Ravenwing chapter 1 . 1/21/2011
I read this twice in one sitting! I frikkin loved it!

From Charon's observations and thoughts about Megaton and it's inhabitants, right down to the nitty gritty when I'm sure I didn't even breathe for ten minutes! Wonderful stuff!

On a serious note, to keep in character like that for the whole fic made this a joy to read. I beleived in it all the way. Awesome job!
jo7787 chapter 1 . 11/22/2010

The whole stairs bit, when she kicks him away and she runs into her room, locking the door and he kicks it open, I shit you not when I say that I stood up from my chair, knocked over my glass and cigarette and cheered.

Oh my god, please write more. More of anything, I don't even care what the hell it is.
FancyLadySnackCakes chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
God damn. I normally write my own ficlets cause no one else writes Charon smut, but you - you have written some fuckin hot ghoul sexums. I tip my hat to you, cause really, unless you have depth ( which you most certainly do ) smut is just "she fucked him, and he fucked her".

I love you for this. :)