Reviews for Four Words
grimmich chapter 1 . 8/12/2019
how is everyone missing these "we" statements and their significance coupled with the stomach holding?
Mischief101 chapter 1 . 5/23/2016
I wish you had continued this. It's good as it is but it has the potential to be an amazing multi chaptered story that I really want to read.
Thanks for sharing I
Mirandaannw chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
This is how it shoulda been, they made a huge mistake in season having veronica go back to Duncan, made her look dumb and bad
azerjaban chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
Poor meg. Love the story. Thanks for the read
boredperson7 chapter 1 . 10/13/2012
Cool! I like it! Continue?
lateVMlover chapter 1 . 3/12/2011
You know what really annoys me? that the show didn't happen this way! I still get a bit sick that Veronica when back to Duncan when he pined for her the whole time he thought she was his sister. How could that not bother her? More importantly, how could the writers think we'd be okay with that? Like your version much better!
Celtic Quill chapter 1 . 1/18/2011




Breathless, you leave me. Youze! *points trembling finger accusingly at you*

ZOMG, I'm This was incredible. *triple high-fives* I am going to vomit gushes and lovejuice all over you, got it? Good.

This was beautifully written; I felt like I was watching the actual TV show and also actually INSIDE the scenes as they played out. There were a lot of great things I must point out: "...eyes that always remained blue even when the skies were grey." I love the symbolism here, and the irony of how those gentle sky-blue eyes are about to bring Meg stormclouds and lightning.

The entire opening scene with Meg and Duncan was spot-on and had me completely engrossed. I really wanted to draw Meg into a comforting hug and shoo Duncan away; how could he hurt her so? They were very IC the whole time, especially Meg and her mannerisms, not just her dialogue. _

Loved Veronica and Duncan's banter in the beginning of the next scene - very IC. However, I felt like Duncan was a bit OOC in some of the I-am-man-hear-me-roar ways he acted to get back Veronica. Still, loved the confrontation scene between he and Logan (Logan was very spot-on), especially these two lines: "Never had Duncan hated dimples more in his life than he did in that moment." (Though I personally never noticed Logan having dimples?) and "They were in each other's faces, their breaths fighting for ownership of the air between them." - Awesome!

The ending scene between Meg and Veronica had me chuckling and definitely loving the friendship-love. THIS was how Veronica should've acted! I don't fault her for getting back with Duncan in a way, because she really needed to continue her relationship with him to get that closure in the end instead of always wondering 'what if', you know? BUT, I do think she wasn't a very good friend to Meg (then again, Veronica can sometimes be a bit self-absorbed when it comes to her friendships, like how she takes Wallace for granted during the beginning of season 2). Anyway, fire-crackle dialogue and spot-on Megness again.

I thoroughly enjoyed this, J! (I need to think of a snappier nickname for about Lovelace Supreme? ;) ) :D
Nerdyesque chapter 1 . 1/12/2011
Think of how much angst could've been avoided had Veronica pulled her head out of her ass and not gone back to Duncan because he was the safe boy and her first love. I mean, ugh, she thought he was her brother for a second, and he was never passionate in his hate or love like Logan.

Wow. Guess I really disliked Duncan.

Great job!
Mel-loves-Veronica-Mars chapter 1 . 10/26/2010
Awesome story.

Islandergyrl chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
Loved this story! I love how you gave Veronica sense not to get back with Duncan and to be a real friend to Meg. I never understood how she could easily forgive duncan for all his faults and give Logan he'll over little mistake. I loved Meg and it was just tragic for her to end up pregnant and alone and not have anyone to share with. As much as I love Veronica, she can be a bit self-centered. Even with Wallace her BFF and Mac who she mostly hung out with bc she needed a favor. Meg was still her friend throughout all the good and bad times. Veronica should have tried a little harder to u derstand what was going on with Meg.

Anyways please continue this story! It's way better than what happened in the beginning of season 2
Nikki chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
A much more realistic scenario than the one Rob Thomas gave us where Veronica sudenly developed amnesia and just fell into Duncan's arms. ;-)
Ali-Cat chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
OK, I just read this again, and it's even better the second time. PLease, please write a sequel? Pretty please, with snicker doodles?
Spygrrl chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
Love this! I wish this is how things had gone. :) A really well written story. You captured all the characters' voices and personalities perfectly. All the conversations felt very real. You had Veronica say to Duncan what I wish she always had. Thanks for posting. :)
Natskl chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
Nice first chapter...looking forward to follow up? Please?
Spuffy4ever chapter 1 . 10/21/2010
Since it makes you happy, here's a review. This? FABULOUS!
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