Reviews for Contrast of Winter
Your Favorite Alice chapter 1 . 12/13/2016
i do not have words for the roller coaster this fic is. From the twisted, sad, and unreciprocated infatuation Jizabel has towards his father, to the devotion Cassian has, to the skillful and chilling way you show Alexis's manipulations. I got chills watching how easily he manipulated the situation to his favor.

I love the way you analyze the meaning of the coat, beyond its surface appearances. The "buttons held it closed, but spite kept it together" line is brilliant and sad and gorgeously done.

I'm amused by your use of queer throughout this piece, particularly because it is very accurate for the time period and also for the later, post-1900s connotation it takes on. If you subscribe to queer studies, then yes! Cassian and Jizabel make a very queer, yet endearing family, in contrast to the traditional image of family with Alexis and Jizabel. Incredibly skillful use of the word.

Beautiful story, excellent characterization. Hope to see more from you!
Veleda chapter 1 . 11/1/2010
This is one of the best Cassian/Jezebel fics I've read. I'm glad that you kept Cassain's gruffness and his confused feelings toward Jezebel. Both characters are very well portrayed.

I really like the way you explored the relationship between Jezebel and Alexis. Jezebel's feelings for his father have shaped his entire life, but I've noticed that the relationship usually gets left out (or barely touched on) in Cassian/Jezebel fics.

I feel that I should note that there's a scattering of errors here and there. Nothing serious, and most wouldn't be picked up by spellcheck, but it's something to think of for the future.
Hook Prosthesis chapter 1 . 10/27/2010
...I am pretty sure...that I want to marry you.

It's hard, you know. It is so bloody hard to find DECENT Jizafics, let alone FANTASTIC ones like this one. It's a slice of fried gold, I am positive.

And the characters were so...REAL. You got being sick down to a T, and I mean JESUS.

It was absolutely magnificent.

(Even though I was actually developing this same exact situation just a couple of days ago...for this I will never forgive you. For the next five minutes. XD)
VampireDoll666 chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
Thank you for giving me a stroy I want to read. For so long there hadn't been any JizabelCassian stories here. And any other Count Cain: God Child stories didn't interest me at all, so I was starting to give up hope on ever finding a fic that would catch my eye. So thank you for the wonderful story, though there were some spelling errors but other than that I greatly enjoyed read it. *smiles* And I look forward to reading more from you.
SunilaMoon chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
... I love you. So very muchly. [/hugglessssss]

I love what you did with this, oh mah God, it just kept getting more awesome.

And Alexis... Syriiiiii, your Alexis is awesome... ;-;